Antonio Planchart
Works (35)
2024 journal article
Association between F2-isoprostanes and self-reported stressors in pregnant americans of African and European ancestry
HELIYON, 10(3).

2024 journal article
DNA methylation of imprint control regions associated with Alzheimer’s disease in non-Hispanic Blacks and non-Hispanic Whites
Clinical Epigenetics, 16(1).

2023 journal article
CTD tetramers: a new online tool that computationally links curated chemicals, genes, phenotypes, and diseases to inform molecular mechanisms for environmental health

2023 journal article
Developmental cadmium exposure disrupts zebrafish vestibular calcium channels interfering with otolith formation and inner ear function

2023 article
The Effects of Long-term, Low-dose & beta;-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) Exposures in Adult SODG93R Transgenic Zebrafish
Weeks, R. D., Banack, S. A., Howell, S., Thunga, P., Green, A. J., Cox, P. A., … Metcalf, J. S. (2023, August 8). The Effects of Long-term, Low-dose & beta;-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) Exposures in Adult SODG93R Transgenic Zebrafish. NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH, Vol. 8.

2023 article
The Effects of Long-term, Low-dose beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) Exposures in Adult SODG93R (Aug, 10.1007/s12640-023-00658-z, 2023)
Weeks, R. D., Banack, S. A., Howell, S., Thunga, P., Metcalf, J. S., Green, A. J., … Planchart, A. (2023, August 24). NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH, Vol. 8.

2022 article
Genomic map of candidate human imprint control regions: the imprintome
Jima, D. D., Skaar, D. A., Planchart, A., Motsinger-Reif, A., Cevik, S. E., Park, S. S., … Hoyo, C. (2022, June 25). EPIGENETICS, Vol. 6.

2022 journal article
Implementation of Zebrafish Ontologies for Toxicology Screening
Frontiers in Toxicology.

2019 journal article
Cadmium exposure and MEG3 methylation differences between Whites and African Americans in the NEST Cohort
Environmental Epigenetics, 5(3).
Contributors: J. House n , J. Hall n, S. Park n, n , E. Money n , R. Maguire n, Z. Huang *, C. Mattingly n
Ed(s): M. Skinner

2019 journal article
Integration of curated and high-throughput screening data to elucidate environmental influences on disease pathways
Computational Toxicology, 12, 100094.
Contributors: M. Kosnik n, n , S. Marvel n, D. Reif n & C. Mattingly n
2018 journal article
Cadmium exposure increases the risk of juvenile obesity: a human and zebrafish comparative study
International Journal of Obesity, 42(7), 1285–1295.
Contributors: A. Green n, C. Hoyo n , C. Mattingly n , Y. Luo n, J. Tzeng n , S. Murphy *, D. Buchwalter n , n

2018 journal article
Characterizing sources of variability in zebrafish embryo screening protocols
ALTEX, 36(1), 103–120.

2018 journal article
Heavy Metal Exposure and Metabolic Syndrome: Evidence from Human and Model System Studies
Current Environmental Health Reports, 5(1), 110–124.

2017 content posted
Cadmium Disrupts Vestibular Function by Interfering with Otolith Formation
2017 journal article
The neurological toxicity of heavy metals: A fish perspective
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 208, 12–19.
Contributors: A. Green n & n

2016 journal article
Advancing toxicology research using in vivo high throughput toxicology with small fish models
ALTEX, 33(4), 435–452.
Contributors: , C. Mattingly , D. Allen, P. Ceger, W. Casey, D. Hinton, J. Kanungo, S. Kullman n

2016 journal article
From the Cover: Embryonic Exposure to TCDD Impacts Osteogenesis of the Axial Skeleton in Japanese medaka,Oryzias latipes
Toxicological Sciences, 155(2), 485–496.
Contributors: A. Watson, , C. Mattingly n , C. Winkler *, D. Reif n & S. Kullman n n

2016 journal article
Impact of Low Dose Oral Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) on the Neonatal Rat Hypothalamic and Hippocampal Transcriptome: A CLARITY-BPA Consortium Study
Endocrinology, 157(10), 3856–3872.
Contributors: S. Arambula n, S. Belcher n , n , S. Turner * & H. Patisaul n

2015 journal article
Machine learning reveals sex-specific 17β-estradiol-responsive expression patterns in white perch (Morone americana ) plasma proteins
PROTEOMICS, 15(15), 2678–2690.
Contributors: J. Schilling n, A. Nepomuceno n, n , J. Yoder n , R. Kelly n , D. Muddiman n , H. Daniels n, N. Hiramatsu*, B. Reading n

2014 journal article
Zebrafish: A Marvel of High-Throughput Biology for 21st Century Toxicology
Current Environmental Health Reports, 1(4), 341–352.

2013 journal article
Analysis of an intronic promoter within Synj2
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 440(4), 640–645.

2011 journal article
Aquatic models, genomics and chemical risk management
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 155(1), 169–173.
Contributors: K. Cheng *, D. Hinton *, C. Mattingly* & *
2010 journal article
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Upregulates FoxQ1b in Zebrafish Jaw Primordium
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 23(3), 480–487.
Contributors: & C. Mattingly* *

2009 journal article
Oral-aboral axis specification in the sea urchin embryo. III. Role of mitochondrial redox signaling via H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf>
Developmental Biology, 330(1), 123–130.
Contributors: J. Coffman *, A. Coluccio*, * & A. Robertson *

2009 journal article
Perturbation of Defense Pathways by Low-Dose Arsenic Exposure in Zebrafish Embryos
Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(6), 981–987.
Contributors: C. Mattingly* , T. Hampton *, K. Brothers *, N. Griffin* & *
2006 journal article
Degradation of the encephalomyocarditis virus and hepatitis A virus 3C proteases by the ubiquitin/26S proteasome system in vivo
Virology, 360(2), 350–363.
Contributors: P. Schlax*, J. Zhang *, E. Lewis*, * & T. Lawson*
2005 journal article
Mutations in Serac1 or Synj2 cause proximal t haplotype-mediated male mouse sterility but not transmission ratio distortion
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(9), 3342–3347.
Contributors: J. Schimenti *, J. Reynolds * & *
2003 journal article
MGD: the Mouse Genome Database
Nucleic Acids Research, 31(1), 193–195.
Contributors: J. Blake *, J. Richardson, C. Bult, J. Kadin, J. Eppig, R. Baldarelli, J. Beal, D. Bradt
2002 journal article
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): the model organism database for the laboratory mouse
Nucleic Acids Research, 30(1), 113–115.
Contributors: J. Blake *, J. Richardson, C. Bult, J. Kadin, J. Eppig, R. Baldarelli, M. Baya, J. Beal
2001 journal article
Experimental and computational approaches yield a high-resolution, 1-Mb physical map of the region harboring the mouse t haplotype sterility factor, tcs1
Mammalian Genome, 12(8), 668–670.
Contributors: & J. Schimenti * *

2001 journal article
Mutations of the Mouse Twist and sy (Fibrillin 2) Genes Induced by Chemical Mutagenesis of ES Cells
Genomics, 73(3), 291–298.
Contributors: V. Browning*, S. Chaudhry*, * , M. Dixon * & J. Schimenti *
2000 journal article
Physical mapping of male fertility and meiotic drive quantitative trait loci in the mouse t complex using chromosome deficiencies
Genetics, 155(2), 803–812.
1998 journal article
Caspar Carboxylates: The Structural Basis of Tobamovirus Disassembly
Biophysical Journal, 74(1), 633–638.
Contributors: H. Wang *, * & G. Stubbs*

1993 journal article
Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Studies of Ribgrass Mosaic Virus
Journal of Molecular Biology, 234(3), 902–904.
journal article
Characterization of a Novel DNA Motif in the Tctex1 and TCP10 Gene Complexes and its Prevalence in the Mouse Genome.
Advances in Biological Research (Rennes).
Updated: November 14th, 2018 16:15
2018 - present
2012 - 2018
2005 - 2011
Updated: December 1st, 2016 13:16
1989 - 1995
1987 - 1989
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: November 14th, 2018 16:01