Works (4)
2015 journal article
Long-Lived LMCT in a d(0) Vanadium(V) Complex by Internal Conversion to a State of 3d(xy) Character
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119(30), 17029–17038.

2015 journal article
Photochemical upconversion and triplet annihilation limit from a boron dipyrromethene emitter
Contributors: F. Deng n, n, W. Weare n & F. Castellano n

2015 journal article
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Efficacy of Photomicrobicidal Cellulose Paper
BIOMACROMOLECULES, 16(8), 2482–2492.
Contributors: B. Carpenter*, F. Scholle*, H. Sadeghifar*, *, J. Boltersdorf*, W. Weare*, D. Argyropoulos* , P. Maggard* , R. Ghiladi*

2014 journal article
Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution by BODIPY-Sensitized Cobaloxime Catalysts
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 53(9), 4527–4534.
Contributors: J. Bartelmess n, n, K. El Roz n, F. Castellano n , W. Weare n & R. Sommer n