@article{gao_deaton_barker_denhartog_fang_2024, title={Effects of incident solar radiation on evaporative heat loss through firefighter turnout composites incorporating microporous and bi-component type moisture barrier components}, volume={2}, ISSN={["1754-2340"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405000.2024.2318501}, abstractNote={Solar radiation is a significant source of firefighter heat stress. In this study, the influence of solar radiation on heat transfer through firefighter fabric composites was evaluated using a modified sweating guarded hotplate exposed to simulated solar radiation. It demonstrated that the heat transfer depended on the intensity of the incident radiation, the color of the outer shell materials, and the type of moisture barrier incorporated in the composite. For ensembles with microporous moisture barrier, evaporative resistance decreased steadily with radiation. In contrast, the evaporative resistance of firefighter ensembles with bi-component moisture barriers initially increased in lower-level radiation intensity and then dropped as the exposure became more intense. To the best of our knowledge, these have never been reported before. The new findings from this study demonstrate the need to address the property change in bi-component moisture barriers under radiant heat load in material design, testing, and mathematical modeling.}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, Anthoney Shawn and Barker, Roger L. and DenHartog, Emiel and Fang, Xiaomeng}, year={2024}, month={Feb} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_2024, title={Impact of Durable Water-Repellent Finishing in Thermal Liner on Firefighter Heat Stress}, ISSN={["2330-5517"]}, DOI={10.1177/24723444241237313}, abstractNote={Heat stress has always been a critical issue among firefighters. Previous studies have indicated the potential influence of water-repellent finishing on heat release properties of clothing. Nevertheless, the impact of durable water repellent in a thermal liner on firefighter heat stress has never been studied. In this work, the impact of durable water-repellent finishing inside the thermal liner on heat stress has been evaluated systematically for the first time, using a sweat-guarded hotplate, a sweating manikin, and a physiological manikin. The results showed that there was no significant difference in heat loss capabilities on the fabric level or garment level between turnout clothing with or without durable water-repellent finishing in the thermal liner. In addition, no significant differences were identified in predicted physiological responses when tested in a mild environment. However, the turnout clothing with durable water-repellent finishing in the thermal liner demonstrated significantly less weight gain after the physiological manikin test. This initial investigation lays the groundwork for understanding how durable water-repellent finishing in thermal liners may impact firefighter comfort. It acts as a starting point for further research on the potential impact of durable water-repellent finishing on thermal protection and overall comfort under various ambient conditions.}, journal={AATCC JOURNAL OF RESEARCH}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, Anthoney Shawn and Barker, Roger}, year={2024}, month={Mar} } @article{kesler_deaton_ormond_silverstein_donlin_horn_2023, title={Impact of firefighter hood design on range of motion, noise production and hearing}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1366-5847"]}, DOI={10.1080/00140139.2023.2290987}, abstractNote={Firefighter hoods must provide protection from elevated temperatures and products of combustion while simultaneously being comfortable and limiting interference with firefighting movement or completion of fireground activities. The purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of hood design (traditional knit hood vs several models of particulate-blocking hoods) on wearability measures such as range of motion, noise production, and hearing threshold. Firefighters' perceptions of wearability were also collected. In a controlled laboratory environment, 24 firefighters performed movement and hearing tests. Wearing particulate-blocking hoods resulted in decreased rotational range of motion, and thicker hoods reduced hearing ability. Design, but not necessarily the number of layers, affected noise production by the hood during head movement.}, journal={ERGONOMICS}, author={Kesler, Richard M. and Deaton, Anthoney Shawn and Ormond, Robert Bryan and Silverstein, Samantha and Donlin, Kathryn L. and Horn, Gavin P.}, year={2023}, month={Dec} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_2022, title={A new test method for evaluating the evaporative cooling efficiency of fabrics using a dynamic sweating hot plate}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1361-6501"]}, DOI={10.1088/1361-6501/ac84f7}, abstractNote={Abstract The lack of direct measures of the ability of a fabric to cool the skin by liquid sweat evaporation is a critical gap in available laboratory tests for evaluating the comfort of active wear clothing materials. This paper describes a novel method designed to evaluate the evaporative cooling performance of fabrics in a protocol that simulates active wear, including sweating and drying periods, in a continuous one-step procedure. It uses a dynamic sweating hot plate to measure the latent heat absorbed by fabrics in sweat evaporation, and in drying after sweat absorption. The efficacy of the method is demonstrated using a selected set of high-wicking polyester and a cotton knit t-shirt material that have different moisture absorption, wicking and drying properties. The cooling efficiency test shows that high-wicking polyester fabrics provide larger evaporative cooling in the sweating phase, where it is more likely to convey cooling benefits to the skin. Cotton fabrics absorb more latent heat in the drying phase, where the cooling effect may contribute to chilling effects. It provides an ideal platform to observe the dynamic relationship between patterns of wicking and liquid moisture spreading in fabrics and the evaporative cooling provided by the test materials. It shows that the location of wicked moisture in the fabric is a critical determinant of potential cooling effects. It also shows that a fabric’s wicking ability is not always an accurate predictor of its cooling efficiency. This new test method has provided a unique tool for directly characterizing the cooling efficiency of clothing materials using a protocol that accurately simulates sweating generation and drying in actual active wear scenarios.}, number={12}, journal={MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, A. Shawn and Barker, Roger}, year={2022}, month={Dec} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_denhartog_fang_2022, title={Effects of Air Gaps on Heat Loss through Firefighter Turnout Composites with Different Moisture Barrier Components}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1875-0052"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12221-022-0420-z}, journal={FIBERS AND POLYMERS}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, Anthoney Shawn and Barker, Roger and DenHartog, Emiel and Fang, Xiaomeng}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @article{gao_deaton_fang_barker_denhartog_watson_2022, title={Effects of Outer Shell Fabric Color, Smoke Contamination, and Washing on Heat Loss through Turnout Suit Systems}, volume={92}, ISSN={0040-5175 1746-7748}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00405175211073353}, DOI={10.1177/00405175211073353}, abstractNote={ Firefighters frequently have to work in direct solar radiant heat. To reduce firefighter heat stress, the influence of turnout garment properties on heat gain from solar radiation must be understood. This research studied the effects of color, texture, washing, and contamination of outer shell fabrics on heat loss through firefighter turnout fabric materials in simulated solar exposures. It showed that solar radiation could be a major factor in heat loss through turnout suits. Solar radiation equivalent to a sunny day completely reversed heat exchange through the turnout fabric systems, converting a heat loss of about 240 W/m2 to a heat gain exceeding 100 W/m2. Solar radiation caused turnout fabric systems to dry out and this decreased the performance of turnout systems that incorporated bi-component moisture barriers. Most significantly, the color of the outer shell had a major influence on lowering turnout heat loss in solar exposures. Composites with a black-dyed outer shell absorbed more solar energy than composites with lighter colored shell materials. Soot and fire-ground contaminants present on turnout outer shell fabrics also reduced heat loss under solar exposure. The findings of this study answered long-standing questions about the importance of turnout fabric color on heat exchange with the environment. The results provide additional motivation for efficient turnout cleaning practices, not only to reduce potentially toxic exposure to smoke contaminants, but to reduce turnout-gear-related heat strain on firefighters. }, number={11-12}, journal={Textile Research Journal}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, A. Shawn and Fang, Xiaomeng and Barker, Roger L. and DenHartog, Emiel and Watson, Kyle}, year={2022}, month={Jan}, pages={1909–1922} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_fang_watson_2022, title={Effects of the moisture barrier and thermal liner components on the heat strain and thermal protective performance of firefighter turnout systems}, volume={5}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1177/00405175221099947}, DOI={10.1177/00405175221099947}, abstractNote={ An ideal firefighter turnout system should be capable of releasing body heat to prevent heat stress, indicated by THL (total heat loss) and Ref (evaporative resistance) indexes, while maintaining high thermal protective performance (TPP). Our study found no correlations between THL and Ref, or between Ref and TPP. The results showed that, when tested in the mild condition as in the standard THL test method, turnout systems with bi-component moisture barriers exhibited an advantage in THL that did not translate to more thermally stressful hot environments. A physiological manikin was used to understand the effect of turnout clothing systems on heat strain in different environmental conditions and the value of utilizing Ref or THL to predict heat strain performance. We found no difference in heat strain performance between composites with one-layer and two-layer spunlace thermal liners in mild or hot conditions. It showed that both THL and Ref had their limitations: THL only predicted thermal burden in mild environments, while Ref was only correlated in hot conditions. Thus, the exclusive reliance on either index could increase the risk of heat stress, and we recommend incorporating the Ref heat strain index, along with THL, as dual metrics for certifying the heat strain performance of turnout suits in the NFPA 1971 standard. }, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, A. Shawn and Barker, Roger and Fang, Xiaomeng and Watson, Kyle}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_fang_watson_2022, title={Relationship between heat loss indexes and physiological indicators of turnout-related heat strain in mild and hot environments}, volume={3}, ISSN={["2376-9130"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2022.2058746}, DOI={10.1080/10803548.2022.2058746}, abstractNote={A validated physiological manikin method was used to qualify environmentally dependent correlations between firefighter turnout total heat loss (THL) and intrinsic evaporative resistance (R ef) heat strain indexes and core temperature rise in stressful work conducted in mild (25 °C, 65% relative humidity [RH]) and hot (35 °C, 40% RH; 40 °C, 28% RH) conditions. Five turnout suit constructions representing a wide range of breathability were selected. The observed correlations between measured material heat loss and core temperature showed that the THL heat strain index accurately forecast thermal burden in mild environments (<25 °C); while the R ef index provided accurate prediction in hot environments (>35 °C). They showed that the THL index did not predict heat strain in hot work environments. The findings of this study support incorporating both the R ef and THL heat strain indexes as dual metrics for characterizing the heat strain performance of turnout clothing fabrics.}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, A. Shawn and Barker, Roger and Fang, Xiaomeng and Watson, Kyle}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @article{gao_deaton_barker_2022, title={Using a physiological manikin to evaluate the effect of foam thermal reinforcement in firefighter turnout construction on heat strain}, ISSN={["1754-2340"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405000.2022.2072139}, abstractNote={Abstract Firefighter turnout gear is a significant contributor to firefighter heat stress. This study uses a physiological manikin procedure to show how adding impermeable foam reinforcement in a firefighter suit construction can detrimentally affect firefighter heat strain. It shows that singular reliance on the THL (total heat loss) requirement called for by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 1971 performance standard for firefighter gear leaves a critical gap in information needed to evaluate the heat strain contribution of reinforced turnout suit constructions. This is because THL test only measures heat loss through flat swatches of fabric used in the main body of the turnout suit construction. It does not account for the additional insulation and moisture vapor resistance of reinforcement or the overwhelming effects of garment air layers. This study demonstrates instrumented manikin testing procedures can supply the missing information in laboratory based heat strain performance testing of firefighter turnout suits.}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, A. Shawn and Barker, Roger L.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @article{gao_deaton_fang_watson_denhartog_barker_2021, title={Effects of environmental temperature and humidity on evaporative heat loss through firefighter suit materials made with semi-permeable and microporous moisture barriers}, volume={92}, ISSN={0040-5175 1746-7748}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00405175211026537}, DOI={10.1177/00405175211026537}, abstractNote={ The goal of this research was to understand how firefighter protective suits perform in different operational environments. This study used a sweating guarded hotplate to examine the effect of environmental temperature (20–45°C) and relative humidity (25–85% RH) on evaporative heat loss through firefighter turnout materials. Four firefighter turnout composites containing three different bi-component (semi-permeable) and one microporous moisture barriers were selected. The results showed that the evaporative resistance of microporous moisture barrier systems was independent of environmental testing conditions. However, absorbed moisture strongly affected evaporative heat loss through semi-permeable moisture barriers coated with a layer of nonporous hydrophilic polymer. Moisture absorption in mild environment (20–25°C) tests, or when testing at high humidity (>85% RH), significantly increased water vapor transmission in semi-permeable turnout systems. It was also found that environmental conditions used in the total heat loss (THL) test (25°C and 65% RH) produced moisture condensation in bi-component barrier systems, making them appear more breathable than could be expected when worn in hotter environments. Regression models successfully qualified the relationships between moisture uptake levels in semi-permeable barrier systems and evaporative resistance and THL. These findings reveal the limitations in relying on THL, the heat strain index currently called for by the NFPA 1971 Standard for Structural Firefighter personal protective equipment, and supports the need to measure turnout evaporative resistance at 35°C (Ret), in addition to THL at 25°C. }, number={1-2}, journal={Textile Research Journal}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Gao, Huipu and Deaton, Anthoney Shawn and Fang, Xiaomeng and Watson, Kyle and DenHartog, Emiel A and Barker, Roger}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={219–231} } @article{barker_fang_deaton_denhartog_gao_tutterow_schmid_2021, title={Identifying factors that contribute to structural firefighter heat strain in North America}, volume={28}, ISSN={1080-3548 2376-9130}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2021.1987024}, DOI={10.1080/10803548.2021.1987024}, abstractNote={This article describes results from a survey of firefighters designed to identify conditions that contribute to heat strain in structural firefighting. Based on responses from about 3000 firefighters across the USA and Canada, the article provides invaluable information about how firefighters associate environmental conditions, work tasks and other factors with heat strain. One-half of firefighters surveyed have experienced heat stress during their service. They can wear fully deployed turnout gear for 2 h or more at the fire scene, reinforcing the importance of turnout suit breathability as a factor in heat strain. Survey results are useful in weighing the comparative value of total heat loss (THL) and evaporative heat resistance (Ref) for predicting turnout-related heat strain. Survey findings support the inclusion of a performance criterion in the National Fire Protection Association 1971 standard for firefighter personal protective equipment based on limiting Ref of turnout materials along with current THL requirement.}, number={4}, journal={International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Barker, Roger and Fang, Xiaomeng and Deaton, Shawn and DenHartog, Emiel and Gao, Huipu and Tutterow, Robert and Schmid, Marni}, year={2021}, month={Nov}, pages={2183–2192} } @article{rubenstein_denhartog_deaton_bogerd_dekant_2017, title={Fluid replacement advice during work in fully encapsulated impermeable chemical protective suits}, volume={14}, ISSN={1545-9624 1545-9632}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15459624.2017.1296230}, DOI={10.1080/15459624.2017.1296230}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT A major concern for responders to hazardous materials (HazMat) incidents is the heat strain that is caused by fully encapsulated impermeable chemical protective suits. In a research project, funded by the US Department of Defense, the thermal strain experienced when wearing these suits was studied. One particular area of interest was the fluid loss of responders during work in these suits as dehydration may be an additional health concern to the heat strain. 17 City of Raleigh firemen and 24 students were tested at two different labs. Subjects between the ages of 25 and 51 were used for human subject trials in a protocol approved by the local ethical committee. Six different Level A HazMat suits were evaluated in three climates: moderate (24°C, 50% RH, 20°C WBGT), warm-wet (32°C, 60% RH, 30°C WBGT), and hot-dry (45°C, 20% RH, 37°C WBGT, 200 W/m2 radiant load) and at three walking speeds: 2.5 km/hr, 4 km/hr, and 5.5 km/hr. 4 km/hr was tested in all three climates and the other two walking speeds were tested in the moderate climate. Weight loss data was collected to determine fluid loss during these experiments. Working time ranged from as low as 20 min in the hot-dry condition to 60 min (the maximum) in the moderate climate, especially common at the lowest walking speed. The overall results from all experiments showed that fluid loss ranged from 0.2–2.2 L during these exposures, with the average fluid loss being 0.8 L, with 56% of the data between 0.5 L and 1 L of fluid loss. Further analysis showed that a suggestion of drinking 0.7 Liter per hour would safely hydrate over 50% of responders after one work-rest cycle. Applying this fluid volume over three work-rest cycles only put 11% of responders at risk of hypohydration vs. the 57% at risk with no fluid intake.}, number={6}, journal={Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Rubenstein, Candace D. and DenHartog, Emiel A. and Deaton, A. Shawn and Bogerd, Cornelis P. and DeKant, Saskia}, year={2017}, month={May}, pages={448–455} } @article{denhartog_rubenstein_deaton_bogerd_2017, title={Variability in Heat Strain in Fully Encapsulated Impermeable Suits in Different Climates and at Different Work Loads}, volume={61}, ISSN={["2398-7316"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85033466174&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1093/annweh/wxw019}, abstractNote={A major concern for responders to hazardous materials (HazMat) incidents is the heat strain that is caused by fully encapsulated impermeable (NFPA 1991) suits. In a research project, funded by the US Department of Defense, the thermal strain experienced when wearing these suits was studied. Forty human subjects between the ages of 25 and 50 participated in a protocol approved by the local ethical committee. Six different fully encapsulated impermeable HazMat suits were evaluated in three climates: moderate (24°C, 50% RH, 20°C WBGT), warm-wet (32°C, 60% RH, 30°C WBGT), and hot-dry (45°C, 20% RH, 37°C WBGT, 200 W m-2 radiant load) and at three walking speeds: 2.5, 4, and 5.5 km h-1. The medium speed, 4 km h-1, was tested in all three climates and the other two walking speeds were only tested in the moderate climate. Prior to the test a submaximal exercise test in normal clothing was performed to determine a relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption (pretest). In total, 163 exposures were measured. Tolerance time ranged from as low as 20 min in the hot-dry condition to 60 min (the maximum) in the moderate climate, especially common at the lowest walking speed. Between the six difference suits limited differences were found, a two-layered aluminized suit exhibited significant shorter tolerance times in the moderate climate, but no other major significant differences were found for the other climates or workloads. An important characteristic of the overall dataset is the large variability between the subjects. Although the average responses seem suitable to be predicted, the variability in the warmer strain conditions ranged from 20 min up to 60 min. The work load in these encapsulated impermeable suits was also significantly higher than working in normal clothing and higher than predicted by the Pandolf equation. Heart rate showed a very strong correlation to body core temperature and was in many cases the limiting factor. Setting the heart rate maximum at 80% of predicted individual maximum (age based) would have prevented 95% of the cases with excessive heat strain. Monitoring of heart rate under operational conditions would further allow individually optimize working times and help in preventing exertional heat stroke.}, number={2}, journal={ANNALS OF WORK EXPOSURES AND HEALTH}, author={DenHartog, Emiel A. and Rubenstein, Candace D. and Deaton, A. Shawn and Bogerd, Cornelis Peter}, year={2017}, month={Mar}, pages={248–259} } @article{denhartog_rubenstein_deaton_bogerd_2017, title={Variability in heat strain in fully encapsulated impermeable suits in different climates and at different work loads (vol 61, pg 248, 2017)}, volume={61}, number={2}, journal={Annals of Work Exposures and Health}, author={DenHartog, E. A. and Rubenstein, C. D. and Deaton, A. S. and Bogerd, C. P.}, year={2017}, pages={267–267} } @article{barker_ross_andrews_deaton_2017, title={Comparative studies on standard and new test methods for evaluating the effects of structural firefighting gloves on hand dexterity}, volume={87}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517516629143}, abstractNote={ This research identifies laboratory test methods designed to advance assessment of the effects of structural firefighter gloves on a firefighter’s ability to perform tasks with their hands. Two new hand dexterity test methods are discussed: a modified tool test for measuring glove effects on gross or whole hand motor control, and a novel cylinder lift method for evaluating glove effects on fine or fingertip hand dexterity. Data generated by testing a representative group of structural firefighter and other responder gloves are used to show that these new test methods provide less variable data and a more useful and informative assessment of the effects of glove construction on hand dexterity than that provided by standard small pin pegboard tests. Based on these comparisons, a combination of the newly developed tool and cylinder lift test methods are recommended for evaluating the effects of structural firefighter gloves on hand dexterity in standards used as the basis of certifying the performance of structural firefighter clothing. }, number={3}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Barker, Roger L. and Ross, Kevin A. and Andrews, Jessica and Deaton, A. Shawn}, year={2017}, month={Feb}, pages={270–284} } @article{bradham_thompson_barker_morton-aslanis_deaton_2013, title={A method for determining off-gassing of protective fabrics exposed to simulated flash fire conditions}, volume={13}, number={6}, journal={AATCC Review}, author={Bradham, A. and Thompson, D. and Barker, R. and Morton-Aslanis, J. and Deaton, A. S.}, year={2013}, pages={57–65} } @article{hummel_barker_lyons_deaton_morton-aslanis_2012, title={Developing a Thermal Sensor for Use in the Fingers of the PyroHands Fire Test System}, volume={1544}, ISSN={["0066-0558"]}, DOI={10.1520/stp104207}, abstractNote={This paper describes a thermal sensor developed for use in the fingers of the PyroHands Fire Test System. The PyroHands Fire Test System measures the thermal protective performance of gloves in laboratory controlled flash fire exposures. The development of the finger sensor presented several challenges; the first was that it required that a small thermal sensor fit into the finger of an anthropometrically designed hand. It was also important to ensure that the thermal sensor accurately measured heat flux incident on the finger. This required showing that the unidirectional heat flux measured by the sensor was unaffected by heat impinging on the sides and back of the finger. An experimental study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of lateral heating on sensor operation. Additional verification of the thermal sensor was provided via the use of computer-aided design models to predict the temperature rise beneath gloves during PyroHands tests.}, journal={PERFORMANCE OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT, 9TH VOL: EMERGING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES}, author={Hummel, Alexander and Barker, Roger and Lyons, Kevin and Deaton, A. Shawn and Morton-Aslanis, John}, year={2012}, pages={176–187} } @article{ormond_barker_beck_thompson_deaton_2012, title={Factors Influencing the Uptake Rate of Passive Adsorbent Dosimeters Used in the Man-in-Simulant-Test}, volume={1544}, ISSN={["0066-0558"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84873388951&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1520/stp104205}, abstractNote={The passive adsorbent dosimeter (PAD) is a critical component in the man-in-simulant-test (MIST). It is the only approved device for use in determining the localized and systemic protection factors for chemical protective ensembles. In MIST evaluation protocols, PADs are placed on test subjects underneath the protective suit, and then the test subject is exposed to a known concentration of methyl salicylate (MeS), a warfare agent simulant. The purpose of the PADs is to collect the MeS vapors that enter the suit at seams, closures, or interfaces between the protective suit and gloves, boots, or the breathing apparatus. Given this key role, it is imperative that the diffusive uptake rates associated with the PADs are characterized. It is equally important to fully understand the factors influencing these rates. This research investigates two different categories of influential factors: the variation in adsorption rates associated with the simulant concentration and exposure time, and the relation to the effect of the time and temperature of the PAD's storage prior to extraction and analysis. For the first study, PADs were exposed, in the full scale MIST Facility at North Carolina State University, to concentrations ranging from 15 to 100 mg/m3 for exposure times ranging from 1 min to 2 h in duration. In the second study, the effect of the storage time prior to analysis was determined by exposing PADs at a set condition and varying the amount of time before the PADs were extracted. In order to assess the effects of storage temperature on the uptake rate, PADs were exposed and stored at temperatures ranging from below −30°C to 4°C. The findings of this research help identify and explain a possible source of differences that have been observed in MIST results at different testing sites. This work also provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the PADs themselves.}, journal={PERFORMANCE OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT, 9TH VOL: EMERGING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES}, author={Ormond, R. Bryan and Barker, Roger and Beck, Keith and Thompson, Donald and Deaton, Shawn}, year={2012}, pages={247–265} } @article{deuser_barker_deaton_shepherd_2012, title={Interlaboratory Study of ASTM F2731, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Transmitted and Stored Energy of Firefighter Protective Clothing Systems}, volume={1544}, ISSN={["0066-0558"]}, DOI={10.1520/stp104211}, abstractNote={This paper describes an interlaboratory study conducted using ASTM F2731, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Transmitted and Stored Energy of Firefighter Protective Clothing Systems. Five replications of six different composites representative of firefighting turnout gear materials were tested at six different laboratories equipped to conduct the test. Data collected were used to predict the time to second degree burn for each of the turnout composite test specimens. Statistical analysis showed good agreement between test sites. This interlaboratory study confirmed the repeatability and reliability of ASTM F2731, a test method used to measure an important property associated with the thermal protective performance of firefighter turnout materials.}, journal={PERFORMANCE OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT, 9TH VOL: EMERGING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES}, author={Deuser, L. and Barker, R. and Deaton, A. S. and Shepherd, A.}, year={2012}, pages={188–201} } @article{ross_barker_deaton_2012, title={Translation between Heat Loss Measured Using Guarded Sweating Hot Plate, Sweating Manikin, and Physiologically Assessed Heat Stress of Firefighter Turnout Ensembles}, volume={1544}, ISSN={["0066-0558"]}, DOI={10.1520/stp104510}, abstractNote={Sweating skin models and instrumented thermal manikins are commonly used to assess the heat stress potential of materials used in protective clothing. This research describes the relationship observed between heat loss through firefighter turnout ensembles measured using a sweating thermal manikin and that measured with a guarded sweating hot plate. Materials and garment level instrument measures are compared on the basis of their ability to predict human physiological responses related to heat stress in firefighter turnout systems. Sweating hot plate and manikin test results for selected firefighter turnout ensembles are compared to human wear studies in which firefighter turnout ensembles were worn in different environmental conditions. Sweating manikin tests are used to explain differences in the human physiological response and how these measures are related to turn-out heat transfer properties measured using a sweating hot plate. This study confirms the utility of sweating manikins in characterizing the effects of clothing design, fit, and layers on heat and moisture transfer. Thermal manikins are shown to be valuable tools for evaluating the distribution of heat loss through different areas of protective gear.}, journal={PERFORMANCE OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT, 9TH VOL: EMERGING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES}, author={Ross, Kevin and Barker, Roger and Deaton, A. Shawn}, year={2012}, pages={27–47} } @article{bradham_beck_thompson_barker_montero_deaton_2011, title={Analytical techniques for measuring toxic industrial chemicals in CBRN boot materials}, volume={11}, number={6}, journal={AATCC Review}, author={Bradham, A. E. and Beck, K. R. and Thompson, D. B. and Barker, R. L. and Montero, G. A. and Deaton, A. S.}, year={2011}, pages={67–72} } @article{barker_deaton_liston_thompson_2010, title={A CB Protective Firefighter Turnout Suit}, volume={16}, ISSN={["2376-9130"]}, DOI={10.1080/10803548.2010.11076835}, abstractNote={This paper describes research that developed a prototype chemical and biological (CB) protective firefighter suit. It is presented as a case study demonstrating an integrated systems approach to designing, developing and evaluating a protective clothing ensemble based on end user requirements. It includes a discussion of the process that was used to gain an understanding of firefighter performance needs for a structural turnout suit that also incorporated chemical protection. It describes the design features of the turnout suit that were developed to meet these expectations as well as the program of testing and evaluation used to characterize garment performance. It discusses ensemble level performance evaluations in instrumented fire manikin tests and man-in-stimulant test procedures. It describes studies conducted to determine the impact of prototype garment design features on heat stress, wear comfort and ergonomic function in structural firefighting applications.}, number={2}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS}, author={Barker, Roger and Deaton, Shawn and Liston, Gail and Thompson, Donald}, year={2010}, pages={135–152} } @article{hummel_barker_lyons_deaton_morton-aslanis_2011, title={Development of Instrumented Manikin Hands for Characterizing the Thermal Protective Performance of Gloves in Flash Fire Exposures}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0015-2684"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10694-010-0190-9}, number={3}, journal={FIRE TECHNOLOGY}, author={Hummel, Alexander and Barker, Roger and Lyons, Kevin and Deaton, A. Shawn and Morton-Aslanis, John}, year={2011}, month={Jul}, pages={615–629} } @article{barker_deaton_ross_2011, title={Heat Transmission and Thermal Energy Storage in Firefighter Turnout Suit Materials}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0015-2684"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10694-010-0151-3}, number={3}, journal={FIRE TECHNOLOGY}, author={Barker, Roger L. and Deaton, Anthoney S. and Ross, Kevin A.}, year={2011}, month={Jul}, pages={549–563} } @article{li_barker_deaton_2007, title={Evaluating the effects of material component and design feature on heat transfer in firefighter turnout clothing by a sweating manikin}, volume={77}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517507078029}, abstractNote={ With a sweating manikin, the heat exchange efficiency through firefighter turnout clothing system from the wearer to the environment and the effects of material component and design feature on heat transfer were evaluated in a climatic chamber. Material component and design feature were varied to measure thermal insulation ( It — in clo units) and moisture permeability index ( im — dimensionless) of firefighter turnout clothing under two circumstances, with openings at the neck, wrists, waist and ankles sealed or not. Two new indices CIt and Cim were proposed to evaluate heat and moisture transfer capabilities of firefighter turnout clothing, which were defined as the changing rates of It and im from conditions of the clothing dressed in a regular way with openings unsealed to the openings sealed. The results showed that CIt indicated the effects of clothing design differences on heat transfer through firefighter turnout clothing, while Cim was dependent greatly on material properties (moisture permeability). }, number={2}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Li, Jun and Barker, Roger L. and Deaton, A. Shawn}, year={2007}, month={Feb}, pages={59–66} }