@article{haskett_hall_finster_owens_buccelli_2022, title={"It brought my family more together": Mixed-methods study of low-income US mothers during the pandemic}, volume={71}, ISSN={["1741-3729"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fare.12684}, DOI={10.1111/fare.12684}, abstractNote={AbstractObjectiveWe sought to understand challenges and positive experiences of low‐income families during the pandemic.BackgroundStrength‐based perspectives of economically disadvantaged mothers are missing from literature on the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic. Although it is imperative to recognize disparities that were highlighted by the pandemic, strengths‐based approaches and a resilience framework can help professionals build upon and learn from ways families manage during those times.MethodWe used a mixed‐method approach to gain understanding of the unique experiences of 15 low‐income mothers at the height of the pandemic. We administered a brief COVID‐19 stress screener, the Five‐Minute Speech Sample measure, and an open‐ended question about potential positive experiences during the pandemic.ResultsWe learned that strength and resilience supersede the liabilities brought on by COVID‐19 that are so often focused on. We found highly divergent experiences across mothers in terms of stress; even mothers with high levels of stress readily identified positive aspects of life during the pandemic. Mothers' responses were indicative of greater feelings of warmth and tenderness than negativity about their children.Conclusion and ImplicationsWe discuss findings in terms of strengths‐based practices and policies for mothers receiving public assistance and provide suggestions for continued research on resilience of mothers during the pandemic.}, number={3}, journal={FAMILY RELATIONS}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Haskett, Mary E. and Hall, Jodi K. and Finster, Heather P. and Owens, Caitlyn and Buccelli, Alexandra R.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @article{haskett_buccelli_renbarger_2023, title={Higher Education Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness: Role Preparation and Professional Development Needs}, volume={52}, ISSN={["0884-9153"]}, DOI={10.55504/0884-9153.1761}, abstractNote={Homelessness among college students is an increasing concern on campuses across the U.S. Homelessness during college is associated with food insecurity, mental health concerns, and academic challenges including dropped classes, low GRE, and delayed degree completion. Homeless education liaisons—a role often filled by financial aid officers—are tasked with assisting students experiencing homelessness as the students navigate systems of support for basic needs while pursuing their degrees. Little is known about the perspectives or experiences of these professionals in terms of their role as a liaison. Our aim was to inform efforts to support these professionals by gaining an understanding of the knowledge and experiences of liaisons and their professional development preferences and needs. Based on survey data collected from 49 liaisons in four states, we identified gaps in understanding of college student homelessness, such as underestimates of the rate of student homelessness. We pinpointed areas of potential professional development including methods to identify and reach all students at risk for or experiencing homelessness and approaches for collaboration with community partners. We found that liaisons welcomed professional development and preferred online training and peer support as approaches to gain knowledge and skills to fulfill their critical roles.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF STUDENT FINANCIAL AID}, author={Haskett, Mary E. and Buccelli, Alexandra R. and Renbarger, Rachel L.}, year={2023}, month={Mar} }