Mark Beasley Beasley, M., Branson, B., & Pagach, D. (2023). An Evolving Risk Landscape: Insights from a Decade of Surveys of Executives and Risk Professionals. JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 16(1). Beasley, M. S. (2022). GAAS guide 2023 : a comprehensive restatement of standards for auditing, attestation, compilation, and review. CCH Incorporated/Wolters Kluwer. Beasley, M. S., Branson, B. C., Braumann, E. C., & Pagach, D. P. (2023). Understanding the Ecosystem of Enterprise Risk Governance. ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 98(5), 99–128. Beasley, M., Branson, B., Pagach, D., & Panfilo, S. (2021). Are required SEC proxy disclosures about the board's role in risk oversight substantive? JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 40(1). Hsu, C., Jin, Q., Ma, Z., Zhou, J., Beasley, M. S., Branson, B., … Dhole, S. (2021). Bios Vol. 40, #1. JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, Vol. 40. Beasley, M. S., & Carcello, J. V. 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