Works (6)
2020 journal article
Characterization of Fungal Species Associated with Ascochyta Blight of Dry Pea in Montana and North America and Development of a Differential Medium for Their Detection
PLANT HEALTH PROGRESS, 21(4), 262–271.

2019 journal article
Development and Application of Real-Time and Conventional SSR-PCR Assays for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Didymella pisi Associated with Ascochyta Blight of Dry Pea
Plant Disease, 103(11), 2751–2758.

2019 journal article
First microsatellite markers developed and applied for the genetic diversity study and population structure of Didymella pisi associated with ascochyta blight of dry pea in Montana.
Fungal Biology, 5.

2017 journal article
The Detection and Characterization of QoI-Resistant Didymella rabiei Causing Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea in Montana.
Frontiers in Plant Science.
2014 journal article
First Report of Maize chlorotic mottle virus Infecting Maize in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Plant Disease, 10.
2012 journal article
First Report of Banana bunchy top virus in Banana and Plantain (Musa spp.) in Nigeria.
Plant Disease, 2.
Updated: January 27th, 2020 13:55
2019 - present
2019 - 2019
Updated: January 27th, 2020 13:59
2015 - 2019