Works (15)
2022 journal article
Children's perceptions of fluid milk with varying levels of milkfat
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 105(4), 3004–3018.

2022 journal article
Effects of micellar casein concentrate purity and milk fat on sulfur/eggy flavor in ultrapasteurized milk-based beverages
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 105(7), 5700–5713.

2022 journal article
Physical and sensory properties of lemon-flavored acidic beverages formulated with nonfat dry milk during storage
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 105(5), 3926–3938.

2021 journal article
Determination of the efficiency of removal of whey protein from sweet whey with ceramic microfiltration membranes
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 104(7), 7534–7543.

2021 journal article
Efficiency of removal of whey protein from sweet whey using polymeric microfiltration membranes
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 104(8), 8630–8643.

2021 journal article
Influence of oral movement, particle size, and zeta potential on astringency of whey protein

2021 review
Invited review: Microfiltration-derived casein and whey proteins from milk
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 104(3), 2465–2479.

2021 journal article
Neutral pH nonfat dry milk beverages with turbidity reduced by sodium hexametaphosphate: Physical and sensory properties during storage

2021 journal article
Ready-to-drink protein beverages: Effects of milk protein concentration and type on flavor
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 104(10), 10640–10653.

2020 review
Invited review: Astringency in whey protein beverages
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 103(7), 5793–5804.

2020 journal article
The role of heat treatment in light oxidation of fluid milk
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 103(12), 11244–11256.

2019 journal article
Identification of the source of volatile sulfur compounds produced in milk during thermal processing
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 102(10), 8658–8669.

2018 journal article
Effects of fat content, pasteurization method, homogenization pressure, and storage time on the mechanical and sensory properties of bovine milk
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 101(4), 2941–2955.

2018 journal article
The effect of spray drying on the difference in flavor and functional properties of liquid and dried whey proteins, milk proteins, and micellar casein concentrates
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 101(5), 3900–3909.

2017 journal article
Short communication: Sensitive detection of norbixin in dried dairy ingredients at concentrations of less than 1 part per billion
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100(11), 8754–8758.