Works (5)
2019 article
Issue Title: Using Multiple Methods to Uncover the Truths about Gender Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2019, March). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 36, pp. 1–2.
2018 journal article
Gender in relationships with self and others Introduction
Gender Issues, 35(1), 1–2.
2018 article
Issue Title: Highlighting the Diversity of Our Work Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2018, September). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 35, pp. 179–180.
2017 article
Gender and Intersectional Identities in Academe Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2017, June). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 34, pp. 103–104.
2017 article
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2017, December). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 34, pp. 293–294.