Works (92)
2024 journal article
Highly Elastic, Bioresorbable Polymeric Materials for Stretchable, Transient Electronic Systems
2024 article
Highly Elastic, Bioresorbable Polymeric Materials for Stretchable, Transient Electronic Systems (Vol 16, Pg 102, 2024)
Shin, J.-W., Kim, D.-J., Jang, T.-M., Han, W. B., Lee, J. H., Ko, G.-J., … Hwang, S.-W. (2024, December). NANO-MICRO LETTERS, Vol. 16.
2024 article
Long-lasting, flexible and fully bioresorbable AZ31-tungsten batteries for transient, biodegradable electronics
Ko, G.-J., Jang, T.-M., Shin, D., Kang, H., Yang, S. M., Han, S., … Hwang, S.-W. (2024, November 12). JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, Vol. 11.
2024 journal article
Stretchable and biodegradable self-healing conductors for multifunctional electronics
2024 journal article
Sweat-Powered, mm-Scale, Continuous-Time Sensor Systems With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Backscatter
IEEE ACCESS, 12, 190092–190101.

2024 journal article
Synthesis of shape-programmable elastomer for a bioresorbable, wireless nerve stimulator

2024 journal article
Water-powered, electronics-free dressings that electrically stimulate wounds for rapid wound closure
Contributors: N. Sharma n

2023 article
A Miniaturized, Battery-Free, Wireless Wound Monitor That Predicts Wound Closure Rate Early
Garland, N. T., Song, J. W., Ma, T., Kim, Y. J., Vazquez-Guardado, A., Hashkavayi, A. B., … Bandodkar, A. J. (2023, July 21). ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, Vol. 7.
Contributors: N. Garland n, J. Song *, T. Ma*, Y. Kim n, A. Vazquez-Guardado* , A. Hashkavayi n, S. Ganeshan n, N. Sharma n

2023 article
Biofluid-Activated Biofuel Cells, Batteries, and Supercapacitors: A Comprehensive Review
Garland, N. T., Kaveti, R., & Bandodkar, A. J. (2023, November 5). ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 11.
Contributors: N. Garland n, R. Kaveti n & n

2023 article
Electric Eel-Inspired Soft Electrocytes for Solid-State Power Systems
Han, W. B., Kim, D.-J., Kim, Y. M., Ko, G.-J., Shin, J.-W., Jang, T.-M., … Hwang, S.-W. (2023, October 2). ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Vol. 10.

2023 article
Emerging technologies in wearable sensors
Greco, F., Bandodkar, A. J. J., & Menciassi, A. (2023, June 1). APL BIOENGINEERING, Vol. 7.

2023 journal article
Micropatterned Elastomeric Composites for Encapsulation of Transient Electronics
ACS NANO, 17(15), 14822–14830.

2023 article
Soft, Long-Lived, Bioresorbable Electronic Surgical Mesh with Wireless Pressure Monitor and On-Demand Drug Delivery
Kaveti, R., Lee, J. H., Youn, J. K., Jang, T.-M., Han, W. B., Yang, S. M., … Hwang, S.-W. (2023, December 13). ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 12.

2023 article
Stretchable and biodegradable triboelectric nanogenerator based on elastomeric nanocomposites
Kang, H., Han, W. B., Yang, S. M., Ko, G.-J., Ryu, Y., Lee, J. H., … HWANG, S. U. K. W. O. N. (2023, November 1). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Vol. 475.

2022 journal article
A Soft Wearable Microfluidic Patch with Finger-Actuated Pumps and Valves for On-Demand, Longitudinal, and Multianalyte Sweat Sensing
ACS SENSORS, 7(10), 3169–3180.

2022 journal article
A bioresorbable peripheral nerve stimulator for electronic pain block
2022 article
High performance dual-electrolyte magnesium-iodine batteries that can harmlessly resorb in the environment or in the body
Huang, I., Zhang, Y., Arafa, H. M., Li, S., Vazquez-Guardado, A., Ouyang, W., … Rogers, J. A. (2022, September 5). ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Vol. 9.
Contributors: I. Huang*, Y. Zhang *, H. Arafa *, S. Li *, A. Vazquez-Guardado* , W. Ouyang *, F. Liu *, S. Madhvapathy *

2022 article
Sweat sensors break free
Bandodkar, A. J. (2022, October 13). NATURE ELECTRONICS, Vol. 10.

2022 article
Wireless, Battery-Free Implants for Electrochemical Catecholamine Sensing and Optogenetic Stimulation
Stuart, T., Jeang, W. J., Slivicki, R. A., Brown, B. J., Burton, A., Brings, V. E., … Gutruf, P. (2022, December 22). ACS NANO, Vol. 12.
2021 journal article
Author Correction: Recent advances in neurotechnologies with broad potential for neuroscience research (Nature Neuroscience, (2020), 23, 12, (1522-1536), 10.1038/s41593-020-00739-8)
Nature Neuroscience, 24(4), 611.
Contributors: A. Vázquez-Guardado *, Y. Yang *, * & J. Rogers *
2021 journal article
Catalytic effects of magnetic and conductive nanoparticles on immobilized glucose oxidase in skin sensors
Nanotechnology, 32(37).
Contributors: L. Alarcón-Segovia *, * , J. Rogers * & I. Rintoul *
2021 report
Microfluidic systems for epidermal sampling and sensing
(US Patent No. 10,925,523).
2021 journal article
Soft, skin-interfaced sweat stickers for cystic fibrosis diagnosis and management
Science Translational Medicine, 13(587).
Contributors: T. Ray *, M. Ivanovic*, P. Curtis *, D. Franklin *, K. Guventurk *, W. Jeang *, J. Chafetz*, H. Gaertner *
2021 journal article
Three-dimensional, multifunctional neural interfaces for cortical spheroids and engineered assembloids
Science Advances, 7(12).
Contributors: Y. Park *, C. Franz *, H. Ryu *, H. Luan *, K. Cotton *, J. Kim *, T. Chung *, S. Zhao*
2020 journal article
Don’t Sweat It: The Quest for Wearable Stress Sensors
Matter, 2(4), 795–797.
Contributors: , R. Ghaffari * & J. Rogers * *

2020 journal article
Modeling, design guidelines, and detection limits of self-powered enzymatic biofuel cell-based sensors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 168, 112493.
Contributors: X. Jin *, * , M. Fratus *, R. Asadpour *, J. Rogers * & M. Alam *

2020 journal article
Rapid Capture and Extraction of Sweat for Regional Rate and Cytokine Composition Analysis Using a Wearable Soft Microfluidic System
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 141(2), 433–437.e3.
Contributors: A. Aranyosi *, J. Model *, M. Zhang *, S. Lee *, A. Leech, W. Li *, M. Seib, S. Chen *

2020 journal article
Recent advances in neurotechnologies with broad potential for neuroscience research
Nature Neuroscience, 23(12), 1522–1536.
Contributors: A. Vázquez-Guardado* , Y. Yang *, * & J. Rogers *
2020 journal article
Skin-interfaced soft microfluidic systems with modular and reusable electronics for: In situ capacitive sensing of sweat loss, rate and conductivity
Lab on a Chip, 20(23), 4391–4403.
Contributors: A. Hourlier-Fargette *, S. Schon*, Y. Xue *, R. Avila *, W. Li *, Y. Gao *, C. Liu *, S. Kim*
2020 journal article
Sweat-activated biocompatible batteries for epidermal electronic and microfluidic systems
Nature Electronics, 7(9), 554–562.
Contributors: , S. Lee *, I. Huang*, W. Li, S. Wang *, C. Su*, W. Jeang *, T. Hang * *
2020 journal article
Wirelessly controlled, bioresorbable drug delivery device with active valves that exploit electrochemically triggered crevice corrosion
Science Advances, 6(35), eabb1093.
Contributors: J. Koo *, S. Kim*, Y. Choi *, Z. Xie *, * , J. Khalifeh *, Y. Yan*, H. Kim *

2019 journal article
Battery-free, skin-interfaced microfluidic/electronic systems for simultaneous electrochemical, colorimetric, and volumetric analysis of sweat
Science Advances, 5(1), eaav3294.
Contributors: , P. Gutruf *, J. Choi *, K. Lee *, Y. Sekine *, J. Reeder *, W. Jeang *, A. Aranyosi * *
2019 journal article
Bio-Integrated Wearable Systems: A Comprehensive Review
Chemical Reviews, 119(8), 5461–5533.
Contributors: T. Ray *, J. Choi *, * , S. Krishnan *, P. Gutruf *, L. Tian *, R. Ghaffari *, J. Rogers *
2019 journal article
Body-Interfaced Chemical Sensors for Noninvasive Monitoring and Analysis of Biofluids
Trends in Chemistry, 1(6), 559–571.
Contributors: J. Zhao *, H. Guo *, J. Li *, * & J. Rogers *
2019 report
Multiple-use renewable electrochemical sensors based on direct drawing of enzymatic inks
(US Patent No. 10,501,770).
2019 journal article
Passive sweat collection and colorimetric analysis of biomarkers relevant to kidney disorders using a soft microfluidic system
Lab on a Chip, 19(9), 1545–1555.
Contributors: Y. Zhang *, H. Guo *, S. Kim*, Y. Wu *, D. Ostojich*, S. Park*, X. Wang *, Z. Weng*
2019 report
Printed flexible electronic devices containing self-repairing structures
(US Patent No. 20190237228A1).
2019 journal article
Resettable skin interfaced microfluidic sweat collection devices with chemesthetic hydration feedback
Nature Communications, 10(1).
Contributors: J. Reeder *, Y. Xue *, D. Franklin *, Y. Deng *, J. Choi *, O. Prado *, R. Kim *, C. Liu *
2019 journal article
Soft, Skin-Integrated Multifunctional Microfluidic Systems for Accurate Colorimetric Analysis of Sweat Biomarkers and Temperature
ACS Sensors, 4(2), 379–388.
Contributors: J. Choi *, * , J. Reeder *, T. Ray *, A. Turnquist*, S. Kim*, N. Nyberg*, A. Hourlier-Fargette *
2019 journal article
Soft, Skin-Interfaced Microfluidic Systems with Passive Galvanic Stopwatches for Precise Chronometric Sampling of Sweat
Advanced Materials, 31(32), 1902109.
Contributors: , J. Choi *, S. Lee *, W. Jeang *, P. Agyare*, P. Gutruf *, S. Wang *, R. Sponenburg* *
2019 conference paper
Soft, skin-interfaced, wireless, battery-free, microfluidic devices for chronometric sweat capture and analysis
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 31(32), 258.
Event: American Chemical Society Fall 2019 National Meeting & Expo at San Diego, CA on August 25-29, 2019
2019 journal article
Waterproof, electronics-enabled, epidermal microfluidic devices for sweat collection, biomarker analysis, and thermography in aquatic settings
Science Advances, 5(1), eaau6356.
Contributors: J. Reeder *, J. Choi *, Y. Xue *, P. Gutruf *, J. Hanson *, M. Liu *, T. Ray *, *
2019 journal article
Wearable Sensors for Biochemical Sweat Analysis
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 12(1), 1–22.
Contributors: , W. Jeang *, R. Ghaffari * & J. Rogers * *
2018 journal article
A fluorometric skin-interfaced microfluidic device and smartphone imaging module for in situ quantitative analysis of sweat chemistry
Lab on a Chip, 18(15), 2178–2186.
Contributors: Y. Sekine *, S. Kim*, Y. Zhang *, * , S. Xu *, J. Choi *, M. Irie*, T. Ray *
2018 journal article
Soft, Skin-Interfaced Microfluidic Systems with Wireless, Battery-Free Electronics for Digital, Real-Time Tracking of Sweat Loss and Electrolyte Composition
Small, 14(45), 1802876.
Contributors: S. Kim*, K. Lee *, M. Raj *, B. Lee*, J. Reeder *, J. Koo *, A. Hourlier-Fargette *, *
2018 conference paper
Soft, Stretchable Wearable Platforms for Sensing and Energy Harvesting Applications
Presented at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA.
Event: 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting at Pittsburg, PA
2018 journal article
Super-Absorbent Polymer Valves and Colorimetric Chemistries for Time-Sequenced Discrete Sampling and Chloride Analysis of Sweat via Skin-Mounted Soft Microfluidics
Small, 14(12), 1703334.
Contributors: S. Kim*, Y. Zhang *, S. Won *, * , Y. Sekine *, Y. Xue *, J. Koo *, S. Harshman *
2018 report
Wearable electrochemical sensors
(US Patent No. 20180220967A1).
2017 journal article
A stretchable and screen-printed electrochemical sensor for glucose determination in human perspiration
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 91, 885–891.
Contributors: A. Abellán-Llobregat*, I. Jeerapan *, * , L. Vidal *, A. Canals *, J. Wang *, E. Morallón *
2017 journal article
Merging of Thin- and Thick-Film Fabrication Technologies: Toward Soft Stretchable “Island-Bridge” Devices
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2(4), 1600284.
Contributors: A. Mohan *, N. Kim *, Y. Gu *, * , J. You*, R. Kumar *, J. Kurniawan *, S. Xu *, J. Wang *
2017 report
Non-invasive and wearable chemical sensors and biosensors
(US Patent No. 10722160B2).
2017 journal article
Re-usable electrochemical glucose sensors integrated into a smartphone platform
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 101, 181–187.
Contributors: , S. Imani*, R. Nuñez-Flores *, R. Kumar *, C. Wang *, A. Mohan *, J. Wang *, P. Mercier * *
2017 journal article
Soft, skin-mounted microfluidic systems for measuring secretory fluidic pressures generated at the surface of the skin by eccrine sweat glands
Lab on a Chip, 17(15), 2572–2580.
Contributors: J. Choi *, Y. Xue *, W. Xia *, T. Ray *, J. Reeder *, * , D. Kang *, S. Xu *, Y. Huang *, J. Rogers *
2017 journal article
Soft, stretchable, high power density electronic skin-based biofuel cells for scavenging energy from human sweat
Energy & Environmental Science, 10(7), 1581–1589.
Contributors: , J. You*, N. Kim *, Y. Gu *, R. Kumar *, A. Mohan *, J. Kurniawan *, S. Imani* *

2017 report
Wearable electrochemical sensors
(US Patent No. 9820692B2).
2016 journal article
A wearable chemical–electrophysiological hybrid biosensing system for real-time health and fitness monitoring
Nature Communications, 7(1).
Contributors: S. Imani*, * , A. Mohan *, R. Kumar *, S. Yu*, J. Wang *, P. Mercier *
2016 journal article
Advanced Materials for Printed Wearable Electrochemical Devices: A Review
Advanced Electronic Materials, 3(1), 1600260.
Contributors: J. Kim *, R. Kumar *, * & J. Wang *

2016 journal article
All-printed magnetically self-healing electrochemical devices
Science Advances, 2(11), e1601465.
Contributors: , C. López*, A. Mohan *, L. Yin *, R. Kumar * & J. Wang * *
2016 conference paper
All-printed wearable electrochemical sensors and biofuel cells
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 251.
Event: 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting at San Diego, California on March 13-17, 2016
2016 journal article
Noninvasive Alcohol Monitoring Using a Wearable Tattoo-Based Iontophoretic-Biosensing System
ACS Sensors, 1(8), 1011–1019.
Contributors: J. Kim *, I. Jeerapan *, S. Imani*, T. Cho*, * , S. Cinti *, P. Mercier *, J. Wang *
2016 journal article
Novel Materials-Based Stretchable and Self-Healing Electrochemical Sensors for Wearable Applications
ECS Meeting Abstracts.
2016 thesis
Printed Wearable Electrochemical Sensors for Healthcare Monitoring
(PhD dissertation, University of California, San Diego).
2016 journal article
Review—Wearable Biofuel Cells: Past, Present and Future
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164(3), H3007–H3014.
2016 journal article

2016 journal article
Wearable Chemical Sensors: Present Challenges and Future Prospects
ACS Sensors, 1(5), 464–482.
Contributors: , I. Jeerapan * & J. Wang * *
2016 conference paper
Wearable chemical sensors: Opportunities and challenges
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016-July, 1122–1125.
Contributors: S. Imani*, P. Mercier *, * , J. Kim * & J. Wang *
Event: 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
2015 journal article
All‐Printed Stretchable Electrochemical Devices
Advanced Materials, 27(19), 3060–3065.
Contributors: , R. Nuñez-Flores *, W. Jia * & J. Wang * *

2015 journal article
Biocompatible Enzymatic Roller Pens for Direct Writing of Biocatalytic Materials: “Do-it-Yourself” Electrochemical Biosensors
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(8), 1215–1224.
2015 journal article
Highly Stretchable Fully-Printed CNT-Based Electrochemical Sensors and Biofuel Cells: Combining Intrinsic and Design-Induced Stretchability
Nano Letters, 16(1), 721–727.
Contributors: , I. Jeerapan *, J. You*, R. Nuñez-Flores * & J. Wang * *

2015 journal article
Self-Healing Inks for Autonomous Repair of Printable Electrochemical Devices
Advanced Electronic Materials, 1(12), 1500289.
Contributors: , V. Mohan *, C. López*, J. Ramírez* & J. Wang * *
2015 journal article
Tattoo-Based Wearable Electrochemical Devices: A Review
Electroanalysis, 27(3), 562–572.

2014 journal article
An epidermal alkaline rechargeable Ag–Zn printable tattoo battery for wearable electronics
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2(38), 15788–15795.
Contributors: S. Berchmans *, * , W. Jia *, J. Ramírez *, Y. Meng * & J. Wang *
2014 journal article
Microneedle-based self-powered glucose sensor
Electrochemistry Communications, 47, 58–62.
Contributors: G. Valdés-Ramírez *, Y. Li*, J. Kim *, W. Jia *, * , R. Nuñez-Flores *, P. Miller n, S. Wu *

2014 journal article
Non-invasive mouthguard biosensor for continuous salivary monitoring of metabolites
The Analyst, 139(7), 1632–1636.
Contributors: G. Valdés-Ramírez *, * , W. Jia *, A. Martinez*, R. Julian *, P. Mercier *, J. Wang *
2014 journal article
Non-invasive wearable electrochemical sensors: a review
Trends in Biotechnology, 32(7), 363–371.
Contributors: & J. Wang * *

2014 journal article
Tattoo-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring: A Proof-of-Concept Study
Analytical Chemistry, 87(1), 394–398.
Contributors: , W. Jia *, C. Yardimci*, X. Wang *, J. Ramirez * & J. Wang * *
2014 journal article
Wearable temporary tattoo sensor for real-time trace metal monitoring in human sweat
Electrochemistry Communications, 51, 41–45.
Contributors: J. Kim *, W. De Araujo *, I. Samek *, * , W. Jia *, B. Brunetti *, T. Paixão *, J. Wang *
2014 journal article
Wearable textile biofuel cells for powering electronics
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2(43), 18184–18189.
Contributors: W. Jia *, X. Wang *, S. Imani*, * , J. Ramírez *, P. Mercier *, J. Wang *

2013 journal article
A potentiometric tattoo sensor for monitoring ammonium in sweat
The Analyst, 138(22), 7031.
Contributors: T. Guinovart*, * , J. Windmiller*, F. Andrade * & J. Wang *
2013 journal article
Electrochemical Tattoo Biosensors for Real-Time Noninvasive Lactate Monitoring in Human Perspiration
Analytical Chemistry, 85(14), 6553–6560.
Contributors: W. Jia *, * , G. Valdés-Ramírez *, J. Windmiller*, Z. Yang *, J. Ramírez *, G. Chan*, J. Wang *
2013 journal article
Epidermal Biofuel Cells: Energy Harvesting from Human Perspiration
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(28), 7233–7236.
Contributors: W. Jia *, G. Valdés-Ramírez *, * , J. Windmiller* & J. Wang *

2013 journal article
Epidermal tattoo potentiometric sodium sensors with wireless signal transduction for continuous non-invasive sweat monitoring
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 54, 603–609.
Contributors: , D. Molinnus *, O. Mirza *, T. Guinovart*, J. Windmiller*, G. Valdés-Ramírez *, F. Andrade *, M. Schöning*, J. Wang * *
2013 journal article
Solid-state Forensic Finger sensor for integrated sampling and detection of gunshot residue and explosives: towards ‘Lab-on-a-finger’
Solid-state Forensic Finger sensor for integrated sampling and detection of gunshot residue and explosives: towards ‘Lab-on-a-finger.’ The Analyst, 138(18), 5288.
Contributors: , . A.M. O'Mahony, J. Ramírez *, I. Samek *, S. Anderson *, J. Windmiller*, J. Wang * *

2012 journal article
Electrochemical sensing based on printable temporary transfer tattoos
Chemical Communications, 48(54), 6794.
Contributors: J. Windmiller*, * , G. Valdés-Ramirez *, S. Parkhomovsky*, A. Martinez* & J. Wang *
2012 journal article
Erratum: Stamp transfer electrodes for electrochemical sensing on non-planar and oversized surfaces (Analyst (2012) 137 (1570-1575) DOI:10.1039/C2AN35041F)
Analyst, 137(24), 5925.
2012 journal article
Stamp transfer electrodes for electrochemical sensing on non-planar and oversized surfaces
The Analyst, 137(7), 1570.
Contributors: J. Windmiller*, * , S. Parkhomovsky* & J. Wang *
2012 journal article
Tattoo-based potentiometric ion-selective sensors for epidermal pH monitoring
The Analyst, 138(1), 123–128.
Contributors: , V. Hung*, W. Jia *, G. Valdés-Ramírez *, J. Windmiller*, A. Martinez*, J. Ramírez*, G. Chan*, K. Kerman *, J. Wang * *
2012 journal article
“Swipe and Scan”: Integration of sampling and analysis of gunshot metal residues at screen-printed electrodes
Electrochemistry Communications, 23(1), 52–55.
Contributors: . A.M. O'Mahony, J. Windmiller*, I. Samek *, * & J. Wang *
2011 journal article
Can peroxygenase and microperoxidase substitute cytochrome P450 in biosensors
Bioanalytical Reviews, 3(2-4), 67–94.
2011 journal article
Fundamentals and application of ordered molecular assemblies to affinity biosensing
Chem. Soc. Rev., 41(3), 1363–1402.
Contributors: Z. Matharu *, * , V. Gupta * & B. Malhotra *
2009 journal article
Low Density Lipoprotein Detection Based on Antibody Immobilized Self-Assembled Monolayer: Investigations of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113(43), 14405–14412.
Contributors: Z. Matharu *, * , G. Sumana *, P. Solanki *, E. Mala Ekanayake*, K. Kaneto *, V. Gupta *, B. Malhotra *
2009 journal article
Nanostructured conducting polymer based reagentless capacitive immunosensor
Biomedical Microdevices, 12(1), 63–70.
Contributors: , C. Dhand, S. Arya, M. Pandey & B. Malhotra * *