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Effects of Landscape Composition and Rotation Distance on Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Abundance in Cultivated Potato. Environmental Entomology, 41(6), 1553–1564. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2012). Environmental fate of neonicotinoids. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25, 191–193. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S., Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A. S., & Groves, C. L. (2012). Evaluation of Floiar Insecticides for the Control of Onion Thrips in Dry-Bulb Onion, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37(1), E34. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S., Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A. S., & Groves, C. L. (2012). Evaluation of In-Furrow Treatments for Control of European Corn Borer in Snap Bean, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37(1), E1. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S. A., & Huseth, A. S. (2012). Evaluation of insecticides for the control of the Colorado potato beetle, potato leafhopper, and aphids in potato. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25(199-201). UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S. A., & Huseth, A. S. (2012). Foliar insecticide treatments for the control of potato leafhopper in Wisconsin potato production. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25, 195–196. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S. A., & Huseth, A. S. (2012). Foliar insecticide treatments to limit the spread of Potato Virus Y in Wisconsin seed potato production. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25, 197–198. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S., Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A., & Groves, C. L. (2012). Full Season Management of Colorado Potato Beetle and Potato Leafhopper in Potato, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37(1), E48. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2012). Groundhog day for the Colorado potato beetle: when will they emerge? The Badger Common'Tater, 64(3), 10–12. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S. A., & Huseth, A. S. (2012). Large plot demonstration experiments for control of Colorado potato beetle in Wisconsin potatoes. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25, 203–206. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S., Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A. S., & Groves, C. L. (2012). Registered and Experimental Foliar Insecticides to Control Colorado Potato Beetle and Potato Leafhopper in Potato, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37(1), E47. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S. A., & Huseth, A. S. (2012). Registered and experimental foliar insecticides to control Colorado potato beetle and potato leafhopper in potato. Proceedings of Wisconsin's Annual Potato Meeting, 25, 191–193. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Research Division and UWEX. Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2012). Response of Wild Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) to Surrounding Land Cover in Wisconsin Pickling Cucumber. Environmental Entomology, 41(3), 532–540. Groves, R. L., Chapman, S., Lowenstein, D. M., Huseth, A. S., & Groves, C. L. (2012). Use of Systemic Insecticides to Control Colorado Potato Beetle and Potato Leafhopper, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37(1), E49. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2011). Colorado potato beetle insecticide resistance in Wisconsin: characterizing diapause physiology and behavior associated with neonicotinoid resistance. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, Grower Education Conference, 24, 149–152. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2010). Overwintering biology and extended diapause in Colorado potato beetle. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, Grower Education Conference, 23, 89–92. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2009). Overwintering Habitats of the Colorado potato beetle in Wisconsin's Central Sands Production Area. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, Grower Education Conference, 22, 31–36. Huseth, A. S., & Groves, R. L. (2008). Overwintering Habitats of the Colorado potato beetle in Wisconsin's Central Sands Production Area. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, Grower Education Conference, 21, 29–32.