Works (33)
2024 journal article
<i>Pinus</i><i> taeda</i> carryover phosphorus availability on the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain

2024 journal article
Evaluating Chinese fiber hemp (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) varieties and planting dates in North Carolina
2024 journal article
Evaluating biomass sustainability: Why below-ground carbon sequestration matters

2024 journal article
Fungal biomass and ectomycorrhizal community assessment of phosphorus responsive <i>Pinus taeda</i> plantations

2024 journal article
Horizontal Planting Orientation Can Improve Yield in Organically Grown Sweetpotato
HORTSCIENCE, 59(1), 36–42.

2024 journal article
Impact of Pre-Plant Fertilizer Rates in Combination with Polysulphate® on Soil Nitrogen Distribution and Yield of Short-Day Strawberries (<i>Fragaria</i> x <i>ananassa</i> cv. Camarosa)

2024 journal article
Intermediate soil acidification induces highest nitrous oxide emissions

2024 journal article
Multi-amplicon nitrogen cycling gene standard: An innovative approach for quantifying N-transforming soil microbes in terrestrial ecosystems

2024 article
US cereal rye winter cover crop growth database
Huddell, A. M., Thapa, R., Marcillo, G. S., Abendroth, L. J., Ackroyd, V. J., Armstrong, S. D., … Mirsky, S. B. (2024, February 13). SCIENTIFIC DATA, Vol. 11.

2024 article
Using microdialysis to assess soil diffusive P and translocated sap flow P concentrations in Southern <i>Pinus taeda</i> plantations
Hackman, J., Cook, R., Strahm, B., Carter, D., Woodley, A., & Garcia, K. (2024, January 5). PLANT AND SOIL, Vol. 1.

2023 journal article
No-till imparts yield stability and greater cumulative yield under variable weather conditions in the southeastern USA piedmont
Field Crops Research, 292, 108811.

2022 article
Cover crops can increase ammonia volatilization and reduce the efficacy of urease inhibitors
Kulesza, S. B., Woodley, A. L., Heather, K., & Kilroy, G. (2022, January 24). SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, Vol. 1.

2022 article
Distribution and Fractionation of Zinc and Copper in Poultry Litters Across North Carolina
Kulesza, S., Burns, J., Woodley, A., Gatiboni, L., Shupe, M., & Hicks, K. (2022, May 18). COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS, Vol. 5.

2022 article
Effects of Nitrogen Source and Rate on Soybean Yield and Quality
Burns, J., Kulesza, S., Vann, R., & Woodley, A. (2022, September 4). COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS, Vol. 9.

2022 journal article
Evaluation of conservation tillage practices in the production of organic flue-cured tobacco

2022 journal article
Evaluation of synthetic hydroxyapatite as a potential phosphorus fertilizer for application in Forest plantations
Contributors: J. Hackman n, T. Ozyhar *, S. Chien *, F. Hilty n, n & R. Cook n

2022 article
Evaluation of the use of polyethylene mulches in the production of organic flue-cured tobacco
Machanoff, C. A., Vann, M. C., Woodley, A. L., & Suchoff, D. (2022, July 19). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 7.

2022 article
Legume cover crop type and termination method effects on labile soil carbon and nitrogen and aggregation
Bloszies, S. A., Reberg-Horton, S. C., Heitman, J. L., Woodley, A. L., Grossman, J. M., & Hu, S. (2022, April 13). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 4.

2022 article
Organic nitrogen fertilizer sources for field production of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
Kulesza, S. B., Manning, N. J., Vann, M. C., Suchoff, D. H., Woodley, A. L., & McGinnis, M. M. (2022, February 17). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 2.

2022 article
Winter crop effect on soybean production in the Southeast United States
Gross, M. K. R., Vann, R. A., Woodley, A. L., & Jordan, D. (2022, January 18). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 114.

2021 article
Agronomic management of early maturing soybeans in North Carolina
Gross, M. K. R., Vann, R., Brown, A., Formella, A., Gibbs, A., Gurganus, R., … Woodley, A. (2021, September 20). CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Impacts of corn stover removal on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions

2021 article
Stover harvest and tillage effects on corn seedling emergence
Agomoh, I. V., Drury, C. F., Reynolds, W. D., Woodley, A., Yang, X., Phillips, L. A., & Rehmann, L. (2021, July 5). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 113.

2021 journal article
Understanding the Relationship Between Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) Damage, Varietal Resistance, and Cover Crop Use in Organic Sweetpotato
Journal of Economic Entomology, 114(5), 2127–2134.
Ed(s): J. Munyaneza

2021 article
Winter cover crop management in the production of organic flue-cured tobacco
Hahn, S. L., Woodley, A. L., & Vann, M. C. (2021, May 25). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 113.

2020 journal article
Ammonia volatilization, nitrous oxide emissions, and corn yields as influenced by nitrogen placement and enhanced efficiency fertilizers
Soil Science Society of America Journal.

2020 journal article
Green and animal manure use in organic field crop systems
Agronomy Journal, 112(2), 648–674.
Contributors: P. Carr *, M. Cavigelli *, H. Darby *, K. Delate *, J. Eberly *, H. Fryer*, G. Gramig *, J. Heckman*

2019 review
Nutrient Cycling in Organic Field Crops in Canada and the United States
[Review of ]. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 111(6), 2769–2785.
Contributors: P. Carr *, M. Cavigelli *, H. Darby *, K. Delate *, J. Eberly *, G. Gramig *, J. Heckman*, E. Mallory *

2018 journal article
Improved acid trap methodology for determining ammonia volatilization in wind tunnel experiments
Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 98(2), 193–199.
Contributors: , C. Drury *, W. Reynolds *, W. Calder*, X. Yang* & T. Oloya* *
2018 journal article
Long-term cropping effects on partitioning of water flow and nitrate loss between surface runoff and tile drainage
Journal of Environmental Quality, 47(4), 820–829.
Contributors: , C. Drury *, W. Reynolds *, C. Tan *, X. Yang* & T. Oloya* *

2018 journal article
Streaming urea ammonium nitrate with or without enhanced efficiency products impacted corn yields, ammonia, and nitrous oxide emissions
Agronomy Journal, 110(2), 444–454.
Contributors: , C. Drury *, X. Yang*, W. Reynolds *, W. Calder* & T. Oloya* *
2017 journal article
Combining urease and nitrification inhibitors with incorporation reduces ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions and increases corn yields
Journal of Environmental Quality, 46(5), 939–949.
Contributors: C. Drury *, X. Yang *, W. Reynolds*, W. Calder*, T. Oloya* & *
2014 chapter
Nitrogen and phosphorus fertility management in organic field crop production
In Managing Energy, Nutrients, and Pests in Organic Field Crops (pp. 59–106).