Works (17)
2024 journal article
Urbanization and primary productivity mediate the predator-prey relationship between deer and coyotes

2022 article
A Two-Species Occupancy Model with a Continuous-Time Detection Process Reveals Spatial and Temporal Interactions
Kellner, K. F., Parsons, A. W., Kays, R., Millspaugh, J. J., & Rota, C. T. (2022, January 7). JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS, Vol. 1.

2022 journal article
Intensive hunting changes human-wildlife relationships
PEERJ, 10.

2022 article
Monitoring small mammal abundance using NEON data: are calibrated indices useful?
Parsons, A. W., Clark, J. S., & Kays, R. (2022, November 25). JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, Vol. 11.

2022 article
Soil Properties and Moisture Synergistically Influence Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Prevalence in Natural Environments of Hawai'i
Parsons, A. W., Dawrs, S. N., Nelson, S. T., Norton, G. J., Virdi, R., Hasan, N. A., … Honda, J. R. (2022, April 18). APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Vol. 4.

2022 journal article
The effect of urbanization on spatiotemporal interactions between gray foxes and coyotes

2021 article
Carolina critters: a collection of camera-trap data from wildlife surveys across North Carolina
Lasky, M., Parsons, A. W., Schuttler, S. G., Hess, G., Sutherland, R., Kalies, L., … Kays, R. (2021, June 1). ECOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2021 article
Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans
Suraci, J. P., Gaynor, K. M., Allen, M. L., Alexander, P., Brashares, J. S., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., … Wilmers, C. C. (2021, May 20). GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Vol. 5.

2021 journal article
Empirical evaluation of the spatial scale and detection process of camera trap surveys

2021 article
SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States
Cove, M. V., Kays, R., Bontrager, H., Bresnan, C., Lasky, M., Frerichs, T., … McShea, A. J. (2021, June). ECOLOGY, Vol. 102.

2020 journal article
Does Use of Backyard Resources Explain the Abundance of Urban Wildlife?

2020 journal article
Listeria monocytogenes at the human–wildlife interface: black bears ( Ursus americanus ) as potential vehicles for Listeria
Listeria monocytogenes at the human-wildlife interface: black bears (Ursus americanus) as potential vehicles for Listeria. Microbial Biotechnology, 13(3), 706–721.
Contributors: C. Parsons n, J. Niedermeyer n, N. Gould n, P. Brown n , J. Strules n, n, J. Mesa-Cruz*, M. Kelly *
Ed(s): P. Brown n

2020 journal article
The small home ranges and large local ecological impacts of pet cats
Animal Conservation, 23(5), 516–523.

2019 journal article
Urbanization focuses carnivore activity in remaining natural habitats, increasing species interactions
Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(8), 1894–1904.
Ed(s): H. Wheeler

2017 journal article
Managed forest as habitat for gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in agricultural landscapes of southeastern Brazil
Journal of Mammalogy, 98(5), 1301–1309.

2017 journal article
Managing Native Predators: Evidence from a Partial Removal of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, USA
Waterbirds, 40(sp1), 10–18.

2010 journal article
Optimal control of native predators