Works (46)
2024 journal article
Glucose aversion: a behavioral resistance mechanism in the German cockroach

2023 journal article
A mosaic of endogenous and plant-derived courtship signals in moths

2023 article
Cockroaches as Trojan Horses for Control of Cockroach Aggregations With Baits
Hamilton, J. A., Wada-Katsumata, A., & Schal, C. (2023, February 3). (A. Appel, Ed.). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, Vol. 2.
Ed(s): A. Appel

2023 journal article
Gustatory polymorphism mediates a new adaptive courtship strategy

2023 article
Nonanal, a new fall armyworm sex pheromone component, significantly increases the efficacy of pheromone lures
Saveer, A. M., Hatano, E., Wada-Katsumata, A., Meagher, R. L., & Schal, C. (2023, April 11). PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Vol. 4.

2022 journal article
Nutritional condition affects tergal gland secretion and courtship success of male cockroaches
PLOS ONE, 17(8).
Ed(s): R. Borges

2022 journal article
Oviposition stimulants underlying different preferences between host races in the leaf-mining moth Acrocercops transecta (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)

2022 journal article
Rapid evolution of an adaptive taste polymorphism disrupts courtship behavior

2021 journal article
Comparison of Diet Preferences of Laboratory-Reared and Apartment-Collected German Cockroaches
Ed(s): A. Appel

2021 journal article
Olfactory Learning Supports an Adaptive Sugar-Aversion Gustatory Phenotype in the German Cockroach
INSECTS, 12(8).
Contributors: & C. Schal n n

2021 manuscript
Olfactory Learning Supports an Adaptive Sugar-Aversion Gustatory Phenotype in the German Cockroach
(Vol. 7).

2021 journal article
Salivary Digestion Extends the Range of Sugar-Aversions in the German Cockroach
INSECTS, 12(3).
Contributors: & C. Schal n n

2021 manuscript
Salivary Digestion Extends the Range of Sugar-Aversions in the German Cockroach
(Vol. 3).
2021 journal article
Sphingobacterium phlebotomi sp. nov., a new member of family Sphingobacteriaceae isolated from sand fly rearing substrate
Contributors: M. Kakumanu n, B. Marayati*, n , G. Wasserberg *, C. Schal n , C. Apperson n, L. Ponnusamy n

2020 journal article
Effects of novaluron ingestion and topical application on German cockroach (Blattella germanica) development and reproduction
Pest Management Science, 77(2), 877–885.
Contributors: J. A Hamilton n, n , A. Ko & C. Schal n

2020 journal article
Environmental decomposition of olefinic cuticular hydrocarbons of Periplaneta americana generates a volatile pheromone that guides social behaviour
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1921), 20192466.
Contributors: E. Hatano n, n & C. Schal n

2020 journal article
Genetic Basis of Natural Variation in Spontaneous Grooming in Drosophila melanogaster
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 10(9), 3453–3460.
Contributors: A. Yanagawa *, W. Huang*, A. Yamamoto n, n , C. Schal n & T. Mackay *

2019 journal article
Antennal grooming facilitates courtship performance in a group-living insect, the German cockroach Blattella germanica
Contributors: & C. Schal n n

2019 article
Environmental decomposition of cuticular hydrocarbons generates a volatile pheromone that guides insect social behavior
Contributors: E. Hatano n, n & C. Schal n
2019 journal article
Hemimetabolous insects elucidate the origin of sexual development via alternative splicing
ELife, 8.
Contributors: J. Wexler *, E. Delaney *, X. Belles *, C. Schal n , n , M. Amicucci *, A. Kopp *

2019 article
Hemimetabolous insects elucidate the origin of sexual development via alternative splicing
Contributors: J. Wexler *, E. Delaney *, X. Belles *, C. Schal n, n , M. Amicucci *, A. Kopp *
2019 journal article
Role of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in German Cockroach (Blattodea: Ectobiidae) Aggregation Behavior
Environmental Entomology, 48(3), 546–553.
Contributors: J. Hamilton n, n & C. Schal n

2018 journal article
Changes in the Peripheral Chemosensory System Drive Adaptive Shifts in Food Preferences in Insects
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 12.
Contributors: , H. Robertson *, J. Silverman n & C. Schal n n

2018 journal article
Effectiveness of Boric Acid by Ingestion, But Not by Contact, Against the Common Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Journal of Economic Entomology, 111(6), 2772–2781.
Contributors: A. Sierras n, n & C. Schal n

2018 journal article
Enormous expansion of the chemosensory gene repertoire in the omnivorous German cockroach Blattella germanica
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 330(5), 265–278.
Contributors: H. Robertson *, R. Baits*, K. Walden *, n & C. Schal n

2018 journal article
Hemimetabolous genomes reveal molecular basis of termite eusociality
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(3), 557–566.
Contributors: M. Harrison *, E. Jongepier *, H. Robertson *, N. Arning *, T. Bitard-Feildel *, H. Chao*, C. Childers *, H. Dinh *

2017 article
Hemimetabolous genomes reveal molecular basis of termite eusociality
Contributors: M. Harrison *, E. Jongepier *, H. Robertson *, N. Arning *, T. Bitard-Feildel *, H. Chao*, C. Childers *, H. Dinh *
2017 journal article
Persistence of a sugar-rejecting cockroach genotype under various dietary regimes
Scientific Reports, 7(1).
Contributors: K. Jensen n, n , C. Schal n & J. Silverman n

2015 journal article
Gut bacteria mediate aggregation in the German cockroach
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(51), 15678–15683.
Contributors: , L. Zurek *, G. Nalyanya n, W. Roelofs*, A. Zhang * & C. Schal n n

2013 journal article
Changes in Taste Neurons Support the Emergence of an Adaptive Behavior in Cockroaches
Science, 340(6135), 972–975.
Contributors: , J. Silverman n & C. Schal n n

2013 journal article
Insects groom their antennae to enhance olfactory acuity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(9), 3615–3620.
Contributors: K. Böröczky n, n , D. Batchelor n, M. Zhukovskaya * & C. Schal n

2011 journal article
Differential Inputs from Chemosensory Appendages Mediate Feeding Responses to Glucose in Wild-Type and Glucose-Averse German Cockroaches, Blattella germanica
Chemical Senses, 36(7), 589–600.
Contributors: W. Ayako n, J. Silverman n & C. Schal n

2011 journal article
Social interactions influence dopamine and octopamine homeostasis in the brain of the ant Formica japonica
Contributors: , R. Yamaoka* & H. Aonuma * n

2010 chapter
Perception and olfaction of cuticular compounds
In Insect Hydrocarbons Biology, Biochemistry, and Chemical Ecology (pp. 207–221).
2009 journal article
Behavioral and electrophysiological studies on the sexually biased synergism between oligosaccharides and phospholipids in gustatory perception of nuptial secretion by the German cockroach
Journal of Insect Physiology, 55(8), 742–750.
Contributors: , M. Ozaki *, F. Yokohari*, M. Nishikawa * & R. Nishida * *
2009 journal article
Morphology and neurophysiology of tarsal vibration receptors in the water strider Aquarius paludum (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
Journal of Insect Physiology, 55(9), 855–861.
2008 journal article
Ants semiochemical microcosmos investigated by the antennae
Seikagaku, 80(5), 385–398.
Contributors: A. Wada, T. Akino & R. Yamaoka
2008 journal article
Chemical disguise as particular caste of host ants in the ant inquiline parasite Niphanda fusca (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1656), 551–558.
Contributors: M. Hojo *, * , T. Akino*, S. Yamaguchi, M. Ozaki * & R. Yamaoka*
2008 journal article
Gustatory synergism in ants mediates a species-specific symbiosis with lycaenid butterflies
Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 194(12), 1043–1052.
Contributors: M. Hojo *, * , M. Ozaki *, S. Yamaguchi & R. Yamaoka*
2008 journal article
Insect proteins transporting hydrophobic substances: Chemosensory stimulant carrier proteins in insect olfactory and gustatory receptors
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. Protein, Nucleic Acid, Enzyme, 53(2), 111–118.
2005 journal article
Behavior: Ant nestmate and non-nestmate discrimination by a chemosensory sensillum
Science, 309(5732), 311–314.
Contributors: M. Ozaki *, * , K. Fujikawa*, M. Iwasaki *, F. Yokohari*, Y. Satoji*, T. Nisimura*, R. Yamaoka*
2003 journal article
Perception of noxious compounds by contact chemoreceptors of the blowfly, Phormia regina: Putative role of an odorant-binding protein
Chemical Senses, 28(4), 349–359.
Contributors: M. Ozaki *, T. Takahara, Y. Kawahara, , K. Seno, T. Amakawa, R. Yamaoka, T. Nakamura
2001 journal article
Taste-enhancing effects of glycine on the sweetness of glucose: A gustatory aspects of symbiosis between the ant, Camponotus japonicus, and the larvae of the lycaenid butterfly, Niphanda fusca
Chemical Senses, 26(8), 983–992.
Contributors: A. Wada *, Y. Isobe, S. Yamaguchi, R. Yamaoka & M. Ozaki
1997 journal article
Changes in Phenoloxidase Activities of the Galls on Leaves of Ulmus davidana Formed by Tetraneura fuslformis (Homoptera: Eriosomatidae)
Applied Entomology and Zoology, 32(2), 365–371.
1997 journal article
Feeding Strategy of Palomena angulosa Motschulsky (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). I: Oviposition Site Selection, Nymph Development and Walking Ability of Nymphs.
Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 41(4), 209–216.
journal article
Hemimetabolous genomes reveal molecular basis of termite eusociality
Harrison, M. C., Jongepier, E., Robertson, H. M., Arning, N., Bitard-Feildel, T., Chao, H., … Kemena, C. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(3), 557–566.