Sarah B. Berenson
Works (6)
2009 conference paper
Algebra one: The career gatekeeper
Pme 33: proceedings of the 33rd conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, vol 5, 5, 474–474.
2008 journal article
Addressing diverse needs through a balance of agile and plan-driven software development methodologies in the core software engineering course
International Journal of Engineering Education, 24(4), 659–670.
2006 conference paper
"The most normal path": High achieving girls choosing mathematics courses
Pme 30: proceedings of the 30th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, vol 1, 247–247.
2006 conference paper
High school course pathways of high achieving girls
Pme 30: proceedings of the 30th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, vol 1, 429–429.
2006 conference paper
The relationship between high school mathematics and career choices among high achieving young women
Pme 30: proceedings of the 30th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, vol 1, 220–220.
2001 article
Using classroom discourse to understand a prospective mathematics teacher's developing practice
Blanton, M. L., Berenson, S. B., & Norwood, K. S. (2001, February). TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION, Vol. 17, pp. 227–242.