Works (2)
2016 journal article
Extreme lymphocytosis with myelomonocytic morphology in a horse with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 46(1), 64–71.
Contributors: K. Meichner *, n, J. Durrant n, C. Grindem n, B. Breuhaus n , P. Moore*, J. Neel n , K. Linder n

2014 journal article
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of three formulations of firocoxib in healthy horses
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 38(3), 249–256.
Contributors: B. Holland n, C. Fogle n , A. Blikslager n , A. Curling n, B. Barlow n, J. Schirmer n, J. Davis n