@article{guerra_pierce_2023, title={Photoredox Catalyzed C(sp3)-C(sp3) Coupling of α-Bromoesters and Triethylamine}, volume={89}, ISSN={["1520-6904"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.3c02394}, DOI={10.1021/acs.joc.3c02394}, abstractNote={We report a photoredox methodology for C(sp3)-C(sp3) coupling between α-bromoesters and triethylamine capable of accessing building blocks with handles for further functionalization. Mechanistic studies indicate the presence of a carbon centered radical. The achiral substrates obtained with this method have the potential to be elaborated to access enantioenriched scaffolds with increased molecular complexity.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, author={Guerra, Allie W. and Pierce, Joshua G.}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={810–814} }