@article{sun_wang_bloom_comstock_yang_mcconnell_clever_molitoris_lamont_cheng_et al._2024, title={Colossal anisotropic absorption of spin currents induced by chirality}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2375-2548"]}, DOI={10.1126/sciadv.adn3240}, abstractNote={The chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, in which the structural chirality of a material determines the preference for the transmission of electrons with one spin orientation over that of the other, is emerging as a design principle for creating next-generation spintronic devices. CISS implies that the spin preference of chiral structures persists upon injection of pure spin currents and can act as a spin analyzer without the need for a ferromagnet. Here, we report an anomalous spin current absorption in chiral metal oxides that manifests a colossal anisotropic nonlocal Gilbert damping with a maximum-to-minimum ratio of up to 1000%. A twofold symmetry of the damping is shown to result from differential spin transmission and backscattering that arise from chirality-induced spin splitting along the chiral axis. These studies reveal the rich interplay of chirality and spin dynamics and identify how chiral materials can be implemented to direct the transport of spin current.}, number={18}, journal={SCIENCE ADVANCES}, author={Sun, Rui and Wang, Ziqi and Bloom, Brian P. and Comstock, Andrew H. and Yang, Cong and McConnell, Aeron and Clever, Caleb and Molitoris, Mary and Lamont, Daniel and Cheng, Zhao-Hua and et al.}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{sun_park_comstock_mcconnell_chen_zhang_beratan_you_hoffmann_yu_et al._2024, title={Inverse chirality-induced spin selectivity effect in chiral assemblies of π-conjugated polymers}, volume={3}, ISSN={["1476-4660"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41563-024-01838-8}, journal={NATURE MATERIALS}, author={Sun, Rui and Park, Kyung Sun and Comstock, Andrew H. and Mcconnell, Aeron and Chen, Yen-Chi and Zhang, Peng and Beratan, David and You, Wei and Hoffmann, Axel and Yu, Zhi-Gang and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Mar} } @article{li_comstock_mcconnell_li_yun_sun_xu_2023, title={Giant interfacial spin Hall angle from Rashba-Edelstein effect revealed by the spin Hall Hanle process}, volume={108}, ISSN={["2469-9969"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L241403}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L241403}, abstractNote={The Rashba-Edelstein effect (REE), which generates interfacial spin polarization and subsequent spin current, is a compelling spin-charge conversion mechanism for spintronics applications, since it is not limited by the elemental spin-orbit coupling. In this work, we demonstrate REE at Pt/ferroelectric interfaces using the recently elucidated spin-Hall Hanle effects (SHHE), in which a Larmor precession of spin polarization in a diffusion process from the interface manifest as magnetoresistance and Hall effect. We show that REE leads to a three-fold enhancement of the effective spin Hall angle in ferroelectric interface Pt/h-LuFeO3 compared to that of Pt /Al2O3, although the difference in the spin relaxation time is negligible. Modeling using SHHEs involving REE as an additional source of interfacial polarization suggests that REE can lead to an interfacial spin Hall angle (~0.3) that is one order of magnitude larger than the bulk value of Pt. Our results demonstrate that a ferroelectric interface can produce large spin-charge conversion and that SHHEs are a sensitive tool for characterizing interfacial spin transport properties.}, number={24}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, author={Li, Jing and Comstock, Andrew H. and Mcconnell, Aeron and Li, Xin and Yun, Yu and Sun, Dali and Xu, Xiaoshan}, year={2023}, month={Dec} } @article{comstock_biliroglu_seyitliyev_mcconnell_vetter_reddy_kirste_szymanski_sitar_collazo_et al._2022, title={Spintronic Terahertz Emission in Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor/Ferromagnet Heterostructures}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2195-1071"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85141368541&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1002/adom.202201535}, abstractNote={AbstractRecent successful integration of semiconductors into spintronic THz emitters has demonstrated a new pathway of control over terahertz (THz) radiation through ultrafast demagnetization dynamics. Here, the spintronic THz emission from different ultrawide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductors interfaced with ferromagnets is studied. The authors show that the Schottky barrier in the UWBG semiconductor AlN acts as a spin filter that increases the polarization of the spin current injected from the ferromagnet. Furthermore, the authors show that the two‐dimensional electron gas at the interface between Al0.25Ga0.75N and GaN enhances the magnitude of the emitted radiation due to the high spin‐to‐charge conversion efficiency induced by the Rashba effect that results in a hallmark asymmetry in emission amplitude. The results provide a framework for future engineering of semiconducting/ferromagnet heterostructures for ultrafast communications technologies beyond 5G.}, number={1}, journal={ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS}, author={Comstock, Andrew and Biliroglu, Melike and Seyitliyev, Dovletgeldi and McConnell, Aeron and Vetter, Eric and Reddy, Pramod and Kirste, Ronny and Szymanski, Dennis and Sitar, Zlatko and Collazo, Ramon and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Oct} }