Adolfo Raphael Escobedo
Works (29)
2024 journal article
Elicitation and aggregation of multimodal estimates improve wisdom of crowd effects on ordering tasks
2024 journal article
Predicting the composition of solid waste at the county scale
WASTE MANAGEMENT, 193, 293–306.
2023 journal article
Approximate Condorcet Partitioning: Solving large-scale rank aggregation problems
Computers & Operations Research.

2023 article
Assessing the Effects of Expanded Input Elicitation and Machine Learning-Based Priming on Crowd Stock Prediction
2023 journal article
Beyond kemeny rank aggregation: A parameterizable-penalty framework for robust ranking aggregation with ties

2023 journal article
Code and Data Repository for Exact Matrix Factorization Updates for Nonlinear Programming
INFORMS Journal on Computing.
2023 journal article
Derivations of large classes of facet defining inequalities of the weak order polytope using ranking structures

2023 article
Exact Matrix Factorization Updates for Nonlinear Programming
Escobedo, A. R. (2023, September 6). INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING, Vol. 9.
2022 journal article
An axiomatic distance methodology for aggregating multimodal evaluations
To Appear in Information Sciences.
2021 journal article
A New Binary Programming Formulation and Social Choice Property for Kemeny Rank Aggregation
Decision Analysis, 18(4), 296–320.

2021 conference paper
A decision support tool for calculating waste collection needs
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, 944–949.
2021 conference paper
Enhancing image classification capabilities of crowdsourcing-based methods through expanded input elicitation
AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP).
2021 conference paper
Lower bounds on Kemeny rank aggregation with non-strict rankings
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI).
2021 journal article
Operations research in optimal power flow: A guide to recent and emerging methodologies and applications
European Journal of Operational Research.
Contributors: J. Skolfield * & *
2021 article
Transmission and capacity expansion planning against rising temperatures: A case study in Arizona
2021 conference paper
Transmission and capacity expansion planning against rising temperatures: A case study in Arizona
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, 872–877.
2020 conference paper
A Comparison of Axiomatic Distance-Based Collective Intelligence Methods for Wireless Sensor Network State Estimation in the Presence of Information Injection
IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2020 - Symposium Proceedings.
Contributors: J. Kyle Skolfield *, R. Yasmin *, * & L. Huie*
2020 journal article
A new correlation coefficient for comparing and aggregating non-strict and incomplete rankings
European Journal of Operational Research, 285(3), 1025–1041.
Contributors: Y. Yoo *, * & J. Skolfield *
2020 article
Derivations of large classes of facet defining inequalities of the weak order polytope using ranking structures
2020 conference paper
Enhancing collective estimates by aggregating cardinal and ordinal inputs
AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP).
2020 journal article
Risk-neutral and risk-averse transmission switching for load shed recovery with uncertain renewable generation and demand
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14(21), 4936–4945.
Contributors: Y. Zhang *, M. Bansal * & *

2019 article
Derivation and generation of path-based valid inequalities for transmission expansion planning
2019 journal article
Exact solution of sparse linear systems via left-looking roundoff-error-free LU factorization in time proportional to arithmetic work
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40(2), 609–638.
Contributors: C. Lourenco *, * , E. Moreno-Centeno * & T. Davis *
2018 conference paper
Bus-Angle Difference Structural Cuts for Transmission System Expansion Planning with L-l Reliability
2018 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, EPEC 2018.
Contributors: L. Escobar *, * , D. Escobar * & R. Romero *
2018 journal article
Solution of dense linear systems via roundoff-error-free factorization algorithms: Theoretical connections and computational comparisons
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 44(4), 1–24.
Contributors: , E. Moreno-Centeno * & C. Lourenco * *
2017 journal article
Roundoff-error-free basis updates of lu factorizations for the efficient validation of optimality certificates
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 38(3), 829–853.
Contributors: & E. Moreno-Centeno * *
2015 journal article
Axiomatic aggregation of incomplete rankings
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 48(6), 475–488.
Contributors: E. Moreno-Centeno * & *

2015 journal article
Roundoff-error-free algorithms for solving linear systems via cholesky and LU factorizations
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(4), 677–689.
Contributors: & E. Moreno-Centeno * *
2013 journal article
Topology control for load shed recovery
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(2), 908–916.
Contributors: , E. Moreno-Centeno * & K. Hedman * *
Updated: August 25th, 2023 09:45
2023 - present
2016 - 2023
Updated: April 11th, 2020 00:49
2010 - 2016
2004 - 2009
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: April 12th, 2024 08:15