@article{milton_draughn_bobay_stowe_olson_feldmann_thompson_myers_santoro_kearns_et al._2020, title={The Solution Structures and Interaction of SinR and SinI: Elucidating the Mechanism of Action of the Master Regulator Switch for Biofilm Formation in Bacillus subtilis}, volume={432}, ISSN={["1089-8638"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jmb.2019.08.019}, abstractNote={Bacteria have developed numerous protection strategies to ensure survival in harsh environments, with perhaps the most robust method being the formation of a protective biofilm. In biofilms, bacterial cells are embedded within a matrix that is composed of a complex mixture of polysaccharides, proteins, and DNA. The gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis has become a model organism for studying regulatory networks directing biofilm formation. The phenotypic transition from a planktonic to biofilm state is regulated by the activity of the transcriptional repressor, SinR, and its inactivation by its primary antagonist, SinI. In this work, we present the first full-length structural model of tetrameric SinR using a hybrid approach combining high-resolution solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), chemical cross-linking, mass spectrometry, and molecular docking. We also present the solution NMR structure of the antagonist SinI dimer and probe the mechanism behind the SinR-SinI interaction using a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques. As a result of these findings, we propose that SinI utilizes a residue replacement mechanism to block SinR multimerization, resulting in diminished DNA binding and concomitant decreased repressor activity. Finally, we provide an evidence-based mechanism that confirms how disruption of the SinR tetramer by SinI regulates gene expression.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={Milton, Morgan E. and Draughn, G. Logan and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Stowe, Sean D. and Olson, Andrew L. and Feldmann, Erik A. and Thompson, Richele J. and Myers, Katherine H. and Santoro, Michael T. and Kearns, Daniel B. and et al.}, year={2020}, month={Jan}, pages={343–357} } @article{tucker_bobay_banse_olson_soderblom_moseley_thompson_varney_losick_cavanagh_2014, title={A DNA Mimic: The Structure and Mechanism of Action for the Anti-Repressor Protein AbbA}, volume={426}, ISSN={["1089-8638"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jmb.2014.02.010}, abstractNote={Bacteria respond to adverse environmental conditions by switching on the expression of large numbers of genes that enable them to adapt to unfavorable circumstances. In Bacillus subtilis, many adaptive genes are under the negative control of the global transition state regulator, the repressor protein AbrB. Stressful conditions lead to the de-repression of genes under AbrB control. Contributing to this de-repression is AbbA, an anti-repressor that binds to and blocks AbrB from binding to DNA. Here, we have determined the NMR structure of the functional AbbA dimer, confirmed that it binds to the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of AbrB, and have provided an initial description for the interaction using computational docking procedures. Interestingly, we show that AbbA has structural and surface characteristics that closely mimic the DNA phosphate backbone, enabling it to readily carry out its physiological function.}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={Tucker, Ashley T. and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Banse, Allison V. and Olson, Andrew L. and Soderblom, Erik J. and Moseley, M. Arthur and Thompson, Richele J. and Varney, Kristen M. and Losick, Richard and Cavanagh, John}, year={2014}, month={May}, pages={1911–1924} } @article{olson_tucker_bobay_soderblom_moseley_thompson_cavanagh_2014, title={Structure and DNA-Binding Traits of the Transition State Regulator AbrB}, volume={22}, ISSN={["1878-4186"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.str.2014.08.018}, abstractNote={


The AbrB protein from Bacillus subtilis is a DNA-binding global regulator controlling the onset of a vast array of protective functions under stressful conditions. Such functions include biofilm formation, antibiotic production, competence development, extracellular enzyme production, motility, and sporulation. AbrB orthologs are known in a variety of prokaryotic organisms, most notably in all infectious strains of Clostridia, Listeria, and Bacilli. Despite its central role in bacterial response and defense, its structure has been elusive because of its highly dynamic character. Orienting its N- and C-terminal domains with respect to one another has been especially problematic. Here, we have generated a structure of full-length, tetrameric AbrB using nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical crosslinking, and mass spectrometry. We note that AbrB possesses a strip of positive electrostatic potential encompassing its DNA-binding region and that its C-terminal domain aids in DNA binding.}, number={11}, journal={STRUCTURE}, author={Olson, Andrew L. and Tucker, Ashley T. and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Soderblom, Erik J. and Moseley, M. Arthur and Thompson, Richele J. and Cavanagh, John}, year={2014}, month={Nov}, pages={1650–1656} } @article{olson_liu_tucker_goshe_cavanagh_2013, title={Chemical crosslinking and LC/MS analysis to determine protein domain orientation: Application to AbrB}, volume={431}, ISSN={["1090-2104"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.12.124}, abstractNote={To fully understand the modes of action of multi-protein complexes, it is essential to determine their overall global architecture and the specific relationships between domains and subunits. The transcription factor AbrB is a functional homotetramer consisting of two domains per monomer. Obtaining the high-resolution structure of tetrameric AbrB has been extremely challenging due to the independent character of these domains. To facilitate the structure determination process, we solved the NMR structures of both domains independently and utilized gas-phase cleavable chemical crosslinking and LC/MS(n) analysis to correctly position the domains within the full tetrameric AbrB protein structure.}, number={2}, journal={BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Olson, Andrew L. and Liu, Fan and Tucker, Ashley T. and Goshe, Michael B. and Cavanagh, John}, year={2013}, month={Feb}, pages={253–257} } @article{stowe_olson_losick_cavanagh_2014, title={Chemical shift assignments and secondary structure prediction of the master biofilm regulator, SinR, from Bacillus subtilis}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1874-270X"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12104-013-9473-7}, abstractNote={Bacillus subtilis is a soil-dwelling Gram-positive bacterial species that has been extensively studied as a model of biofilm formation and stress-induced cellular differentiation. The tetrameric protein, SinR, has been identified as a master regulator for biofilm formation and linked to the regulation of the early transition states during cellular stress response, such as motility and biofilm-linked biosynthetic genes. SinR is a 111-residue protein that is active as a dimer of dimers, composed of two distinct domains, a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix N-terminus domain and a C-terminal multimerization domain. In order for biofilm formation to proceed, the antagonist, SinI, must inactivate SinR. This interaction results in a dramatic structural rearrangement of both proteins. Here we report the full-length backbone and side chain chemical shift values in addition to the experimentally derived secondary structure predictions as the first step towards directly studying the complex interaction dynamics between SinR and SinI.}, number={1}, journal={BIOMOLECULAR NMR ASSIGNMENTS}, author={Stowe, Sean D. and Olson, Andrew L. and Losick, Richard and Cavanagh, John}, year={2014}, month={Apr}, pages={155–158} } @article{olson_thompson_melander_cavanagh_2014, title={Chemical shift assignments and secondary structure prediction of the C-terminal domain of the response regulator BfmR from Acinetobacter baumannii}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1874-270X"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12104-012-9454-2}, abstractNote={Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative pathogen responsible for severe nocosomial infections by forming biofilms in healthcare environments. The two-domain response regulator BfmR has been shown to be the master controller for biofilm formation. Inactivation of BfmR resulted in an abolition of pili production and consequently biofilm creation. Here we report backbone and sidechain resonance assignments and secondary structure prediction for the C-terminal domain of BfmR (residues 130-238) from A. baumannii.}, number={1}, journal={BIOMOLECULAR NMR ASSIGNMENTS}, author={Olson, Andrew L. and Thompson, Richele J. and Melander, Christian and Cavanagh, John}, year={2014}, month={Apr}, pages={67–70} } @article{thompson_bobay_stowe_olson_peng_su_actis_melander_cavanagh_2012, title={Identification of BfmR, a Response Regulator Involved in Biofilm Development, as a Target for a 2-Aminoimidazole-Based Antibiofilm Agent}, volume={51}, ISSN={["0006-2960"]}, DOI={10.1021/bi3015289}, abstractNote={2-Aminoimidazoles (2AIs) have been documented to disrupt bacterial protection mechanisms, including biofilm formation and genetically encoded antibiotic resistance traits. Using Acinetobacter baumannii, we provide initial insight into the mechanism of action of a 2AI-based antibiofilm agent. Confocal microscopy confirmed that the 2AI is cell permeable, while pull-down assays identified BfmR, a response regulator that is the master controller of biofilm formation, as a target for this compound. Binding assays demonstrated specificity of the 2AI for response regulators, while computational docking provided models for 2AI-BfmR interactions. The 2AI compound studied here represents a unique small molecule scaffold that targets bacterial response regulators.}, number={49}, journal={BIOCHEMISTRY}, author={Thompson, Richele J. and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Stowe, Sean D. and Olson, Andrew L. and Peng, Lingling and Su, Zhaoming and Actis, Luis A. and Melander, Christian and Cavanagh, John}, year={2012}, month={Dec}, pages={9776–9778} } @article{olson_bobay_melander_cavanagh_2012, title={H-1, C-13, and N-15 resonance assignments and secondary structure prediction of the full-length transition state regulator AbrB from Bacillus anthracis}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1874-2718"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12104-011-9333-2}, abstractNote={The AbrB protein is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of numerous essential genes during the cells transition phase state. AbrB from Bacillus anthracis is, nototriously, the principal protein responsible for anthrax toxin gene expression and is highly homologous to the much-studied AbrB protein from Bacillus subtilis having 85% sequence identity and the ability to regulate the same target promoters. Here we report backbone and sidechain resonance assignments and secondary structure prediction for the full-length AbrB protein from B. anthracis.}, number={1}, journal={BIOMOLECULAR NMR ASSIGNMENTS}, author={Olson, Andrew L. and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Melander, Christian and Cavanagh, John}, year={2012}, month={Apr}, pages={95–98} }