@misc{classifying sanctions and designing a conceptual sanctioning process model for socio-technical systems_2016, volume={31}, number={2}, journal={Knowledge Engineering Review}, year={2016}, pages={142–166} } @article{wang_kalia_singh_zhu_2015, title={A Collaborative Approach to Predicting Service Price for QoS-Aware Service Selection}, url={https://publons.com/publon/21294400/}, DOI={10.1109/icws.2015.15}, abstractNote={In QoS-aware service selection, a service requester seeks to maximize its utility by selecting a service provider that charges the lowest service price while meeting the requester's QoS requirements. In existing selection approaches, a service requester focuses on finding providers based on their QoS and thereby ignores their service prices that could change with their QoS. High QoS may provide more benefits, but may require a high service price. As a result, the highest QoS may not produce the maximum utility. A service requester and candidate service providers have a conflicting interest over service prices. Since a provider would not reveal its minimum acceptabl price, it is important for a requester to predict the minimum price for a service that meets its QoS requirements. We propose a collaborative approach to predicting a provider's minimum price for a desired QoS based on prior usage experience. The experimental results show our approach can find the optimal service providers efficiently and effectively.}, journal={2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS)}, author={Wang, Puwei and Kalia, Anup K. and Singh, Munindar P. and Zhu, H}, year={2015}, pages={33–40} } @inproceedings{telang_kalia_madden_singh_2015, title={Combining practical and dialectical commitments for service engagements}, volume={9435}, booktitle={Service-oriented computing, (icsoc 2015)}, author={Telang, P. R. and Kalia, A. K. and Madden, J. F. and Singh, M. P.}, year={2015}, pages={3–18} } @inproceedings{gerard_telang_kalia_singh_2015, title={Positron: Composing commitment-based protocols}, volume={9435}, booktitle={Service-oriented computing, (icsoc 2015)}, author={Gerard, S. N. and Telang, P. R. and Kalia, A. K. and Singh, M. P.}, year={2015}, pages={19–35} } @article{murukannaiah_kalia_telang_singh_2015, title={Resolving Goal Conflicts via Argumentation-Based Analysis of Competing Hypotheses}, url={https://publons.com/publon/21294399/}, DOI={10.1109/re.2015.7320418}, abstractNote={A stakeholder's beliefs influence his or her goals. However, a stakeholder's beliefs may not be consistent with the goals of all stakeholders of a system being constructed. Such belief-goal inconsistencies could manifest themselves as conflicting goals of the system to be. We propose Arg-ACH, a novel approach for capturing inconsistencies between stakeholders' goals and beliefs, and resolving goal conflicts. Arg-ACH employs a hybrid of (1) the analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH), a structured analytic technique, for systematically eliciting stakeholders' goals and beliefs, and (2) rational argumentation for determining belief-goal inconsistencies to resolve conflicts. Arg-ACH treats conflicting goals as hypotheses that compete with each other and the winning hypothesis as a goal of the system to be. Arg-ACH systematically captures the trail of a requirements engineer's thought process in resolving conflicts. We evaluated Arg-ACH via a study in which 20 subjects applied Arg-ACH or ACH to resolve goal conflicts in a sociotechnical system concerning national security. We found that Arg-ACH is superior to ACH with respect to completeness and coverage of belief search; length of belief chaining; ease of use; explicitness of the assumptions made; and repeatability of conclusions across subjects. Not surprisingly, Arg-ACH required more time than ACH: although this is justified by improvements in quality, the gap could be reduced through better tooling.}, journal={IEEE 25TH INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (RE)}, author={Murukannaiah, P. K. and Kalia, A. K. and Telang, P. R. and Singh, Munindar P.}, year={2015}, pages={156–165} } @inproceedings{kalia_murukannaiah_singh_2015, title={TRACE: A dynamic model of trust for people-driven service engagements combining trust with risk, commitments, and emotions}, volume={9435}, booktitle={Service-oriented computing, (icsoc 2015)}, author={Kalia, A. K. and Murukannaiah, P. K. and Singh, M. P.}, year={2015}, pages={353–361} } @inproceedings{kalia_buchler_ungvarsky_govindan_singh_2014, title={Determining team hierarchy from broadcast communications}, volume={8851}, booktitle={Social informatics, socinfo 2014}, author={Kalia, A. K. and Buchler, N. and Ungvarsky, D. and Govindan, R. and Singh, M. P.}, year={2014}, pages={493–507} } @inproceedings{kalia_zhang_singh_2014, title={Estimating trust from agents' interactions via commitments}, volume={263}, booktitle={21st european conference on artificial intelligence (ecai 2014)}, author={Kalia, A. K. and Zhang, Z. and Singh, M. P.}, year={2014}, pages={1043–1044} } @article{kalia_singh_2015, title={Muon: designing multiagent communication protocols from interaction scenarios}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1573-7454"]}, url={https://publons.com/publon/21294392/}, DOI={10.1007/s10458-014-9264-2}, abstractNote={Designing a suitable communication protocol is a key challenge in engineering a multiagent system. This paper proposes Muon, an approach that begins from representative samples of interactions or scenarios. Muon identifies key semantic structures and patterns based on (social) commitments to formally analyze the scenarios and offers a methodology for designing protocols that would meet stakeholder needs. Interestingly, Muon applies its formal representations to suggest ways to identify additional scenarios needed to address exceptions arising in the interactions. This paper contributes (1) a conceptual model of message types and causal relationships among them as a foundation for developing commitment-based communication protocols; (2) a robust, reusable characterization of semantic structures reflecting the above model; (3) a mapping from an annotated scenario to causally related interactions; and (4) a methodology to synthesize specifications of communication protocols. This paper reports on an empirical evaluation involving developers creating protocols from two real-life cases.}, number={4}, journal={AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS}, author={Kalia, Anup K. and Singh, Munindar P.}, year={2015}, month={Jul}, pages={621–657} }