2016 conference paper

RFI modeling and prediction approach for SATOP applications: RFI prediction models

In K. D. Pham & G. Chen (Eds.), Sensors and Systems for Space Applications IX (Vol. 9838).

By: T. Nguyen*, H. Tran n, Z. Wang*, A. Coons n, C. Nguyen*, S. Lane*, K. Pham*, G. Chen*, G. Wang*

Ed(s): K. Pham* & G. Chen*

author keywords: RFI modeling and prediction; RFI prediction; Carrier synchronization loop; Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR); Unified S-Band; RFI estimating and predicting; Command; Bit Error Rate (BER)
TL;DR: The commands BER degradation model presented in this paper allows the ground system operator to estimate the optimum transmitted SNR to maintain a required command BER level in the presence of both friendly and un-friendly RFI sources. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: August 6, 2018

2015 conference paper

RFI modeling and prediction approach for SATOPS applications

In K. D. Pham & G. Chen (Eds.), Sensors and Systems for Space Applications VIII (Vol. 9469).

By: T. Nguyen*, H. Tran n, Z. Wang*, A. Coons n, C. Nguyen*, S. Lane*, K. Pham*, G. Chen*, G. Wang*

Ed(s): K. Pham* & G. Chen*

author keywords: Friendly RFI; Unfriendly RFI; Detection; Prediction; Satellite Operations; Command; Quality-of-Service; Bit Error Rate; Synchronization; Unified-S-Band; Satellite Control Network; Interference Protection Criteria
TL;DR: The proposed frameworks allow the designer to estimate the optimum transmitted signal power to maintain a required USB SATOPS Quality-of-Service (QoS) in the presence of both friendly and unfriendly RFI sources. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: August 6, 2018

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