2013 article

Proposing Regulatory-Driven Automated Test Suites

2013 AGILE CONFERENCE (AGILE), pp. 11–21.

By: P. Morrison n, C. Holmgreen n, A. Massey n & L. Williams n

author keywords: Behavior-Driven-Development; Healthcare IT; Regulatory Compliance; Security; Software Engineering; Software Testing
TL;DR: This research found that it was possible to create scenarios and system-specific code supporting scenario execution on three systems, that iTrust can be shown to be noncompliant, and that emergency access procedures are not defined clearly enough by the regulation to determine compliance or non-compliance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 conference paper

Proposing regulatory-driven automated test suites for electronic health record systems

2013 5th international workshop on software engineering in health care (sehc), 46–49.

By: P. Morrison n, C. Holmgreen n, A. Massey n & L. Williams n

TL;DR: The use of Behavior-Driven-Development scenarios are proposed as the basis of an automated compliance test suite for standards such as regulation and interoperability and could become a shared asset for use by all systems subject to these regulations and standards. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2011 conference paper

Assessing the accuracy of legal implementation readiness decisions

2011 19th ieee international requirements engineering conference (re), 207–216.

By: A. Massey n, B. Smith n, P. Otto n & A. Anton n

TL;DR: The average graduate-level software engineering student is ill-prepared to write legally compliant software with any confidence and that domain experts are an absolute necessity, and the potential utility of legal requirements metrics in aiding software engineers as they make legal compliance decisions is indicated. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

Evaluating existing security and privacy requirements for legal compliance


By: A. Massey n, P. Otto n, L. Hayward n & A. Anton n

author keywords: Security requirements; Privacy requirements; Legal compliance; Refactoring requirements
TL;DR: Evaluation of the requirements for iTrust, an open-source Electronic Health Records system, for compliance with legal requirements governing security and privacy in the healthcare domain, using existing requirements engineering techniques. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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