Alexander James Carroll
Libraries, Education, Evidence Based Practice, Teaching and Learning
Alex Carroll, MSLS, AHIP, is the Associate Director of the Science and Engineering Library (SEL) at Vanderbilt University. Alex leads the SEL's liaison program, designing and delivering services to support the research enterprise and the teaching mission of the School of Engineering and STEM academic units within the College of Arts and Science. Alex is an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) and is a Distinguished member of MLA's Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP). His research interests include studying the information seeking behaviors and data practices of STEM researchers, designing library liaison services, and improving information literacy instruction for students in the sciences. He has published on these topics in journals such as College & Research Libraries, portal: Libraries and the academy, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, and the Journal of the Medical Library Association. His work in these areas has been recognized by the ALA Library Instruction Round Table with "Top Twenty" awards in 2018 and 2019, and by ASEE's Engineering Library Division with Best Publication Awards in 2020 and 2022. Alex previously worked as a STEM liaison librarian at Vanderbilt University, the NC State University Libraries, and the University of Maryland Libraries. He received his MSLS degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science, and his BA from James Madison University.
Works (39)
2021 journal article
Biomedical Engineering Professional Skills Development: The RADx<sup>SM</sup> Tech Impact on Graduates and Faculty
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2, 163–169.
Contributors: A. DImeo n, C. Afamefuna, S. Ward, P. Weilerstein*, E. Caro*, M. Germer*, *

2021 article
COVID-19 as an Opportunity to Expand the Instructional Portfolio of STEM Librarians
Borycz, J., & Carroll, A. J. (2021, October 8). Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Vol. 10.
Contributors: J. Borycz * & *

2021 journal article
STEM Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) Tool Overlap Analysis in 2020: An Open Science Informed Approach Amid Pandemic Budgets
Journal of EScience Librarianship.
2021 journal article
Striving for equity: An update from the Journal of the Medical Library Association
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 109(3), 359–361.
Contributors: K. Akers, E. Aaronson, K. Amos, K. Bartley, , T. Chambers, J. Cyrus *, E. Eldermire * *
2021 journal article
Using digital environments to design inclusive and sustainable communities of practice in academic libraries
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5), 102380.
2021 conference paper
WIP: Developing a Virtual Information Literacy Training Program for a Multi-Disciplinary First-Year Engineering Program
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
2020 conference paper
Board 9 : Work in Progress: Healthcare Economics and Information Literacy - Resources for Success in Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, 2018-June.
Contributors: , A. Di Meo n, J. McCall n, H. Ozturk n, K. Umstead n & S. Hallman n n
Event: 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

2020 journal article
Building visualization skills through investigating the Journal of the Medical Library Association coauthorship network from 2006–2017
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 108(2), 229–241.
Contributors: R. Reznik-Zellen *, * , E. Harrington *, D. Joubert *, T. Nix * & K. Alpi *

2020 journal article
Lab-Integrated Librarians: A Model for Research Engagement
College & Research Libraries, 81(1), 8–26.
Contributors: , H. Eskridge * & B. Chang n *
2020 journal article
Message of solidarity to Research Caucus members
Hypothesis, 32(1).
2020 journal article
Roles for Health Sciences Librarians at College and University Libraries
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 4(94), 1–19.
Contributors: J. Reed * & *
2020 article
Thinking and Reading like a Scientist: Librarians as Facilitators of Primary Literature Literacy
Carroll, A. J. (2020, August 10). Medical Reference Services Quarterly, Vol. 8, pp. 295–307.

2020 journal article
Thinking and Reading like a Scientist: Librarians as Facilitators of Primary Literature Literacy
Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 39(3), 295–307.

2020 conference paper
Work in Progress: Integrating Information Literacy into a Multidisciplinary First-year Engineering Program
Carroll, A., Borycz, J., & Vernon, J. (2020, June).

2020 conference paper
Works in Progress: Integrating information literacy into a multi-disciplinary first-year engineering program
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2020-June.
2020 journal article
“Why do we need an engineering library?”: Designing team-based liaison services for STEM educators and researchers
Portal, 20(4), 565–584.

2019 article
Investigating Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians at College and University Libraries
Carroll, A. J., & Reed, J. B. (2019, May 14). (Vol. 5). Vol. 5.
2019 report
Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Civil and Environmental Engineering Scholars
In Ithaka S+R.
2019 journal article
Talent, Schmalent: An Instructional Design/Action Research Framework for the Professionalization of Teaching in Academic Libraries

2019 journal article
Using information literacy to teach medical entrepreneurship and health care economics
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(2), 163–171.
Contributors: , S. Hallman n , K. Umstead n , J. McCall n & A. DiMeo n

2018 report
A Study of Research Support Service Needs for Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Researchers at North Carolina State University
2018 journal article
A“I never knew I could be a teacher”: A student-centered mlis fellowship for future teacher-librarians
Portal, 18(2), 331–362.

2018 article
Better together: combining research and writing support for student scholars
Carroll, A. J., Corlett-Rivera, K., & Macri, L. (2018, July 1). Medical Library Association Annual Meeting 2016, Vol. 7.

2018 conference paper
Board # 2 :Integrating Medical Economic Perspectives through Information Literacy in a Biomedical Clinical Immersion Design Course (Work in Progress)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017-June.
Contributors: , A. DiMeo n, H. Ozturk n & J. McCall n n

2018 article
Engaging and Empowering High-Impact Educational Communities through Cross-Disciplinary Liaisonship
Carroll, A. J., & Garrett, J. (2018, March 19). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.

2018 content posted
Healthcare economics and information literacy: Resources for success in undergraduate biomedical engineering education

2018 conference paper
Lab-Integrated Librarians: Engagement with Unreachable Researchers
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, 2017-June.
Contributors: , B. Chang n & H. Eskridge n n
2018 article
Replicating our Instructional Capacity: Developing Shared Workshops across Institutions
Lewis, D. M., Hayes, B. E., & Carroll, A. J. (2018, March 19). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.
2018 article
Supporting medical innovation and entrepreneurship through curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction
Carroll, A. J., & Hallman, S. (2018, August 21). (Vol. 8). Vol. 8.

2018 article
“I Never Knew I Could Be a Teacher”: A Student-Centered MLIS Fellowship for Future Teacher-Librarians
Gammons, R., Carroll, A. J., & Carpenter, L. I. (2018, April 30). (Vol. 4). Vol. 4.

2017 conference paper
Lab-integrated librarians: Engagement with unreachable researchers
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
2017 conference paper
Sharing Our Success: Using a Teacher Training Program to Improve Information Literacy Instruction and Support MLIS Students
ACRL 2017 Conference. Presented at the Baltimore, MD.
Event: at Baltimore, MD
2016 journal article
Collaborating for Success: A Case Study on Mentoring, Partnering, and Teaching
Collaborative Librarianship, 8(4).
2016 journal article
E-Book Perceptions and Use in STEM and Non-STEM Disciplines: A Comparative Follow-Up Study
Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 16(1), 131–162.

2016 journal article
Flipping one-shot library instruction: using Canvas and Pecha Kucha for peer teaching
Contributors: , N. Tchangalova * & E. Harrington * n

2016 conference paper
Part of the team: Lab-integrated research support and information literacy instruction
2016 Science Boot Camp Southeast at the University of Georgia.
2015 journal article
A cohort study of entry level librarians and the academic job search
Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.
2015 journal article
“Scholarship is a Conversation”: Discourse, Attribution, and Twitter’s Role in Information Literacy Instruction
The Journal of Creative Library Practice.
2014 conference paper
A Booster Shot for Health Science Librarianship: Using Canvas and PechaKucha to Flip the Library Classroom
MAC-MLA Annual Meeting 2014.
Updated: June 24th, 2019 21:36
2019 - present
2019 - 2019
2015 - 2019
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