Works (13)
2024 article
Skew parallelogram nets and universal factorization
2023 article
Isothermic tori with one family of planar curvature lines and area constrained hyperbolic elastica
2022 journal article
Curvature in Biological Systems: Its quantification, Emergence and Implications Across the Scales
Advanced Materials, 12, 2206110.
2021 article
Compact Bonnet Pairs: isometric tori with the same curvatures

2019 journal article
Chebyshev nets from commuting PolyVector fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38(6), 1–16.
2018 journal article
Topology Counts: Force Distributions in Circular Spring Networks
Physical Review Letters, 120(6).
2018 journal article
Topology determines force distributions in one-dimensional random spring networks
Physical Review E, 97(2).
2017 journal article
Form finding in elastic gridshells
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(1), 75–80.

2016 journal article
A 2x2 Lax Representation, Associated Family, and Bäcklund Transformation for Circular K-Nets
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 56(2), 472–501.
2016 journal article
A Discrete Parametrized Surface Theory in R^3
International Mathematics Research Notices, 7, rnw015.
2015 conference paper
Meltables: fabrication of complex 3D curves by melting
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs.
2014 journal article
Wire mesh design
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(4), 1–12.
2013 journal article
The Sphereprint: An approach to quantifying the conformability of flexible materials
Textile Research Journal, 84(8), 793–807.