Works (6)
2020 journal article
Historic preservation priorities for climate adaptation

2019 journal article
Optimizing historic preservation under climate change: Decision support for cultural resource adaptation planning in national parks
Land Use Policy, 83, 379–389.
Contributors: X. Xiao*, E. Seekamp n , M. Burg *, M. Eaton* , S. Fatorić* & *

2019 journal article
Predictors of visitors’ climate-related coping behaviors in a nature-based tourism destination
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 26, 23–33.

2018 journal article
Research note: Climate change and the demand for summer tourism on Minnesota's North Shore
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 24, 21–25.

2016 journal article
Exploring the efficacy of an aquatic invasive species prevention campaign among water recreationists
Biological Invasions, 18(6), 1745–1758.
2015 journal article
Examining tourism destination risk and community adaptive capacity along the north shore of Lake Superior
Michigan Journal of Sustainability, 3, 111–119.