Works (166)
2024 article
Consumer religiosity, cosmopolitanism and ethnocentrism in Indonesia
Jin, B. E., Shin, D. C., Yang, H., Jeong, S. W., & Chung, J.-E. (2024, January 12). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, Vol. 1.
2024 article
Effective video storytelling for small fashion businesses: the mediating role of brand trust
Kim, G., Jin, B. E., & Jo, H. (2024, November 29). JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 11.
2024 journal article
Engaging in Fashion Take-Back Programs: The Role of Loyalty and Perceived Benefits from a Social Exchange Perspective
2024 article
Examining the relationship between firm characteristics and Industry 4.0 technology adoption in Vietnam's apparel industry

2024 journal article
How Critical is Sustainability in Enhancing Sustainable Apparel Purchase Intentions?
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles.
2024 article
Why do people customize avatars in the metaverse? Curiosity and SOR model perspective
Ahn, S., Jin, B. E., & Seo, H. (2024, November 20). INTERNET RESEARCH, Vol. 11.
2024 journal article
Why do people interact and buy in the Metaverse? Self-Expansion perspectives and the impact of hedonic adaptation

2023 article
Acculturation, religiosity, and willingness to accept Korean products among Muslim consumers: an exploratory study
Nasution, R. A., Jeong, S. W., Jin, B. E., Chung, J.-E., Yang, H., Nathan, R. J., & Arnita, D. (2023, January 27). JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MARKETING, Vol. 1.
2023 article
Do contingencies matter between organizational capabilities and SME export performance?
Cho, H. J., Jin, B. E., & Shin, D. C. (2023, March 1). REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND STRATEGY, Vol. 3.

2023 journal article
Does beauty encourage sharing? Exploring the role of physical attractiveness and racial similarity in collaborative fashion consumption

2023 article
Factors influencing older adults' intention to use virtual fitting room technology during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hwang, C., Jin, B., Linfeng, L., & Feng, J. (2023, September 21). JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 9.

2023 journal article
2023 article
Negative and positive contamination in secondhand fashion consumption: does culture matter?
Kim, N. L., Jin, B. E., & Kim, T. H. (2023, November 14). INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, Vol. 11.

2023 article
The spillover effects of positive and negative corporate social responsibility publicity: How and why the effect is lessened versus amplified
Jung, S., Shin, D. C., Woo, H., & Jin, B. E. (2023, November 30). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 11.

2022 journal article
Virtual reality as a promotion tool for small independent stores
2021 journal article
Addressing the contamination issue in collaborative consumption of fashion: does ownership type of shared goods matter?
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 25(2), 242–256.

2021 article
Assessing Malaysia and Indonesia as emerging retail markets: an institution-based view

2021 journal article
Consumer store experience through virtual reality: its effect on emotional states and perceived store attractiveness
2021 journal article
Do fur coats symbolize status or stigma? Examining the effect of perceived stigma on female consumers' purchase intentions toward fur coats

2021 journal article
The power of 4th industrial revolution in the fashion industry: what, why, and how has the industry changed?
2021 journal article
The role of Korean prototypical brand image in shaping country image and quality evaluations: a cross-cultural examination
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
2021 journal article
Understanding apparel brand evolution patterns in Bangladesh: an industry life cycle perspective

2020 journal article
2020 journal article
Brand and retailer co-branding
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 49–65.
2020 journal article
Changing the game to compete: Innovations in the fashion retail industry from the disruptive business model
Business Horizons, 63(3), 301–311.

2020 journal article
Does effective cost transparency increase price fairness? An analysis of apparel brand strategies
2020 journal article
How far can brands go to defend themselves? The extent of negative publicity impact on proactive consumer behaviors and brand equity
Business Ethics: A European Review.
2020 journal article
Retailer-brand collaborations: testing key strategies to increase consumers' urgency to buy
2020 journal article
Why buy new when one can share? Exploring collaborative consumption motivations for consumer goods
International Journal of Consumer Studies.

2019 journal article
Does the direction of offshoring matter? Comparison of downward and upward offshoring strategies in changing consumers’ brand perception by brand tiers
The Journal of The Textile Institute, 111(6), 1–13.
2019 journal article
Effect of country image and materialism on the quality evaluation of Korean products
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(2), 386–405.
2019 journal article
Examining pre-purchase intention and post-purchase consequences of international online outshopping (IOO): The moderating effect of E-tailer's country image
2019 journal article
NIE-based SME brand building in foreign markets: an exploratory study
2019 journal article
Older female consumers’ environmentally sustainable apparel consumption
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

2019 journal article
Prototypical brands and cultural influences Enhancing a country's image via the marketing of its products
MANAGEMENT DECISION, 57(11), 3159–3176.
2019 journal article
The temporal effects of social and business networks on international performance of South Korean SMEs
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(4), 1042–1057.

2019 journal article
When do high prices lead to purchase intention? Testing two layers of moderation effects
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(5), 1516–1531.
2018 journal article
Differential effects of macro and micro country images by product category and by country among Saudi consumers
Management Decision, 56(8), 1663–1681.
2018 journal article
Entry market choices and post-entry growth patterns among born globals in consumer goods sectors
International Marketing Review, 36(6), 958–980.
2018 journal article
Examining the role of international entrepreneurial orientation, domestic market competition, and technological and marketing capabilities on SME’s export performance
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(5), 585–598.
2018 journal article
Identifying sources and roles of networks in international expansion among small businesses in a less-technology-intensive industry
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 34(4), 421–444.
2018 chapter
Product innovation in the global fashion industry
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Palgrave Series in Practice: Global Fashion Brand Management (Vol. 3).
Ed(s): & E. Cedrola * *

2018 journal article
Retailing amid regulation and religion: An analysis of the unique cultural challenges and opportunities facing market ventures in Saudi Arabia
Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy, 3(1), 70–81.
2018 journal article
The mediating effects of micro country image by product category and country
International Journal of Market Research, 61(6), 668–682.
2018 journal article
Vertical versus horizontal line extensions: a comparison of dilution effects
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(6), 670–683.
2017 chapter
Brands as core assets: Trends and challenges of branding in fashion business
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Fashion branding and communication: Core strategies of European luxury and premium brands (pp. 1–39).
Ed(s): & E. Cedrola * *
2017 journal article
Colombian consumers’ outshopping of apparel in the U.S
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 8(2), 137–156.
2017 journal article
Dimensional effects of Korean SMEs’ entrepreneurial orientation on internationalization and performance: The mediating role of marketing capability
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(1), 195–215.
2017 journal article
Exploring challenges and strategies in promoting Korean culture through museum exhibition in the united states
Korea Journal, 57(2), 153–180.
2017 book
Fashion branding and communication: Core strategies of European luxury and premium brands
(B. Jin & E. Cedrola, Eds.).
Ed(s): & E. Cedrola * *
2017 journal article
Moral education for sustainable development: Exploring morally challenging business situations within the global supply chain context
Sustainability, 9(9), 1641.
2017 chapter
Nike: An innovation journey
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Product innovation in the global fashion industry (pp. 79–111).

2017 journal article
Predictors of purchase intention toward green apparel products: A cross-cultural investigation in the U.S. and China
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 21(1), 70–87.
2017 chapter
Product innovation: Core to continued success
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Product innovation in the global fashion industry (pp. 1–33).
Ed(s): & E. Cedrola * *
2017 journal article
The influences of Korean wave, country image, and product image on online purchase intention in Vietnam
Journal of Consumption Culture, 20(2), 163–181.
2017 journal article
The influences of consumer characteristics, perceived quality and Korean wave on purchase intention of Korean cosmetics: A comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese consumers
Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology, 18(2), 97–116.
2017 journal article
Utilizing country image and well-known products for less-known products: Perspectives from a country with less-competitive country image
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, 29(5), 933–946.
2016 journal article
A cross-cultural comparison of materialism in emerging and newly developed Asian markets
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 6(1), 1–10.
2016 journal article
A new age in apparel brand and retailer collaborations: Trends and recommendations for a successful partnership
Journal of Brand Strategy, 5(1), 83–100.
2016 chapter
Beaucre merchandising Co., Ltd.: A successfully internationalizing Korean apparel company
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Fashion brand internationalization: Opportunities and challenges (pp. 115–138).
2016 book
Fashion brand internationalization: Opportunities and challenges
In B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Palgrave Series in Practice: Global Fashion Brand Management.
Ed(s): & E. Cedrola * *
2016 journal article
From quantity to quality: Understanding slow fashion consumers toward sustainability and consumer education
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(4), 410–421.
2016 journal article
Global apparel firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications: The cases of six firms
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28(1), 37–55.

2016 chapter
Overview of fashion brand internationalization: Theories and Atrends
In I. B. Jin & E. Cedrola (Eds.), Fashion brand internationalization: Opportunities and challenges (pp. 1–30).
Ed(s): I. Jin * & E. Cedrola *
2016 journal article
Sustainable development of slow fashion business: Customer value creation approach
Sustainability, 8(6), 1–15.
2016 journal article
The mediating role of brand trust and affect in Clothing brand loyalty formation: A cross-cultural examination of U.S. and India
Journal of the Textile Institute, 108(1), 1–9.
2016 journal article
Toward a deeper understanding of the roles of personal and business networks and market knowledge in SMEs’ international performance
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23(3), 812–830.
2016 journal article
U.S. consumers’ subjective hand, sensibility and preference for textile products made of bast fiber
Journal of the Textile Institute, 107(12), 1554–1564.
2015 journal article
Antecedents and outcomes of exploitative and explorative capabilities in the innovation process of Korean born globals
The Journal of Small Business Innovation, 18(1), 61–73.
2015 book
Brands rule the world: Unlocking the DNA of successful Korean SMEs in the global marketplaces
Seoul: Idam Publication.
2015 journal article
Culture doesn’t matter? The impact of apparel brands’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on brand equity
Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 34(1), 20–36.

2015 journal article
Do status symbols in advertising increase product evaluations? An experimental analysis of groups differences on product evaluations for scarce and brand-presence products
Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 28(3), 154–168.
2015 journal article
Firm factors that influence internationalisation and subsequent financial performance of fashion retailers
Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 25(1), 95–114.
2015 journal article
How are born globals different from non-born global firms? Evidence from Korean small- and medium-sized enterprises
Journal of Korea Trade, 19(3), 1–20.
2015 journal article
The effects of government international marketing assistance programs on international marketing capabilities and export performances: Focus on consumer-goods SMEs
Korea Academy of International Commerce Research.
2015 journal article
The effects of internal capabilities on export performance for SMEs that export their own brand: Focused on moderating effect of government support system
Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 37(2), 43–68.
2015 journal article
The influences of export marketing strategies on export performances: The comparison between own-brand-exporting industrial and consumer goods SMEs
Korean Corporation Management Research, 22(2), 131–151.
2015 journal article
The study on moderating effects of market competitive intensity between internal capabilities of consumer- goods SMEs and export performance
Korea Business Review, 19(3), 1–23.
2015 journal article
What explains small- and medium-sized apparel retailers' international market involvement?
Fashion & Textiles, 2(1), 1–17.
2014 journal article
A theoretical investigation of slow fashion: Sustainable future of the apparel industry
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(5), 510–519.
2014 journal article
Asian apparel brands aiming for global: The cases of internationalization of Giordano and Uniqlo
Fashion & Textiles, 1(1), 1–14.
2014 journal article
Does the importance of apparel product attributes differ by country? Testing Kano’s theory in four countries
Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 33(1), 35–50.
2014 journal article
Is Uppsala model valid to fashion retailers? An analysis from internationalisation patterns of fast fashion retailers
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 18(1), 36–51.
2014 journal article
The role of market orientation and organizational innovativeness in enhancing the supply chain agility
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 38(5), 718–732.
2013 journal article
Antecedents and outcomes of global sourcing and information technology in the U.S. apparel supply chain
Journal of Textile Institute, 104(1), 57–66.
2013 journal article
Challenges in Western-Chinese business relationships: The Chinese perspective
Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 31(2), 179–192.
Ed(s): N. Malhotra

2013 journal article
Consumer purchase behavior of foreign brand goods
Management Decision, 51(2), 434–450.
2013 journal article
Cross-cultural investigation of U.S. and Indian consumer’s apparel attribute choices applying Kano’s Theory
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 17(3), 306–321.
2013 journal article
Culture matters: The role of long-term orientation and market orientation in buyer-supplier relationships in a Confucian culture
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 25(5), 721–744.
2013 journal article
Face saving, materialism and desire for unique consumer products: Differences among three Asian countries
Journal of the Textile Institute, 105(3), 304–313.
2013 journal article
Indian consumers: Are they the same across regions?
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 8(1), 7–23.
2012 journal article
A conceptual process of implementing quality apparel retail store attributes: An application of Kano’s model and the quality function deployment approach
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(1), 174–183.
2012 journal article
Curriculum internationalization focusing on India: Pre- and post-assessment of student learning
Journal of Teaching in International Business, 23(1), 31–45.
2012 journal article
Evolution patterns of apparel brands in Asian countries: Propositions from an analysis of the apparel industry in Korea and India
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 31(1), 48–63.

2012 journal article
Similarities and differences in forming purchase intention toward a U.S. apparel brand: A comparison of Chinese and Indian consumers
Journal of Textile Institute, 103(10), 1042–1054.
2011 journal article
Doing business with China: Curriculum internationalization through an infusion method
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 48(2), 171–181.
2011 chapter
Fast fashion business model: What, why and how?
In T.-M. Choi (Ed.), Fashion Supply Chain Management: Industry and Business Analysis (pp. 193–211).
Ed(s): T. Choi
2011 journal article
In-group preference as opportunism governance in a collectivist culture: Evidence from Korean retail buyer-supplier relationships
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 26(4), 237–249.
2011 journal article
Motivations of market mavens participating in online communities
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 4(1), 62–79.
2011 journal article
Purchase intentions of Chinese consumers toward a U.S. apparel brand: A test of composite behavioral intention model
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(3), 187–199.
2011 journal article
The impact of market orientation on Chinese retailers’ channel relationships
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 26(1), 14–25.
2010 journal article
An examination of regional differences in China by socio-cultural factors
International Journal of Market Research, 52(5), 611–631.
2010 journal article
Comparison of Chinese and Indian consumers’ evaluative criteria when selecting denim jeans: A conjoint analysis
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 14(1), 180–194.
2010 journal article
Face or subjective norm? Chinese college students’ purchase behaviors toward foreign brand jeans
Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 28(3), 218–233.

2010 journal article
Joint influence of online store attributes and offline operations on performance of multichannel Retailers
Behaviour & Information Technology, 29(1), 85–96.
2010 journal article
Korean college students’ purchase intention of foreign jeans brands: Applying an integrated behavioral intention model
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 34(8), 1341–1351.
2010 journal article
Multichannel versus pure e-tailers in Korea: Evaluation of online store attributes and their impacts on e-loyalty
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20(2), 217–236.
2010 journal article
Supplier selection criteria and perceived benefits and challenges by characteristics of global sourcing apparel firms in the United States
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 39(1), 31–44.
2010 journal article
The positive emotion elicitation process of Chinese consumers toward a U.S. apparel brand: A cognitive appraisal perspective
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 34(12), 1992–2005.

2010 journal article
What makes online community members commit? A social exchange perspective
Behaviour & Information Technology, 29(6), 589–601.
2009 journal article
The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16(4), 239–247.
2008 journal article
Cross cultural examination of the relationships among reputation, e-satisfaction, e-trust and e-loyalty
International Marketing Review, 25(3), 324–337.
2008 journal article
Dimensions of online community attributes: examination of online communities hosted by companies
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36(10), 812–830.
2007 journal article
Determinants of the born global firm growth in apparel industry:Korean Case
Journal of the Textile Institute, 98(2), 137–145.
2007 journal article
Dimensions of experiential value: Is it same across retail channels?
Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science, 17(4), 223–245.
2007 chapter
Retailing in South Korea
In International Retailing (2nd ed.). New York: Fairchild Publications.
2007 journal article
The role of market orientation in channel relationships when channel power is imbalanced
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 17(2), 159–176.
2006 journal article
Exploratory study of virtual communities of online apparel retailers
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 10(1), 41–55.
2006 journal article
Performance implications of information technology implementation in an apparel supply chain
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(4), 309–316.
2006 journal article
Sustainable development: Implication for apparel and textile supply chain management
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 30(6), 829–839.
2006 journal article
The diamond approach to the competitiveness of Korea’s apparel industry: Michael Porter and beyond
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 10(2), 195–208.
2006 chapter
The moderating effect of online purchase experiences on the evaluation of online store attributes and the subsequent impact on market response outcomes
In C. Pechmann & L. Price (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 33, pp. 203–211). Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Ed(s): C. Pechmann & L. Price
2005 journal article
Enhancing international dimensions in apparel and merchandising curricula: A practitioner’s perspective
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(2), 232–243.
2005 journal article
Fit analysis of liquid cooled vest prototypes using 3D body scanning technology
Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4(3), 1–13.
2005 journal article
Global sourcing vs. domestic sourcing: Implementation of technology, competitive advantage, and performance
Journal of the Textile Institute, 96(5), 277–286.
2005 journal article
Integrating effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase in a Korean discount store context
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), 62–71.
2004 journal article
Achieving an optimal global versus domestic sourcing balance under demand uncertainty
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24(12), 1292–1305.
2004 journal article
Apparel industries in East Asian newly industrialized countries: competitive advantage, challenges, and implications
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 8(2), 230–244.
2004 journal article
Consumer susceptibility to salesperson's influence in Korean department stores
Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17(1), 33–53.
2004 journal article
Engaging rural retailers in visual merchandising
Journal of Family and Consumer Science, 96(3), 53–56.
2004 journal article
Shopping is truly a joy - cross cultural considerations of hedonic shopping values and price cues
Service Industries Journal, 24(6), 1–18.
2004 journal article
The dimensionality of price perceptions: a cross-cultural comparison of Asian consumers
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14(1), 83–100.
2003 journal article
A typology of Korean discount shoppers: shopping motives, store attributes, and outcomes
International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(4), 396–419.
2003 journal article
E-tailing in U.S. apparel industry
Korean Distribution Business Review, 3, 3–23.
2003 journal article
Price as hedonic shopping
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 31(4), 378–402.
2003 journal article
The influence of retail environment on price perception: An exploratory study of U.S. and Korean students
International Marketing Review, 20(6), 643–660.
2002 journal article
Exploratory analysis on the global sourcing and implications for competitiveness Korean apparel firms
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 26(6), 751–762.
2002 book
Fashion Business
Seoul: Hyung-Sul Publication.
2002 journal article
Validating the retail service quality scale for U.S. and Korean customers of discount stores
Journal of Services Marketing, 16(2/3), 223–237.
2002 journal article
Vietnam: Is it attractive market for Korean textiles and apparel Industries? Recent investments, Future Directions, and Implications
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 26(7), 958–969.
2001 journal article
An evaluation of the retail service quality scale for U.S. and Korean customers of discount stores
Advances in Consumer Research, 28, 169–176.
2001 journal article
Analysis of Internet shopping-mall images though benefit segmentation and perceptual mapping
Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 39(10), 55–67.
2001 journal article
Discount store retailing in Korea: Shopping excitement, shopping motives, and store attributes
Journal of Global Marketing, 15(2), 81–107.
2001 journal article
Korean consumers’ patronage of discount stores: consumer profiles of domestic versus multinational discount stores
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(3), 236–255.
2001 journal article
The mediating role of excitement in customer satisfaction and repatronage intention of discount store shoppers in Korea
Journal of Shopping Center Research, 8(2), 117–138.
2000 journal article
Consumers’ perception toward retail salespeople attributes: Scale development, validation, and some related variables
Korean Journal of Distribution Research, 5(1), 65–81.
2000 journal article
Influencing factors of Korean female adolescent’s clothing behaviors
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 24(4), 475–486.
1999 journal article
Differences between South Korean male and female consumers in clothing brand loyalty formation process: Model testing
Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 17(3), 117–127.

1999 journal article
The effects of consumers’ clothing price perceptions on Hedonic shopping values
Korean Journal of Consumer Studies, 10(3), 67–84.
1998 journal article
Consumers’ perception of clothing price (Part I). Testing validity of dimensions of clothing price
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 22(5), 628–638.
1998 journal article
Consumers’ perception of clothing price (Part II). The effects of product involvement and consumer knowledge on the perceptions of each dimensions of clothing price
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 22(3), 417–427.
1998 chapter
Dimensions of clothing brand loyalty among South Korean consumers
In N. J. Miller & M. A. Littrell (Eds.), International Apparel Consumer Behavior (pp. 79–89). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.
Ed(s): N. Miller & M. Littrell
1998 journal article
South Korean retail industry: Government's role in retail liberalization
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 26(9), 345–353.
1996 journal article
A model of clothing brand loyalty formation
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 20(3), 502–511.
1996 journal article
A review of research on clothing comfort by wearer trials
Journal of Hyejeon College, 14, 791–818.
1996 journal article
An investigation to the influencing variables of clothing brand loyalty
Yonsei Journal of Human Ecology, 10, 13–23.
1996 journal article
Perceptual differences in brand images of national medium-low priced casual clothing according to consumer purchase characteristics
Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 34(3), 47–57.
1995 journal article
A study on the characteristics of patronage consumer related to types of outlet stores
Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 33(1), 61–69.
1995 journal article
A study on the shopping orientations, importance of store attributes,and use of information sources for outlet store patronage consumers
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 19(1), 104–114.
1995 journal article
Brand images of national medium-low priced casual clothing through perceptual mapping
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 19(6), 1040–1050.
1995 journal article
Impact of clothing on heat exchange between human body and environment
Journal of Hyejeon College, 13, 347–373.
1994 journal article
Clothing as a social status symbol
Journal of Hyejeon College, 12, 363–386.
1993 journal article
Effect of fabric characteristics on drapability of flare skirts
Yonsei Journal of Human Ecology, 7, 3–12.
1992 journal article
A study on the determinant variables of brand loyalty related to clothing items
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 16(2), 211–225.
Updated: January 18th, 2019 11:35
2018 - present
2009 - 2018
2001 - 2009
Updated: December 11th, 2019 01:48
1992 - 1995