@article{pauls_jamadgni_george_gitua_thuo_2024, title={Stereo-Structural Fine Tuning of Chromaticity}, volume={5}, ISSN={["1521-3773"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202318949}, DOI={10.1002/anie.202318949}, abstractNote={Lanthanoid carboxylates were synthesized and in situ self-assembled to illustrate temperature-driven evolution in chromaticity. Evolution in structure (crystallinity), composition, luminosity, and chromaticity were investigated revealing the coupled role of divergence in order/structure (spatial organization), and composition in tuning observed color. Loss of crystallinity or increase in residual carbon leads to decrease in luminosity even with increase in hue. Comparing Ho and Er congeners shows that the density of accessible transition states relates to shifts in low and high wavelength components of color. This work demonstrates that, just as interface dipoles can lead to change in semiconductor band gap, structure and composition can analogously alter observed color.}, journal={ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION}, author={Pauls, Alana M. and Jamadgni, Dhanush U. and George, Gary and Gitua, John N. and Thuo, Martin M.}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{du_gregory_jamadgni_pauls_chang_dorn_martin_foster_rossini_thuo_2023, title={Spatially Directed Pyrolysis via Thermally Morphing Surface Adducts}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1521-3773"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202308822}, DOI={10.1002/anie.202308822}, abstractNote={AbstractCombustion is often difficult to spatially direct or tune associated kinetics—hence a run‐away reaction. Coupling pyrolytic chemical transformation to mass transport and reaction rates (Damköhler number), however, we spatially directed ignition with concomitant switch from combustion to pyrolysis (low oxidant). A ‘surface‐then‐core’ order in ignition, with concomitant change in burning rate,is therefore established. Herein, alkysilanes grafted onto cellulose fibers are pyrolyzed into non‐flammable SiO2 terminating surface ignition propagation, hence stalling flame propagating. Sustaining high temperatures, however, triggers ignition in the bulk of the fibers but under restricted gas flow (oxidant and/or waste) hence significantly low rate of ignition propagation and pyrolysis compared to open flame (Liñán's equation). This leads to inside‐out thermal degradation and, with felicitous choice of conditions, formation of graphitic tubes. Given the temperature dependence, imbibing fibers with an exothermically oxidizing synthon (MnCl2) or a heat sink (KCl) abets or inhibits pyrolysis leading to tuneable wall thickness. We apply this approach to create magnetic, paramagnetic, or oxide containing carbon fibers. Given the surface sensitivity, we illustrate fabrication of nm‐ and μm‐diameter tubes from appropriately sized fibers.}, journal={ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION}, author={Du, Chuanshen and Gregory, Paul and Jamadgni, Dhanush U. and Pauls, Alana M. and Chang, Julia J. and Dorn, Rick W. and Martin, Andrew and Foster, E. Johan and Rossini, Aaron J. and Thuo, Martin}, year={2023}, month={Aug} }