@article{rolph_king_lardé_kim_ragland_hervé_french_gilbert_2023, title={Critique of Approaches for Evaluating Teaching and Proposal for a New Institutional Policy.}, url={https://doi.org/10.3138/jvme-2022-0072}, DOI={10.3138/jvme-2022-0072}, abstractNote={A review of current literature provides ample evidence that Student Evaluation of Teaching, as currently practiced, can be a biased and flawed evaluation of educator performance and student learning. Due to this, many institutions have developed their own internal multimodal approach for faculty evaluation and professional advancement review that removes the underlying bias associated with survey results. Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine created a taskforce to evaluate the current teaching assessment practices and provide an alternative method. Based on an extensive literature review, an institutional policy was created using a multimodal approach, combining student evaluations of teaching scores with peer review of teaching, review of teaching materials, mentorship, self-ratings, and self-reflection. The implementation plan for this policy is described to allow for a teaching evaluation process built on a philosophy of mentorship, guidance, and self-reflection; as well as the use of external professional exam metrics to review the institutional academic quality at large.}, journal={Journal of veterinary medical education}, author={Rolph, Kerry and King, Ailbhe and Lardé, Hélène and Kim, ST and Ragland, Natalie and Hervé, Claude LP and French, Hilari and Gilbert, Robert}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{king_french_toka_bandlow_chigerwe_2023, title={Determination of minimum individual cow colostral immunoglobulin G concentration required to provide adequate total immunoglobulin G mass in pooled colostrum fed to Jersey calves}, volume={262}, ISSN={0003-1488}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2460/javma.23.08.0429}, DOI={10.2460/javma.23.08.0429}, abstractNote={Abstract OBJECTIVE Quantify the minimum individual cow colostral immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration required for pooling to achieve adequate transfer of passive immunity in calves. ANIMALS 201 Jersey cows. METHODS Colostrum was collected from 28 pools and heat treated before being fed to calves or stored. Parity, total number of cows contributing to the pool, individual cow colostral volume contributions, and total volume of each colostrum pool were recorded. Colostrum IgG concentrations in individual and pooled (pre- and post-heat treatment) samples were analyzed by radial immunodiffusion and Brix refractometry. Colostral IgG concentration of ≥ 50g/L was considered the current recommended dairy industry standard for acceptable colostrum quality. Multivariable models were performed to determine factors affecting pooled colostral IgG concentrations. The minimum colostral IgG concentration required for pooling to achieve the recommended total mass of at least 200g IgG to be fed to a calf was calculated. RESULTS Total pool volume and the number of cows contributing to the pool were significant factors affecting IgG concentration. Colostrum pools from ≤ 7 cows, with a minimum pool IgG concentration of 70.4 g/L (22.9% Brix) or colostrum pool volume ≤ 40 L, with a minimum pool IgG concentration of 66.2 g/L (21.8% Brix) achieved the recommended total mass of at least 200g IgG in 4L of colostrum. CLINICAL RELEVANCE When feeding pooled colostrum, IgG concentrations higher than the industry standard of 50 g/L is recommended to reduce the risk of failure of transfer of passive immunity in calves.}, number={3}, journal={Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association}, publisher={American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)}, author={King, Ailbhe and French, Hilari and Toka, Felix N. and Bandlow, Katherine S. and Chigerwe, Munashe}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={1–7} } @article{king_rolph_dzikiti_cavanaugh_2023, title={Overall good agreement of smartphone-based and standard base-apex electrocardiography in healthy sheep}, volume={261}, ISSN={["1943-569X"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.23.02.0126}, abstractNote={Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess and compare the quality of smartphone ECG tracings to standard (base-apex) ECG tracings and assess agreement of ECG parameters between smartphone-based ECG and standard ECG. ANIMALS 25 rams. PROCEDURES The rams were consecutively examined with standard ECG and smartphone-based ECG (KardiaMobile; AliveCor Inc) after physical examination. ECGs were compared for quality score, heart rate, and ECG waves, complexes, and intervals. Quality scores were based on the presence or absence of baseline undulation and tremor artifacts using a 3-point scoring system (lowest possible = 0; highest possible = 3). A lower score was indicative of a better-quality ECG. RESULTS Smartphone-based ECGs were interpretable in 65% of cases, while 100% of standard ECGs were interpretable. Standard ECG quality was superior to smartphone-based ECG quality, with no agreement in the quality between devices (κ coefficient, –0.0062). There was good agreement for heart rate with mean difference 2.86 beats/min (CI, –3.44 to 9.16) between the standard and smartphone ECGs. Good agreement was observed for P wave amplitude with mean difference 0.02 mV (CI, –0.01 to 0.05), QRS duration with mean difference –10.5 ms (CI, –20.96 to –0.04), QT interval with mean difference –27.14 ms (CI, –59.36 to 5.08), T wave duration with mean difference –30.00 ms (CI, –66.727 to 6.727), and T wave amplitude with mean difference –0.07 mV (CI, –0.22 to 0.08) between the 2 devices. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Our findings indicate good agreement between standard and smartphone ECG for most parameters, although 35% of smartphone ECGs were uninterpretable. }, number={9}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={King, Ailbhe and Rolph, Kerry E. and Dzikiti, Loveness and Cavanaugh, Sarah M.}, year={2023}, month={Sep} } @article{bandlow_king_kennicutt_brody_chigerwe_2023, title={Transfer of passive immunity and survival in Jersey heifer calves fed heat-treated pooled colostrum}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2297-1769"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2023.1094272}, DOI={10.3389/fvets.2023.1094272}, abstractNote={Acquisition of adequate transfer of passive immunity (ATPI) by calves depends on the absorption of sufficient mass of colostral immunoglobulin G (IgG). Several studies report conflicting evidence regarding the ability of feeding pooled colostrum to achieve ATPI. Pooling colostrum is practical and efficient for some dairies, and recommendations are required to prevent failure of transfer of passive immunity (FTPI) in calves following pooling. This study aimed to determine the effect of pooling colostrum on serum IgG concentrations, FTPI, and preweaning mortality in calves. A prospective study was performed on two conventional Jersey dairy farms where heat treatment of colostrum occurred in the same colostrum processing kitchen. Four to 10 cows contributed to colostrum pools. A sample of the colostrum pool fed to the calves and serum from calves at 24–72 h was collected for IgG concentration determination by single radial immunodiffusion assay. Multivariable and logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate factors that predicated serum IgG concentrations and the probability of FTPI, respectively. A Cox proportional hazard model analysis was performed to determine risk factors for mortality over the preweaning period. A total of 164 calves fed 28 colostrum pools were enrolled. Birth weight, number of colostrum feedings and pool IgG concentrations were significant predictors of calf serum IgG concentrations at 24–72 h, whereas the number of colostrum feedings and age at bleeding to determine passive transfer status were not significant predictors of calf serum IgG concentrations at 24–72 h. The prevalence of FTPI was 4.9%. Birth weight, pool IgG concentrations, number of colostrum feedings, and age at bleeding to check for passive transfer status were not significant predictors of the probability of FTPI at 24–72 h. The incidence of mortality was 4.3%. Passive transfer status was not a predictor of mortality. Our study demonstrates the effect of pooling colostrum on serum IgG concentrations even in herds where colostrum with higher median colostrum IgG concentrations is fed to calves. The results emphasize the recommendations to assess pooled colostrum IgG concentrations before feeding calves.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA}, author={Bandlow, Katherine S. and King, Ailbhe and Kennicutt, Kelsie C. and Brody, Shoshana and Chigerwe, Munashe}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{cardoso_king_chapwanya_esposito_2021, title={Ante-Natal and Post-Natal Influences on Neonatal Immunity, Growth and Puberty of Calves—A Review}, volume={11}, ISSN={2076-2615}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ani11051212}, DOI={10.3390/ani11051212}, abstractNote={Calf immunity, growth and puberty are important factors affecting heifer productivity. The first four weeks of age are critical for reducing calf morbidity and mortality. It is well documented that colostrum is paramount to neonatal nutrition and passive immunity, however, adaptation to extra-uterine life starts early during embryonic development. Therefore, successful calf rearing strategies are underpinned by adequate maternal nutrition during gestation, and good colostrum management. A deeper understanding of these interactions paves the way for developing strategies to improve immune responses to environmental pathogens, optimal growth and timely attainment of puberty in calves. The literature reviewed here shows that there are opportunities to enhance the future performance of cattle paying attention to the interaction of nutrition and immunity at each developmental stage. Therefore, the objective of this review is to give the reader an overview of interactions between immunity, growth and puberty in dairy calves and highlight how these influence future performances.}, number={5}, journal={Animals}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Cardoso, Claudia L. and King, Ailbhe and Chapwanya, Aspinas and Esposito, Giulia}, year={2021}, month={Apr}, pages={1212} } @article{chigerwe_depenbrock_heller_king_clergue_morris_peyton_angelos_2020, title={Clinical management and outcomes for goats, sheep, and pigs hospitalized for treatment of burn injuries sustained in wildfires: 28 cases (2006, 2015, and 2018)}, volume={257}, ISSN={0003-1488}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2460/javma.2020.257.11.1165}, DOI={10.2460/javma.2020.257.11.1165}, abstractNote={Abstract OBJECTIVE To characterize injuries and describe medical management and clinical outcomes of goats, sheep, and pigs treated at a veterinary medical teaching hospital for burn injuries sustained during wildfires. ANIMALS Goats (n = 9), sheep (12), and pigs (7) that sustained burn injuries from wildfires. PROCEDURES Medical records were searched to identify goats, sheep, and pigs that had burn injuries associated with California wildfires in 2006, 2015, and 2018. Data regarding signalment, physical examination findings, treatments, clinical outcomes, time to discharge from the hospital, and reasons for death or euthanasia were recorded. RESULTS The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hooves, perineum, and ventral aspect of the abdomen were most commonly affected in both goats and sheep. In pigs, the ventral aspect of the abdomen, distal limb extremities, ears, and tail were most commonly affected. The median (range) time to discharge from the hospital for goats and pigs was 11 (3 to 90) and 85.5 (54 to 117) days, respectively. One of 9 goats, 12 of 12 sheep, and 5 of 7 pigs died or were euthanized. Laminitis and devitalization of distal limb extremities were common complications (13/28 animals) and a common reason for considering euthanasia in sheep and pigs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Burn injuries in small ruminants and pigs required prolonged treatment in some cases. Results suggested prognosis for survival may be more guarded for sheep and pigs with burn injuries than for goats; however, further research is needed to confirm these findings.}, number={11}, journal={Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association}, publisher={American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)}, author={Chigerwe, Munashe and Depenbrock, Sarah M. and Heller, Meera C. and King, Ailbhe and Clergue, Suzanne A. and Morris, Celeste M. and Peyton, Jamie L. and Angelos, John A.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={1165–1170} } @article{king_chigerwe_barry_murphy_rayburn_kennedy_2020, title={Short communication: Effect of feeding pooled and nonpooled high-quality colostrum on passive transfer of immunity, morbidity, and mortality in dairy calves}, volume={103}, ISSN={0022-0302}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-17019}, DOI={10.3168/jds.2019-17019}, abstractNote={