Alan Reid Ellis
mental health, child wellbeing, research methods, propensity scores, causal inference
Works (78)
2025 journal article
Stigmatizing and affirming provider language in medical records on hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder
Journal of Hospital Medicine.

2025 journal article
Using methods to extend inferences to specific target populations to improve the precision of subgroup analyses
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
2024 journal article
Perioperative Albumin Among Adults Undergoing Thoracic Surgery in the United States: Utilization, Associations With Clinical Outcomes, and Contribution to Hospital Costs
2022 journal article
Feasibility of a best–worst scaling exercise to set priorities for autism research
Davis, S. A., Howard, K., Ellis, A. R., Jonas, D. E., Carey, T. S., Morrissey, J. P., & Thomas, K. C. (2022, June 8). Feasibility of a best-worst scaling exercise to set priorities for autism research. HEALTH EXPECTATIONS.

2022 journal article
Rapid and Deferred Help Seeking Among African American Parents of Children With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
Psychiatric Services, 73(12), 1359–1366.

2021 journal article
Duration of medical home participation and quality of care for patients with chronic conditions
Swietek, K. E., Domino, M. E., Grove, L. R., Beadles, C., Ellis, A. R., Farley, J. F., … DuBard, C. A. (2021, August 17). HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH.

2021 journal article
Evaluation of trends in continuous peripheral nerve block utilization for total knee arthroplasty within and outside the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
Nagavelli, H., Mariano, E. R., Krishnamoorthy, V., Ray, N. D., Hsia, H.-L., Ellis, A. R., … Raghunathan, K. (2022, January). REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, Vol. 47, pp. 62–63.

2021 report
Improving Methods for Discrete Choice Experiments to Measure Patient Preferences
2021 journal article
Parent Activation and Child Mental Health Service use in African American Families in a Large Cross-Sectional Study
The Permanente Journal, 25(1), 1–1.
2021 journal article
Perioperative colloid choice and bleeding in patients undergoing musculoskeletal surgery: An observational administrative database study
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 11(4), 223.

2021 journal article
Propensity Score Weighting and Trimming Strategies for Reducing Variance and Bias of Treatment Effect Estimates: A Simulation Study

2021 journal article
Propensity score trimming mitigates bias due to covariate measurement error in inverse probability of treatment weighted analyses: A plasmode simulation
Statistics in Medicine, 40(9), 2101–2112.

2021 journal article
Trends in Comorbidities and Complications Using ICD-9 and ICD-10 in Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasties
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 103(8), 696–704.

2020 journal article
A clinical investigation into the benefits of using charge codes in perioperative and critical care epidemiology: A retrospective cohort database study
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 10(5), 39.

2020 journal article
Associations Between Perioperative Crystalloid Volume and Adverse Outcomes in Five Surgical Populations
Journal of Surgical Research, 251, 26–32.

2020 journal article
Bleeding After Musculoskeletal Surgery in Hospitals That Switched From Hydroxyethyl Starch to Albumin Following a Food and Drug Administration Warning
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 131(4), 1193–1200.

2020 journal article
Effects of Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, Gabapentinoids, and Their Combinations on Postoperative Pulmonary Complications After Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty
Pain Medicine, 21(10), 2385–2393.

2020 journal article
Medical Home Effects on Enrollees With Mental and Physical Illness

2020 journal article
Using propensity scores to estimate effects of treatment initiation decisions: State of the science
Statistics in Medicine, 40(7), 1718–1735.

2019 journal article
Association ‘Between Gabapentinoids on the Day of Colorectal Surgery and Adverse Postoperative Respiratory Outcomes
Annals of Surgery, 270(6), e65–e67.

2019 journal article
Dose-Dependent Association of Gabapentinoids with Pulmonary Complications After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasties
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 102(3), 221–229.

2019 journal article
Effortful Control in Childhood: Dimensionality and Validation Through Associations With Sex, Aggression, and Social Information Processing Skills
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 10(3), 423–439.

2019 journal article
Restriction of Pharmacoepidemiologic Cohorts to Initiators of Medications in Unrelated Preventive Drug Classes to Reduce Confounding by Frailty in Older Adults
American Journal of Epidemiology, 188(7), 1371–1382.

2018 journal article
A conceptual framework for preventing aggression in elementary schools
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 36(3), 183–206.

2018 journal article
Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Past, Present and Future
PharmacoEconomics, 37(2), 201–226.

2018 journal article
Do Medical Homes Improve Quality of Care for Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions?
Health Services Research, 53(6), 4667–4681.

2018 journal article
Training Psychologists for Rural Practice: Exploring Opportunities and Constraints
The Journal of Rural Health, 35(1), 35–41.

2017 journal article
Controlling confounding by frailty when estimating influenza vaccine effectiveness using predictors of dependency in activities of daily living
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 26(12), 1500–1506.

2017 journal article
Do Medical Homes Offer Improved Diabetes Care for Medicaid Enrollees with Co-occurring Schizophrenia?
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 28(3), 1030–1041.

2017 journal article
Evaluating the potential for primary care to serve as a mental health home for people with schizophrenia
General Hospital Psychiatry, 47, 14–19.

2017 journal article
The “Dry-Run” Analysis: A Method for Evaluating Risk Scores for Confounding Control
American Journal of Epidemiology, 185(9), 842–852.

2016 journal article
Comparative Effectiveness of Iron and Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Dosing on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 67(2), 271–282.
2016 journal article
Comparative Short-term Safety of Sodium Ferric Gluconate Versus Iron Sucrose in Hemodialysis Patients
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 67(1), 119–127.

2016 journal article
Do primary care medical homes facilitate care transitions after psychiatric discharge for patients with multiple chronic conditions?
General Hospital Psychiatry, 39, 59–65.
2016 journal article
Increasing Access to State Psychiatric Hospital Beds: Exploring Supply-Side Solutions
Psychiatric Services, 67(5), 523–528.

2016 journal article
PTH-dependence of the effectiveness of cinacalcet in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism
Scientific Reports, 6(1).

2015 journal article
Controlling Time-Dependent Confounding by Health Status and Frailty: Restriction Versus Statistical Adjustment
American Journal of Epidemiology, 182(1), 17–25.

2015 journal article
Do Medical Homes Increase Medication Adherence for Persons With Multiple Chronic Conditions?
Medical Care, 53(2), 168–176.
2015 journal article
First Outpatient Follow-Up After Psychiatric Hospitalization: Does One Size Fit All?
Psychiatric Services, 66(4), 364–372.

2015 journal article
Matching on the disease risk score in comparative effectiveness research of new treatments
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 24(9), 951–961.

2015 journal article
The Effects of State Psychiatric Hospital Waitlist Policies on Length of Stay and Time to Readmission
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(3), 332–342.
2015 journal article
Use of Antipsychotic Medications in Pediatric and Young Adult Populations
Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 21(1), 26–36.
2014 journal article
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 20(2), 104–117.
2014 journal article
Comparative short-term safety of bolus versus maintenance iron dosing in hemodialysis patients: a replication study
BMC Nephrology, 15(1).

2014 journal article
Heterogeneity in the Quality of Care for Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions by Psychiatric Comorbidity
Medical Care, 52(Supplement 2), S101–S109.

2014 journal article
Model Misspecification When Excluding Instrumental Variables from PS Models in Settings Where Instruments Modify the Effects of Covariates on Treatment
Epidemiologic Methods, 0(0).

2014 journal article
The Role of Prediction Modeling in Propensity Score Estimation: An Evaluation of Logistic Regression, bCART, and the Covariate-Balancing Propensity Score
American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(6), 645–655.

2014 journal article
Use of Medical Homes by Patients With Comorbid Physical and Severe Mental Illness
Medical Care, 52(Supplement 2), S85–S91.

2013 journal article
Approaches to inverse-probability-of-treatment–weighted estimation with concurrent treatments
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66(8), S51–S56.

2013 journal article
Confounding control in a nonexperimental study of STAR*D data: logistic regression balanced covariates better than boosted CART
Annals of Epidemiology, 23(4), 204–209.
2013 journal article
Future Research Needs for Evaluating the Integration of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment with Primary Care
Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 19(5), 345–359.

2013 journal article
Infection Risk with Bolus versus Maintenance Iron Supplementation in Hemodialysis Patients
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 24(7), 1151–1158.

2013 journal article
Intravenous Iron Supplementation Practices and Short-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Hemodialysis Patients
PLoS One, 8(11), e78930.
2013 journal article
Investigating differences in treatment effect estimates between propensity score matching and weighting: a demonstration using STAR*D trial data
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 22(2), 138–144.

2013 journal article
Patterns of healthcare use and employment among people with disabilities
Disability and Health Journal, 6(2), 133–140.

2013 journal article
The Comparative Short-term Effectiveness of Iron Dosing and Formulations in US Hemodialysis Patients
The American Journal of Medicine, 126(6), 541.e1–541.e14.
2012 journal article
Distressing Adverse Events After Antidepressant Switch in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) Trial: Influence of Adverse Events During Initial Treatment with Citalopram on Development of Subsequent Adverse Events with an Alternative Antidepressant
Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 32(3), 234–243.

2012 journal article
North Carolina’s Mental Health Workforce: Unmet Need, Maldistribution, and No Quick Fixes
North Carolina Medical Journal, 73(3), 161–168.
2012 journal article
Risk of adverse events in treatment-resistant depression: propensity-score-matched comparison of antidepressant augment and switch strategies
General Hospital Psychiatry, 34(2), 192–200.

2012 journal article
Treating Depression After Initial Treatment Failure
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 32(1), 114–119.
2011 journal article
Does the presence of accompanying symptom clusters differentiate the comparative effectiveness of second-line medication strategies for treating depression?
Depression and Anxiety, 28(11), 989–998.

2011 journal article
Outcome Studies of Social, Behavioral, and Educational Interventions
Research on Social Work Practice, 21(6), 619–635.
2010 journal article
The Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Children Ages 0–4 in North Carolina: An Exploratory Analysis
North Carolina Medical Journal, 71(1), 9–14.
2009 journal article
Assessing Multiple Outcomes for Women with Co-Occurring Disorders and Trauma in a Multi-Site Trial: A Propensity Score Approach
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 36(2), 123–132.

2009 journal article
County-Level Estimates of Mental Health Professional Shortage in the United States
Psychiatric Services, 60(10), 1323–1328.
2009 journal article
County-Level Estimates of Mental Health Professional Supply in the United States
Psychiatric Services, 60(10), 1315–1322.

2009 journal article
County-Level Estimates of Need for Mental Health Professionals in the United States
Psychiatric Services, 60(10), 1307–1314.
2009 journal article
Managed Care and Provider Satisfaction in Mental Health Settings
Community Mental Health Journal, 45(3), 209–221.
2009 journal article
Using SAS to calculate betweenness centrality
CONNECTIONS: Official Journal of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, 29(1), 26–32.
2008 journal article
Targeting Trauma-related Interventions and Improving Outcomes for Women with Co-occurring Disorders
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 35(3), 147–158.
2007 journal article
Access to Care for Autism-Related Services
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(10), 1902–1912.

2007 journal article
Generalist care managers for the treatment of depressed medicaid patients in North Carolina: A pilot study
BMC Family Practice, 8(1).
2006 journal article
Assessing the Service Linkages of Substance Abuse Agencies with Mental Health and Primary Care Organizations
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 32(1), 69–86.

2005 journal article
Outcomes for women with co-occurring disorders and trauma: Program and person-level effects
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2), 121–133.

2005 journal article
Twelve-Month Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Interventions for Women With Co-occurring Disorders
Psychiatric Services, 56(10), 1213–1222.
2002 journal article
Service Use and Health Status of Persons With Severe Mental Illness in Full-Risk and No-Risk Medicaid Programs
Psychiatric Services, 53(3), 293–298.

2001 journal article
Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 29(2), 117–128.
2000 journal article
Comparing provider perceptions of access and utilization management in full-risk and no-risk medicaid programs for adults with serious mental illness
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 27(1), 29–46.
Updated: March 27th, 2024 20:02
2014 - present
1997 - 2014
Updated: February 24th, 2015 10:37
2004 - 2012
1994 - 1996
1986 - 1990