Alecia Brown
Works (6)
2024 journal article
Examining the long-term impacts of ergot alkaloids on fetal heifer development and subsequent growth and reproductive performance

2020 article
Changes in Cytokine Profiles in Response to Ergovaline Exposure in Slick vs. Normal Hair Coat in Beef Heifers.
Brown, A. R., Haimon, M. K. L., Poole, R., Poore, M. H., & Poole, D. H. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 40–40.
2020 article
In Utero Exposure of Ergot Alkaloids does not Impact Heifer Growth and Reproductive Performance.
Haimon, M. K. L., Brown, A. R., Poore, M. H., & Poole, D. H. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 44–44.

2019 journal article
111 Changes in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in beef steers chronically exposed to endophyte-infected tall fescue seed
Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_1), 42–43.
2019 journal article
Effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed and protein supplementation on stocker steers: II. Adaptive and innate immune function
Journal of Animal Science, 97(10), 4160–4170.

2019 article
Long term impact of ergot alkaloids on fetal heifer development and subsequent growth and reproductive performance.
Jackson, M. K. L., Newsome, M. K. A., Brown, A. R., Poole, R. K., Dudley, H. B., Poore, M. H., & Poole, D. H. (2019, July). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 46–46.