@article{chowdhury_cabas_kaklamanos_kottke_gregor_2024, title={Implications of input ground-motion selection techniques on site response analyses for different tectonic settings}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930241230917}, abstractNote={This study investigates how current practices of input ground-motion selection influence site response analysis results and their variability, when considering different tectonic settings. Study sites in Seattle and Boston are chosen to represent tectonic settings with contributions to the seismic hazard from shallow crustal and subduction events, as well as stable continental regions, respectively. Selected input ground-motion suites for one-dimensional site response analysis represent variations in the target spectrum definition, spectral period of interest, seismic source, and ground-motion database. When directly incorporating different types of seismic sources (e.g. shallow crustal versus subduction) into target spectrum definitions and selecting ground motions from the corresponding databases (i.e. consistent with such seismic sources), differences on the estimated site response and its variability are observed. These effects are captured by spectral amplification factors and nonspectral intensity measures (significant duration and Arias intensity) and become particularly apparent for subduction zones. The variability in spectral amplification factors stemming from ground-motion selection techniques is found to be also a function of the characteristics of the site, becoming higher near the fundamental period of the site. Estimated responses at stiffer sites are more significantly influenced by ground-motion selection techniques, whereas the onset of nonlinear soil behavior at softer sites can reduce such variability.}, number={2}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Chowdhury, Ishika N. and Cabas, Ashly and Kaklamanos, James and Kottke, Albert and Gregor, Nick}, year={2024}, month={May}, pages={1521–1551} } @article{gann-phillips_cabas_ji_cramer_kaklamanos_boyd_2024, title={Regional seismic velocity model for the US Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains based on measured shear wave velocity, sediment thickness, and surface geology}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930231222960}, abstractNote={The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains (CPs) are characterized by widespread accumulations of low-velocity sediments and sedimentary rock that overlay high-velocity bedrock. Geology and sediment thickness greatly influence seismic wave propagation, but current regional ground motion amplification and seismic hazard models include limited characterization of these site conditions. In this study, a new regional seismic velocity model for the CPs is created by integrating shear wave velocity (V S ) measurements, surface geology, and a sediment thickness model recently developed for the CPs. A reference rock V S of 3000 m/s has been assumed at the bottom of the sedimentary columns, which corresponds to the base of Cretaceous and Mesozoic sediments underlying the Atlantic CP and the Gulf CP, respectively. Measured V S profiles located throughout the CPs are sorted into five geologic groups of varying age, and median V S profiles are developed for each group by combining measured V S values within layer thicknesses defined by an assumed layering ratio. Statistical analyses are also conducted to test the appropriateness of the selected groups. A power law model with geology-informed coefficients is used to extend the median velocity models beyond the depths where measured data were available. The median V S profiles provide reasonable agreement with other generic models applicable for the region, but they also incorporate new information that enables more advanced characterizations of site response at regional scales and their effective incorporation into seismic hazard models and building codes. The proposed median velocity profiles can be assigned within a grid-based model of the CPs according to the spatial distribution of geologic units at the surface.}, number={2}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Gann-Phillips, Cassie and Cabas, Ashly and Ji, Chunyang and Cramer, Chris and Kaklamanos, James and Boyd, Oliver}, year={2024}, month={May}, pages={1269–1300} } @article{baker_crowley_wald_rathje_au_bradley_burton_cabas_cattari_cauzzi_et al._2024, title={Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930241259397}, abstractNote={Modern research often involves the collection or analysis of data and the use of specialized computer algorithms. Traditional text articles thus provide only partial documentation of a research study. Readers have limited ability to reproduce or utilize work if the source data are not available or if it relies on an algorithm that is described, but code is not provided. Fortunately, a wide variety of tools are now available to support the publication of research data and code. The effort required to publish data is now relatively small, and the benefits can be immense. This opinion article discusses trends toward increased sharing in academic publishing. It describes opportunities and resources to support data and code sharing and describes the benefits for both authors and readers. Finally, it discusses how Earthquake Spectra is providing resources and enhancing its policies to establish the sharing of data as the default procedure when publishing in the journal, and encourage the sharing of code and other resources.}, number={3}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Baker, Jack W. and Crowley, Helen and Wald, David and Rathje, Ellen and Au, Siu-Kui and Bradley, Brendon A. and Burton, Henry and Cabas, Ashly and Cattari, Serena and Cauzzi, Carlo and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Aug}, pages={2210–2218} } @article{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2017, title={Vs-κ0 Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions used in Seismic Site Response Analyses}, ISSN={8755-2930}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/122315EQS188M}, DOI={10.1193/122315EQS188M}, abstractNote={Input motions used in seismic site response analyses are commonly selected based on similarities between the shear wave velocity (Vs) at the recording station, and the reference depth at the site of interest (among other aspects such as the intensity of the expected ground motion). This traditional approach disregards the influence of the attenuation in the shallow crust on site response. Given that this attenuation (damping) can be characterized by the distance-independent high-frequency attenuation parameter 0, a Vs-0 correction framework for input motions is proposed to render them compatible with the assumed properties of the reference depth at the site. The proposed correction factors were applied to a subset of recordings from the KiK-net database, and compared to traditional deconvolution. Results indicate that Vs-0 corrected motions outperform deconvolved motions in the characterization of the spectral energy in the high-frequency range. However, motions recorded at sites with soft deposits are not good candidates for the Vs-0 correction approach. Vs-0 corrections also affect amplification functions which are important in the assessment of site-specific seismic hazards.}, journal={Earthquake Spectra}, publisher={Earthquake Engineering Research Institute}, author={Cabas, Ashly and Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian}, year={2017}, month={May} } @article{ji_cabas_kottke_pilz_macedo_liu_2023, title={A DesignSafe earthquake ground motion database for California and surrounding regions}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930221141108}, abstractNote={This article presents a ground motion database for California and its close surroundings (i.e. areas near the border in Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona) from earthquakes between 1999 and 2021. This data set includes events with magnitudes larger than 3.2 and focal depths less than 40 km, and it is available on DesignSafe. Ground motion records and events included in this data set are collected from 65 different seismic networks and processed with an automated software tool called gmprocess, which was developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Path measures such as rupture distance and epicentral distance are computed, 5%-damped spectral accelerations, duration metrics, and other ground motion intensity measures (IMs) are provided for records that pass the quality assurance check performed by the gmprocess toolkit. The quality of processed ground motions is also screened by using outlier detection algorithms and a multiple wave-train arrivals identification algorithm. In addition, site metadata are provided, including wave velocity information (from proxy-based time-averaged shear-wave velocity for the top 30 m, Vs30, and from P- and S-wave measured velocity profiles when available), predominant frequency measured from microtremor-based horizontal-to-vertical ratios (mHVSR), and site-specific (high-frequency spectral decay) [Formula: see text] values computed from multiple ground motions recorded at sites when available. The final database contains 287,804 three-component ground motions recorded at 3709 stations from 2641 earthquakes with magnitudes and distances ranging from 3.2 to 7.2 and 0.15 to 335 km, respectively. This ground motion database contributes to advancing both engineering seismology studies and earthquake engineering applications in shallow crustal tectonic settings.}, number={1}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Ji, Chunyang and Cabas, Ashly and Kottke, Albert and Pilz, Marco and Macedo, Jorge and Liu, Chenying}, year={2023}, month={Feb}, pages={702–721} } @article{abayo_cabas_chamberlin_montoya_2023, title={Fluvial geomorphic factors affecting liquefaction-induced lateral spreading}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930231190655}, abstractNote={ Liquefaction-induced lateral displacements represent a major geohazard in earthquake-prone regions, yet the uncertainty associated with their prediction remains notoriously high. Documented observations after recent earthquakes provide evidence that depositional environment-specific geologic conditions play a crucial role in liquefaction susceptibility, and in the severity and spatial extent of liquefaction-induced ground deformations. However, this evidence is largely qualitative in nature, which limits the potential to incorporate the effects of depositional processes and environments in the next generation of lateral spreading predictive models. This study provides a framework to quantitatively assess the relationship between depositional environment-specific geologic factors and lateral spreading by means of simple fluvial geomorphic facies models, geotechnical engineering data (e.g. Cone Penetration Test data), and geospatial analytics. Three hypotheses are introduced and tested using lateral spreading ground deformations observed following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake along the Avon and Heathcote rivers in New Zealand. The results from this study indicate that the presence of an active (i.e. with active sediment deposition) compared to inactive (e.g. abandoned) channels is the most important fluvial geomorphologic variable out of the three tested. The other two are associated with the location relative to the meander bend position, including location within the point bar (inside) or the cut bank (outside), and upstream versus downstream within a given point bar. Findings from this study show that more lateral spreading occurs within point bars, and upstream (within a given point bar) in simple meander bends. However, the presence of geomorphic complexities (e.g. cut banks connected to an incised channel or tributary and/or channel confinement) can challenge the unbiased quantification of the contribution of a single geomorphic variable to the observed lateral displacements. These findings can be applied to other fluvial environments outside of New Zealand, and the proposed framework can be implemented for other non-fluvial depositional settings. }, number={4}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Abayo, Nancy Ingabire and Cabas, Ashly and Chamberlin, Ellen and Montoya, Brina}, year={2023}, month={Nov}, pages={2518–2547} } @article{na_cabas_montoya_2023, title={Resonant Column Testing Procedure for Microbial-Induced Carbonate- Precipitated Sands}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1945-7545"]}, DOI={10.1520/GTJ20220056}, abstractNote={Abstract One of the fundamental inputs to site response analysis is the characterization of the dynamic properties of the soil, namely the shear modulus and material damping ratio. Because of soil’s nonlinear behavior, these properties change with induced shear strains, and modulus reduction and damping (MRD) curves have been proposed to capture that cyclic shear strain dependency. Microbial-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a natural cementation process that induces the precipitation of calcium carbonate, bonding soil particles together. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that MICP can improve the mechanical behavior of soils and mitigate their liquefaction potential. However, MRD curves have not been developed for MICP-treated soils, which hinders further evaluations of their suitability as a ground improvement technique for geotechnical earthquake engineering applications. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides the first empirical study measuring the shear strain–dependent dynamic properties of MICP-treated sands for different cementation levels (i.e., lightly to heavily cemented). Outcomes from this work include empirical models of the maximum shear modulus and minimum shear strain damping ratio of MICP-treated clean sands and the corresponding mean MRD curves. The experimental program includes MICP-treated specimens of Ottawa 20-30 sand tested with a resonant column (RC) device incorporating a modified RC porous disk that (1) minimizes the disturbance between treatment and installation of MICP-treated samples prior to being tested in the RC device, (2) prevents slippage between the specimen and the modified RC porous disk during RC shearing, and (3) enables repeatability of the MICP-treated sample preparation. We find that the level of cementation influences the MRD curves of MICP-treated sands. Linear elastic and volumetric shear strain thresholds for MICP-treated sands are smaller than those for untreated sands, whereas the initial shear modulus for treated soils is larger than its counterpart for untreated sands.}, journal={GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL}, author={Na, Kyunguk and Cabas, Ashly and Montoya, Brina M.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{cabas_rodriguez-marek_green_ji_2022, title={Quantifying the Error Associated with the Elastic Halfspace Assumption in Site Response Analysis}, volume={148}, ISSN={["1943-5606"]}, DOI={10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002893}, abstractNote={One of the fundamental decisions when performing one-dimensional (1D) site response analyses (SRA) involves the selection of the depth and dynamic properties of the elastic halfspace (EHS). This boundary condition assumes linear and homogenous material underlying the soil column for an infinite depth. This assumption implies that waves refracted into the EHS are fully absorbed, and as a result, energy from waves that are potentially reflected back toward the surface from deeper impedance contrasts in the actual geologic profile are not accounted for in the SRA. If a strong soil-rock seismic impedance contrast is present at the site of interest, the EHS boundary is typically set at that depth. However, the actual geologic profile below this impedance contrast may not be in accord with the assumed properties of the EHS, which can lead to systematic errors in the SRA. An analytical expression to quantify these errors is derived in this study, verified using an idealized three-layer profile, and compared to case studies of nine real sites in Charleston, South Carolina. Our results show that the presence of a single strong impedance contrast does not suffice as the sole condition to define the EHS boundary. Frequency-dependent errors in site amplification associated with the assumptions inherent to the EHS used in the SRA can be evaluated as a function of multiple impedance contrasts present in the profile. Smaller errors are associated with strong impedance contrasts at shallower layers and/or minimal impedance contrast among layer interfaces at depth. We also find that strong impedance contrasts located at great depths within deep soil deposits introduce nonnegligible errors to site response results.}, number={10}, journal={JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING}, author={Cabas, Ashly and Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian and Green, Russell A. and Ji, Chunyang}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @article{ji_cabas_bonilla_gelis_2021, title={Effects of Nonlinear Soil Behavior on Kappa (kappa): Observations from the KiK-Net Database}, volume={111}, ISSN={["1943-3573"]}, DOI={10.1785/0120200286}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTSoil nonlinear behavior is often triggered in soft sedimentary deposits subjected to strong ground shaking and has led to catastrophic damage to civil infrastructure in many past earthquakes. Nonlinear behavior in soils is associated with large shear strains, increased material damping ratio, and reduced stiffness. However, most investigations of the high-frequency spectral decay parameter κ, which captures attenuation, have focused on low-intensity ground motions inducing only small shear strains. Because studies of the applicability of the κ model when larger deformations are induced are limited, this article investigates the behavior of κ (both κr per record and site-specific κ0 estimates) beyond the linear-elastic regime. About 20 stations from the Kiban–Kyoshin network database, with time-average shear-wave velocities in the upper 30 m between 213 and 626  m/s, are used in this study. We find that the classification scheme used to identify ground motions that trigger soil nonlinear behavior biases estimates of κ0 in the linear and nonlinear regimes. A hybrid method to overcome such bias is proposed considering proxies for in situ deformation (via the shear-strain index) and ground shaking intensity (via peak ground acceleration). Our findings show that soil nonlinearity affects κr and κ0 estimates, but this influence is station dependent. Most κ0 at our sites had a 5%–20% increase at the onset of soil nonlinear behavior. Velocity gradients and impedance contrasts influence the degree of soil nonlinearity and its effects on κr and κ0. Moreover, we observe that other complexities in the wave propagation phenomenon (e.g., scattering and amplifications in the high-frequency range) impose challenges to the application of the κ0 model, including the estimation of negative values of κr.}, number={4}, journal={BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Ji, Chunyang and Cabas, Ashly and Bonilla, Luis Fabian and Gelis, Celine}, year={2021}, month={Aug}, pages={2138–2157} } @article{cabas_beyzaei_stuedlein_franke_koehler_zimmaro_wood_christie_yang_lorenzo-velazquez_2021, title={Geotechnical lessons from the M-w 7.1 2018 Anchorage Alaska earthquake}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1177/87552930211012013}, abstractNote={ The 2018 Mw 7.1 Anchorage, Alaska, earthquake is one of the largest earthquakes to strike near a major US city since the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The significance of this event motivated reconnaissance efforts to thoroughly document damage to the built environment. This article presents the spatial variability of ground motion intensity and its correlation with subsurface conditions in Anchorage, the identification of liquefaction triggering in the absence of surficial manifestations (such as sand boils or sediment ejecta), cyclic softening failure in organic soils, and the poor performance of anthropogenic fills subjected to cyclic loading. In addition to lessons from observed ground deformation and geotechnical effects on structures, this article provides case studies documenting the satisfactory behavior of improved ground subjected to cyclic loading and the appropriateness of current design procedures for the estimation of seismically induced sliding displacements of mechanically stabilized earth walls. }, number={4}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Cabas, Ashly and Beyzaei, Christine and Stuedlein, Armin and Franke, Kevin W. and Koehler, Richard and Zimmaro, Paolo and Wood, Clinton and Christie, Samuel and Yang, Zhaohui and Lorenzo-Velazquez, Cristina}, year={2021}, month={Nov}, pages={2372–2399} } @article{kaklamanos_cabas_parolai_gueguen_2021, title={Introduction to the Special Section on Advances in Site Response Estimation}, volume={111}, ISSN={["1943-3573"]}, DOI={10.1785/0120210152}, abstractNote={Research Article| July 06, 2021 Introduction to the Special Section on Advances in Site Response Estimation James Kaklamanos; James Kaklamanos * 1Department of Civil Engineering, Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts, U.S.A. *Corresponding author: KaklamanosJ@merrimack.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7480-0391 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar Ashly Cabas; Ashly Cabas 2Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1039-4053 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar Stefano Parolai; Stefano Parolai 3Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale—OGS, Sgonico, Italy https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9084-7488 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar Philippe Guéguen Philippe Guéguen 4Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Grenoble Alpes / Université Savoie Mont‐Blanc / CNRS / IRD / IFSTTAR, Grenoble, France https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6362-0694 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2021) 111 (4): 1665–1676. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120210152 Article history first online: 06 Jul 2021 Cite View This Citation Add to Citation Manager Share Icon Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MailTo Tools Icon Tools Get Permissions Search Site Citation James Kaklamanos, Ashly Cabas, Stefano Parolai, Philippe Guéguen; Introduction to the Special Section on Advances in Site Response Estimation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2021;; 111 (4): 1665–1676. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0120210152 Download citation file: Ris (Zotero) Refmanager EasyBib Bookends Mendeley Papers EndNote RefWorks BibTex toolbar search Search Dropdown Menu toolbar search search input Search input auto suggest filter your search All ContentBy SocietyBulletin of the Seismological Society of America Search Advanced Search Earthquake‐induced ground motions are determined by a combination of source, path, and site effects. As seismic waves propagate along a path from the fault rupture to a given site, they often encounter softer geologic materials as they approach the ground surface. Site response, broadly defined as the effects of near‐surface geologic materials on seismic waves, can significantly alter the amplitude, duration, and frequency content of ground motions. Therefore, to properly estimate seismic hazards and design earthquake‐resistant infrastructure, it is necessary to accurately assess the effects of site response on ground motions. Observations of large variations in damage patterns over short... You do not have access to this content, please speak to your institutional administrator if you feel you should have access.}, number={4}, journal={BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Kaklamanos, James and Cabas, Ashly and Parolai, Stefano and Gueguen, Philippe}, year={2021}, month={Aug}, pages={1665–1676} } @article{ramos-sepulveda_cabas_2021, title={Site Effects on Ground Motion Directionality: Lessons from Case Studies in Japan}, volume={147}, ISSN={["1879-341X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.soildyn.2021.106755}, abstractNote={Earthquake ground motions (GMs) may display distinct characteristics in all directions within the horizontal plane. However, the causes of GM polarization are still not fully understood. Structural designs use maximum rotated intensity measures (IMRotD100) to accommodate variations of the GM with orientation, but the orientation associated with IMRotD100, β, is not easily predictable. This study investigates the influence of linear site response to observed GM variability with direction. We analyze GMs recorded at the surface and at depth from four stations in the Japanese database, KiK-net. Selected events have moment magnitudes ranging 3–5, and rupture distances within 100 km. Findings provide evidence that site effects contribute to GM directionality, and that directional resonance can be observed at sites lacking significant topographic features. Additionally, values of β at depth are not correlated to the orientation corresponding to their expected polarization (from S-wave radiation patterns), which provides evidence of non-negligible path contributions to GM directionality observed at our study sites.}, journal={SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING}, author={Ramos-Sepulveda, Maria Elisa and Cabas, Ashly}, year={2021}, month={Aug} } @inproceedings{cabas_beyzaei_franke_koehler_pierce_stuedlein_yang_christie_2020, title={Turning Disaster into Knowledge: Geotechnical Aspects of the 2018 Mw 7.1 Anchorage Alaska Earthquake}, DOI={10.1061/9780784482810.020}, abstractNote={The moment magnitude (Mw) 7.1 Anchorage, Alaska, earthquake on November 30, 2018 is one of the largest earthquakes to strike near a major U.S. city since the 1994 Northridge earthquake. No fatalities were reported, but the earthquake caused widespread power outages, structural damage to residential buildings, damage to roadways and railways, and ground failures. This paper presents a summary of preliminary findings by the NSF-sponsored Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) team. Damage was characterized using a combination of on-ground site mapping and aerial reconnaissance with state-of-art geomatics technology and photogrammetry. Recorded peak ground accelerations (PGA) at most stations range between 0.2 g and 0.3 g, with a few sites in the central and southeastern vicinities of Anchorage with PGA greater than 0.5 g. The duration of strong shaking from the M 7.1 event may not have been enough to initiate substantial movements on the majority of the historic landslides from the 1964 M 9.2 earthquake, including the slides at the Turnagain Heights and 4th Avenue. However, liquefaction appeared to have contributed to re-mobilization of the 1964 Potter Hill (Rabbit Creek) landslide. While the majority of the damage observed in Anchorage and surrounding communities appeared to be non-structural, the isolated cases of structural damage seemed to be caused by geotechnical issues, particularly settlement of the foundation and/or slope deformations.}, booktitle={ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Proceedings from ASCE GeoCongress}, author={Cabas, A. and Beyzaei, C. and Franke, K. and Koehler, R. and Pierce, I. and Stuedlein, A. and Yang, J. and Christie, S.}, year={2020}, month={Feb} } @article{ji_cabas mijares_cotton_pilz_bindi_2020, title={Within station variability in kappa: evidence of directionality effects}, volume={110}, ISSN={["1943-3573"]}, DOI={10.1785/0120190253}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT One of the most commonly used parameters to describe seismic attenuation is the high-frequency spectral decay parameter Kappa (κr), yet the physics behind it remain little understood. A better understanding of potential factors that lead to large scatter in estimated values of κr constitutes a critical need for ground-motion modeling and seismic hazard assessment at large. Most research efforts to date have focused on studying the site-to-site and model-to-model variability of κ, but the uncertainties in individual κr estimations associated with different events at a selected site (which we refer to as the within-station variability of κr) remain uncharacterized. As a direct corollary, obtaining robust estimates of the site-specific component κ0, and their corresponding interpretation become a challenge. To understand the sources of the variability observed in κr (and κ0) at a single site, we select 10 Japanese Kiban–Kyoshin network (KiK-net) downhole arrays and investigate the systematic contributions from ground-motion directionality. We observe that κr estimated from a single horizontal component is orientation dependent. In addition, the influence of ground-motion directionality is a function of local site conditions. We propose an orientation-independent κr-value, which is not affected either by ground-motion directionality or by the events’ azimuths. In addition, we find that focal depth of events used in κr calculations affects the estimation of the regional attenuation component κR, which, in turn, influences the within-station variability in the κ0 model.}, number={3}, journal={Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, author={Ji, C. and Cabas Mijares, A. and Cotton, F. and Pilz, M. and Bindi, D.}, year={2020}, month={Apr}, pages={1247–1259} } @inproceedings{ingabire-abayo_cabas_montoya_2019, place={Taipei, Taiwan}, title={Assessment of Lateral Spreading Case Histories from Recent Seismic Events: Port-Au-Prince, Haiti 2010, and Christchurch, New Zealand 2011}, booktitle={Proceedings from the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk}, publisher={Research Publishing}, author={Ingabire-Abayo, N. and Cabas, A. and Montoya, B.}, editor={Ching, J. and Li, D. and Zhang, J.Editors}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{doostmohammadibueini_cabas_montoya_2019, place={Philadelphia, PA}, title={Assessment of Lateral Spreading Estimations through the Lens of Centrifuge Modeling}, booktitle={Proceedings from ASCE GeoCongress 2019}, publisher={ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication}, author={Doostmohammadibueini, M. and Cabas, A. and Montoya, B.}, year={2019} } @book{cabas_kaklamanos_kottke_chowdhury_2019, title={Assessment of the Contribution of Input Motion Selection Procedures to Uncertainty in Ground Motion Intensity Measures}, author={Cabas, A. and Kaklamanos, J. and Kottke, A. and Chowdhury, I.}, year={2019} } @book{koehler_franke_beyzaei_cabas_pierce_stuedlein_yang_2019, place={Anchorage, Alaska}, title={Geotechnical Engineering Reconnaissance of the 30 November 2018 M7.0 Anchorage, Alaska Earthquake}, url={http://www.geerassociation.org/administrator/components/com_geer_reports/geerfiles/2018_Anchorage_Earthquake_Report_Version_1.pdf}, DOI={10.18118/G6P07F}, institution={GEER Association}, author={Koehler, R.D. and Franke, K.W. and Beyzaei, C.Z. and Cabas, A. and Pierce, I. and Stuedlein, A. and Yang, Z.}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{chowdhury_cabas_kaklamanos_kottke_greggor_2019, place={Rome, Italy}, title={Ground motion selection using the conditional spectrum: insights for different tectonic environments}, booktitle={Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions: Proceedings of the VII ICEGE Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering}, publisher={CRC Press}, author={Chowdhury, I. and Cabas, A. and Kaklamanos, J. and Kottke, A. and Greggor, N.}, editor={Silvestri, F. and Morcai, N.Editors}, year={2019}, month={May}, pages={1803–1811} } @inproceedings{chowdhury_cabas_2018, title={Assessment of the Influence of the Elastic Halfspace on Site Response Estimations}, author={Chowdhury, I.N. and Cabas, A.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{ji_cabas_2018, place={Miami, FL}, title={Investigation of the Dependence of Kappa Values on the Onset of Soil Nonlinearity as Captured by Shear Strain Index (PGV/Vs30)}, booktitle={Seismology of the Americas (joint conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA}, author={Ji, C. and Cabas, A.}, year={2018}, month={May} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2018, place={Austin, TX}, title={Toward improving damping characterization for site response analysis}, booktitle={Proceedings from the ASCE 5th Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Conference}, publisher={ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2018} } @book{rodriguez-marek_dawood_upadhyaya_cabas_2017, title={An empirical study of the parameterization of site response using the KiKnet array}, number={G14AP00017}, author={Rodriguez-Marek, A. and Dawood, H.M. and Upadhyaya, S. and Cabas, A.}, year={2017}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2017, title={Estimation of Site-Specific Kappa (κ0)-Consistent Damping Values at Selected Stations from the KiK-net Database}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2017} } @article{cabas_rodriguez‐marek_bonilla_2017, title={Estimation of Site‐Specific Kappa (κ0)‐Consistent Damping Values at KiK‐Net Sites to Assess the Discrepancy between Laboratory‐Based Damping Models and Observed Attenuation (of Seismic Waves) in the Field}, volume={107}, ISSN={0037-1106 1943-3573}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1785/0120160370}, DOI={10.1785/0120160370}, abstractNote={In this article, we compare field estimates of near-surface attenuation, as captured by site-specific o-values (i.e., o0) with laboratory-based estimates of minimum shear-strain damping (Ÿmin). We propose models for Ÿmin based on o0 measured at selected stations of the KiK-net database, which are found to be generally larger than lowstrain damping values obtained from laboratory testing. The latter can only quantify intrinsic material damping, whereas other attenuation mechanisms such as scattering of the wavefield contribute to field-based estimates. In addition, we evaluate the difference in damping at the surface and at borehole stations to determine the contribution of shallow layers to attenuation as captured by o0-values at the surface. Thus, values of o0 are computed at the surface and at the downhole instrument depth. The difference between both values, correlates well with the averaged shear-wave velocity over the top 30 m of the profile, VS30, and with the depth to bedrock. Estimates of o0 for hard-rock and stiff sites in Japan are also examined and compared with other regional o0-values proposed for high VS30 materials in New Zealand, Greece, and Switzerland. Two values of o0, which are lower than the corresponding estimates for the aforementioned regions, are deemed potential descriptors of hard-rock conditions in Japan. The ability of the proposed o0-consistent damping models to predict ground motions using the vertical array data from the KiK-net sites has yet to be tested.}, number={5}, journal={Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, publisher={Seismological Society of America (SSA)}, author={Cabas, Ashly and Rodriguez‐Marek, Adrian and Bonilla, Luis Fabian}, year={2017}, month={Sep}, pages={2258–2271} } @inproceedings{chowdhury_cabas_2017, title={Ground Motions from the August 24, 2016 Rieti Earthquake in Italy}, author={Chowdhury, I.C. and Cabas, A.}, year={2017} } @article{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2017, title={V-S-kappa(0) Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions Used in Seismic Site Response Analyses}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1944-8201"]}, DOI={10.1193/22315eqs188m}, abstractNote={Input motions used in seismic site response analyses are commonly selected based on similarities between the shear wave velocity ( VS) at the recording station, and the reference depth at the site of interest (among other aspects such as the intensity of the expected ground motion). This traditional approach disregards the influence of the attenuation in the shallow crust on site response. Given that this attenuation (damping) can be characterized by the distance-independent high-frequency attenuation parameter κ0, a VS-κ0correction framework for input motions is proposed to render them compatible with the assumed properties of the reference depth at the site. The proposed correction factors were applied to a subset of recordings from the KiK-net database, and compared to traditional deconvolution. Results indicate that VS-κ0corrected motions outperform deconvolved motions in the characterization of the spectral energy in the high-frequency range. However, motions recorded at sites with soft deposits are not good candidates for the VS-κ0correction approach. VS-κ0corrections also affect amplification functions which are important in the assessment of site-specific seismic hazards.}, number={3}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Cabas, Ashly and Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian}, year={2017}, month={Aug}, pages={917–941} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2017, place={Orlando, Florida}, title={What Can We Learn from Kappa (k) to Achieve a Better Characterization of Damping in Geotechnical Site Response Models?}, DOI={10.1061/9780784480489.001}, abstractNote={Site response analyses (SRA) provide a means to assess the seismic wave propagation phenomenon in shallow deposits and capture its influence on ground motions. One of the key model assumptions in SRA involves the characterization of the attenuation at the site. Typical damping models are developed by testing small-scale soil samples in the laboratory. These procedures can only characterize material damping and fail to capture other sources of attenuation as they occur in the field (e.g., scattering). The spectral decay parameter, kappa, is used in this study to define alternative damping models. These combined models of geotechnical and seismological attenuation descriptors provide larger estimates of damping than laboratory-based models. The most important practical application of this study is the definition of the portion of attenuation that is ignored when solely relying in dynamic laboratory testing. Insights on similarities between kappa and damping values used in geotechnical models are also provided.}, booktitle={Geotechnical Frontiers: Seismic Performance and Liquefaction}, publisher={ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2017} } @article{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2015, place={San Antonio, TX, USA}, title={Appropriate Ground Motions for Dynamic Analysis of Foundations. IFCEE/Geo-Congress 2015 Geo-Institute National Poster Competition}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2015}, month={Mar} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_montalva_2015, place={Argentina}, title={VS-κ Consistent Input Ground Motions for Site Response Analyses, Case Studies in Concepción and San Pedro, Chile}, booktitle={Proceedings of the XV Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A. and Montalva, G.}, year={2015}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{cabas_2015, place={Boston, MA, USA}, title={VS-κ0 Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions used in Seismic Site Response Analysis}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 67th Annual Meeting 2015}, author={Cabas, A.}, year={2015}, month={Mar} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2014, place={Charleston, SC, USA}, title={Influence of the Selection of Input Motions on the Systematic Errors Introduced in Site Response Analyses Conducted in Charleston, SC}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2014}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2014, title={The Importance of the Elastic Half-Space Assumption in Site Response Analysis}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2014}, month={May} } @inproceedings{cabas_cárcamo_rodriguez-marek_godfrey_olgun_2014, title={Where to Locate the Elastic Half-Space in Site Response Analysis, A Case Study Using Site Profiles from Charleston, SC, USA}, author={Cabas, A. and Cárcamo, P. and Rodriguez-Marek, A. and Godfrey, B. and Olgun, G.}, year={2014} } @article{cabas_rodriguez-marek_2012, title={Ground Motions observed during the August 23rd, 2011 Mineral Virginia Earthquake}, author={Cabas, A. and Rodriguez-Marek, A.}, year={2012}, month={Apr} }