Works (3)
2022 article
TCDD alters essential transcriptional regulators of osteogenic differentiation in multipotent mesenchymal stem cells
Watson, A. L. T. D., Carmona Baez, A., Jima, D., Reif, D., Ding, J., Roberts, R., & Kullman, S. W. (2022, November 12). TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 11.

2016 journal article
From the Cover: Embryonic Exposure to TCDD Impacts Osteogenesis of the Axial Skeleton in Japanese medaka,Oryzias latipes
Toxicological Sciences, 155(2), 485–496.
Contributors: A. Watson, A. Planchart n , C. Mattingly n , C. Winkler *, D. Reif n & S. Kullman n

2014 journal article
Dynamic Selenium Assimilation, Distribution, Efflux, and Maternal Transfer in Japanese Medaka Fed a Diet of Se-enriched Mayflies
Contributors: J. Conley n, A. Watson n, L. Xie * & D. Buchwalter n