Bharat Gwalani
high entropy alloys, solid phase processing
Works (139)
2024 article
Aluminum/SmCo<sub>5</sub> composites for structural and magnetic applications
Ishrak, F., Lastovich, M., Malakar, A., Haridas, R. S., Bhattacharjee, A. J., Qiao, H., … Gwalani, B. (2024, September 14). JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 9.
2024 article
Crafting Multifunctional Materials with Tailored Mechanical and Magnetic Properties by Solid-State Non-equilibrium Processing
Ishrak, F., Chhetri, T. B. P., Haridas, R. S., Malakar, A., Saptarshi, S., Mishra, R., … Gwalani, B. (2024, August 19). JOM, Vol. 8.
2024 review
Insights into hot deformation of medium entropy alloys: Softening mechanisms, microstructural evolution, and constitutive modelling-a comprehensive review
2024 journal article
Mechanistic understanding of speciated oxide growth in high entropy alloys
2024 article
Robust nanoporous NiMn oxide electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction through defect engineering
Thomas, A., Kumar, A., Sharma, R. K., Buck, E. C., Gwalani, B., Bhogra, M., & Arora, H. S. (2024, July 23). JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, Vol. 7.
2023 journal article
Enhanced extreme temperature bending and delamination resistance of GFRP composites through z-directional aligned nano-reinforcement: Emphasizing the effects of CNT functionalization
2023 journal article
Exceptional enhancement of mechanical properties in high-entropy alloys via thermodynamically guided local chemical ordering
2023 article
Extent of interlocking and metallurgical bonding in friction riveting of aluminum alloy to steel
Srivastava, A., Das, H., Tamayo, D. R., Li, L., Pole, M., Gwalani, B., … Reza-E-Rabby, M. (2023, August 10). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 8.
2023 article
Extent of interlocking and metallurgical bonding in friction riveting of aluminum alloy to steel (vol 128, pg 7, 2023)
Srivastava, A., Das, H., Tamayo, D. R., Li, L., Pole, M., Gwalani, B., … Reza-E-Rabby, M. (2023, October). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 128, pp. 2913–2913.
2023 journal article
High strain-rate driven nano-tubular architecture in NiMn alloy for supercapacitor electrodes
2023 journal article
Impact of environmental oxygen on nanoparticle formation and agglomeration in aluminum laser ablation plumes
2023 journal article
Introducing local chemical ordering to trigger a planar-slip-initiated strain-hardening mechanism in high entropy alloys
2023 review
Investigating zirconium alloy corrosion with advanced experimental techniques: A review
2023 journal article
Mechanisms for high creep resistance in alumina forming austenitic (AFA) alloys
2023 journal article
Microstructural evolution in shear-punch tests: A comparative study of pure Cu and Cu-Cr alloy
2023 journal article
Modes of strain accommodation in Cu-Nb multilayered thin film on indentation and cyclic shear
2023 journal article
Non-polar ether-based electrolyte solutions for stable high-voltage non-aqueous lithium metal batteries
Nature Communications.
2023 article
Oxygen-Vacancy Abundant Nanoporous Ni/NiMnO3/MnO2@NiMn Electrodes with Ultrahigh Capacitance and Energy Density for Supercapacitors
Thomas, A., Kumar, A., Perumal, G., Sharma, R. K., Manivasagam, V., Popat, K., … Arora, H. S. (2023, January 20). ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, Vol. 1.
2023 journal article
Shear deformation of pure-Cu and Cu/Nb nano-laminates using micromechanical testing
2023 journal article
Simultaneously improved electrical and mechanical performance of hot-extruded bulk scale aluminum-graphene wires
2023 journal article
Unprecedented electrical performance of friction-extruded copper-graphene composites
2022 conference paper
A Finite Difference Analysis of the Effect of Graphene Additions on the Electrical Conductivity of Polycrystalline Copper
TMS 2022 151st Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, 705–712.
2022 journal article
An Approach for the Microstructure-Sensitive Simulation of Shear-Induced Deformation and Recrystallization in Al–Si Alloys
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53, 1450–1461.
2022 journal article
Atomistic understanding of extreme strain shear deformation of Copper-Graphene composites
Carbon, 198, 63–69.
2022 journal article
Circumventing strength-ductility paradox in high entropy alloys through deformation processing
2022 journal article
Decoupling of strain and temperature effects on microstructural evolution during high shear strain deformation
2022 journal article
Extended Shear Deformation of the Immiscible Cu–Nb Alloy Resulting in Nanostructuring and Oxygen Ingress with Enhancement in Mechanical Properties
ACS Omega, 7(16), 13721–13736.
2022 journal article
Extreme shear deformation enables ultra-fast riveting of high strength aluminum alloys
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 75, 814–825.
2022 article
Gas-phase oxidation and nanoparticle formation in multi-element laser ablation plumes
Kautz, E. J., Zelenyuk, A., Gwalani, B., Phillips, M. C., & Harilal, S. S. (2022, October 20). PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 10.
2022 journal article
High Oxidation Resistance of AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy through Severe Shear Deformation Processing
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 917, 165385.
2022 journal article
Highly complex magnetic behavior resulting from hierarchical phase separation in AlCo (Cr) FeNi high-entropy alloys
Iscience, 25(4), 104047.
2022 journal article
In situ observations of grain growth and recovery in cold sprayed Ni-Y(2)O(3 )and CP-Ni coatings using hot-stage TEM
2022 journal article
Limiting oxidation of high entropy alloy via high strain-rate deformation: Insights from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
2022 journal article
Mass transport in a highly immiscible alloy on extended shear deformation
2022 journal article
Metallurgical joining of immiscible system: Pure Mg and pure Fe
Materials Characterization, 187, 111821.
2022 article
Phase Stability and Kinetics of Topotactic Dual Ca2+-Na+ Ion Electrochemistry in NaSICON NaV2(PO4)3
Blanc, L. E., Choi, Y., Shyamsunder, A., Key, B., Lapidus, S. H., Li, C., … Nazar, L. F. (2022, December 30). CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, Vol. 12.
2022 journal article
Rapid assessment of interfacial stabilization mechanisms of metastable precipitates to accelerate high-temperature Al-alloy development
Materials Research Letters, 10(12), 771–779.
2022 journal article
Review of recent progress on in situ TEM shear deformation: a retrospective and perspective view
Journal of Materials Science, 57, 12177–12201.
2022 journal article
Shear strain gradient in Cu/Nb nanolaminates: Strain accommodation and chemical mixing
Acta Materialia.
2022 report
Solid Phase Processing of Lead-Free Brass with Carbon Additives
2022 journal article
Temperature-dependent formation of gradient structures with anomalous hardening in an Al-Si alloy
2021 journal article
Co-introduction of precipitate hardening and TRIP in a TWIP high-entropy alloy using friction stir alloying
Scientific Reports, 11, 1579.
2021 report
Cold Spray for Mitigation and Repair of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Canisters
2021 journal article
Discontinuous precipitation leading to nano-rod intermetallic precipitates in an Al0.2Ti0.3Co1.5CrFeNi1.5 high entropy alloy results in an excellent strength-ductility combination
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 805, 140551.
2021 report
Evaluating Effects of Shear Processing on 2D Crystalline Materials in 3D Metal Matrices: Atomistic Understanding of High Shear Deformation of Copper Graphene Composites
2021 journal article
Formation and dissociation of shear-induced high-energy dislocations: insight from molecular dynamics simulations
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30(2), 025012.
2021 journal article
Hierarchical phase evolution in a lamellar Al0. 7CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy involving competing metastable and stable phases
Scripta Materialia, 204, 114137.
2021 journal article
High density of strong yet deformable intermetallic nanorods leads to an excellent room temperature strength-ductility combination in a high entropy alloy
Acta Materialia, 219, 117234.
2021 report
Highly Complex Magnetic Structures Resulting From Hierarchical Phase Separation in AlCo (Cr) FeNi High Entropy Alloys
(ArXiv Preprint No. 2104.00943).
2021 journal article
In Situ Probing Potassium-Ion Intercalation-Induced Amorphization in Crystalline Iron Phosphate Cathode Materials
Nano Letters, 21(18), 7579–7586.
2021 journal article
In-situ TEM observation of shear induced microstructure evolution in Cu-Nb alloy
Scripta Materialia, 205, 114214.
2021 journal article
Insights into Defect-Mediated Nucleation of Equilibrium B2 Phase in Face-Centered Cubic High-Entropy Alloys
JOM, 73, 2320–2331.
2021 journal article
Interfacial reaction during friction stir assisted scribe welding of immiscible Fe and Mg alloy system
Scientific Reports, 11, 1588.
2021 journal article
Lattice misorientation evolution and grain refinement in Al-Si alloys under high-strain shear deformation
Materialia, 18, 101146.
2021 journal article
Mechanistic insights into selective oxidation and corrosion of multi-principal element alloys from high resolution and in situ microscopy
Materialia, 18, 101148.
2021 journal article
Molecular-scale investigation of the oxidation behavior of chromia-forming alloys in high-temperature CO2
Npj Materials Degradation.
2021 journal article
Multimodal analysis of spatially heterogeneous microstructural refinement and softening mechanisms in three-pass friction stir processed Al-4Si alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 887, 161351.
2021 journal article
Nanomechanical scratching induced local shear deformation and microstructural evolution in single crystal copper
Applied Surface Science, 562, 150132.
2021 journal article
Ordering-mediated local nano-clustering results in unusually large Hall-Petch strengthening coefficients in high entropy alloys
Materials Research Letters, 9(5), 213–222.
2021 journal article
Phase transformations, microstructural refinement and defect evolution mechanisms in Al-Si alloys under non-hydrostatic diamond anvil cell compression
Materialia, 15, 101049.
2021 report
Solid Phase Gradient Alloying Method via ShAPE
2021 report
Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Sprayed Ni-Yttria Coating
2021 journal article
Thermal stability and mechanical properties of cold-sprayed Nickel-Yttria coating
Scripta Materialia.
2021 journal article
Tuning the degree of chemical ordering in the solid solution of a complex concentrated alloy and its impact on mechanical properties
Acta Materialia, 212, 116938.
2021 journal article
Understanding the microstructural stability in a γ′-strengthened Ni-Fe-Cr-Al-Ti alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 886, 161207.
2020 journal article
Correlating work hardening with co-activation of stacking fault strengthening and transformation in a high entropy alloy using in-situ neutron diffraction
Scientific Reports, 10(1), 22263.
2020 article
Deformation Twinning in a Metal-Intermetallic System: Novel Paradigm for Designing Alloys with Exceptional Strength-Ductility Combination
Gwalani, B., Dasari, S., Soni, V., Jagetia, A., Agrawal, P., shukla, S., … Banerjee, R. (2020, August 28). (Vol. 8). Vol. 8.
2020 journal article
Deformation behavior of metallic glass composites and plasticity accommodation at microstructural length-scales
Materials Today Communications, 24, 101237.
2020 journal article
Dynamic Shear Deformation of a Precipitation Hardened Al<sub>0.7</sub>CoCrFeNi Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy Using Hat-Shaped Specimen Geometry
Entropy, 22(4), 431.
2020 article
Dynamic Shear Deformation of a Precipitation Hardened Al<sub>0.7</sub>CoCrFeNi Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy Using Hat-Shaped Specimen Geometry
Gwalani, B., Wang, T., Jagetia, A., Gangireddy, S., Muskeri, S., Mukherjee, S., … Mishra, R. S. (2020, March 10). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.
2020 journal article
Engineering multi-scale B2 precipitation in a heterogeneous FCC based microstructure to enhance the mechanical properties of a Al0. 5Co1. 5CrFeNi1. 5 high entropy alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 830, 154707.
2020 journal article
Engineering transformation pathways in an Al0. 3CoFeNi complex concentrated alloy leads to excellent strength–ductility combination
Materials Research Letters, 8(11), 399–407.
2020 journal article
Extreme shear-deformation-induced modification of defect structures and hierarchical microstructure in an Al–Si alloy
Communications Materials, 1(1).
2020 journal article
Hierarchical Eutectoid Nano-lamellar Decomposition in an Al 0.3 CoFeNi Complex Concentrated Alloy
Scientific Reports, 10, 4836.
2020 journal article
Highly tunable magnetic and mechanical properties in an Al0.3CoFeNi complex concentrated alloy
Materialia, 12, 100755.
2020 journal article
Influence of fine-scale B2 precipitation on dynamic compression and wear properties in hypo-eutectic Al0. 5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 853, 157126.
2020 journal article
Influence of non-magnetic Cu on enhancing the low temperature magnetic properties and Curie temperature of FeCoNiCrCu (x) high entropy alloys
Scripta Materialia, 182, 99–103.
2020 journal article
Metastable orientation relationships in thin film Cu-Cr bilayers
Scripta Materialia, 194, 113635.
2020 journal article
Microstructural Assessment of a Multiple-Intermetallic-Strengthened Aluminum Alloy Produced from Gas-Atomized Powder by Hot Extrusion and Friction Extrusion
Materials, 13(23), 5333.
2020 journal article
Rapid assessment of structural and compositional changes during early stages of zirconium alloy oxidation
Npj Materials Degradation.
2020 journal article
Recovery of cold-worked Al0. 3CoCrFeNi complex concentrated alloy through twinning assisted B2 precipitation
Acta Materialia, 202, 448–462.
2019 journal article
A novel nano-particle strengthened titanium alloy with exceptional specific strength
Scientific Reports, 9, 11726.
2019 journal article
Composition-dependent apparent activation-energy and sluggish grain-growth in high entropy alloys
Materials Research Letters, 7(7), 267–274.
2019 journal article
Compositionally graded high entropy alloy with a strong front and ductile back
Materials Today Communications, 20, 100602.
2019 journal article
Deformation Induced Hierarchical Twinning Coupled with Omega Transformation in a Metastable β-Ti Alloy
Scientific Reports, 9, 1334.
2019 journal article
Development of in situ composites via reactive friction stir processing of Ti–B4C system
Composites Part B: Engineering, 172, 54–60.
2019 journal article
Effect of nano-sized precipitates on the fatigue property of a lamellar structured high entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 760, 225–230.
2019 journal article
Effect of reactive alloy elements on friction stir welded butt joints of metallurgically immiscible magnesium alloys and steel
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 39, 138–145.
2019 journal article
Elemental partitioning, mechanical and oxidation behaviour of two high-γ′ W-free γ/γ′ polycrystalline Co/Ni superalloys
Scripta Materialia, 163, 44–50.
2019 journal article
Facile photochemical syntheses of conjoined nanotwin gold-silver particles within a biologically-benign chitosan polymer
Nanomaterials, 9(4), 596.
2019 journal article
Immiscible nanostructured copper-aluminum-niobium alloy with excellent precipitation strengthening upon friction stir processing and aging
Scripta Materialia, 164, 42–47.
2019 journal article
Influence of ordered L1 2 precipitation on strain-rate dependent mechanical behavior in a eutectic high entropy alloy
Scientific Reports, 9, 6371.
2019 journal article
Interplay between single phase solid solution strengthening and multi-phase strengthening in the same high entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 771, 138620.
2019 journal article
Laser additive manufacturing of compositionally graded AlCrFeMoVx (x= 0 to 1) high-entropy alloy system
Optics & Laser Technology, 113, 330–337.
2019 journal article
Phase inversion in a two-phase, BCC+ B2, refractory high entropy alloy
Acta Materialia, 185, 89–97.
2019 journal article
Phase stability and microstructure evolution in a ductile refractory high entropy alloy Al10Nb15Ta5Ti30Zr40
Materialia, 9, 100569.
2019 journal article
Role of copper on L12 precipitation strengthened fcc based high entropy alloy
Materialia, 6, 100282.
2019 journal article
Simulation of solute clusters in metallic systems
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27(8), 085014.
2018 conference paper
Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded FeNi based High Entropy Magnetic Alloys
2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), Singapore.
Event: 2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) at Singapore on April 23-27, 2018
2018 journal article
Contrasting mechanical behavior in precipitation hardenable AlXCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy microstructures: Single phase FCC vs. dual phase FCC-BCC
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 739, 158–166.
2018 journal article
Crystallographically degenerate B2 precipitation in a plastically deformed fcc-based complex concentrated alloy
Materials Research Letters, 6(3), 171–177.
Contributors: D. Choudhuri *, S. Shukla *, W. Green*, * , V. Ageh *, R. Banerjee *, R. Mishra *
2018 journal article
Deformation induced intermediate metastable lattice structures facilitate ordered B2 nucleation in a fcc-based high entropy alloy
Materials Research Letters, 7(1), 40–46.
2018 journal article
Detailed Investigation of Core?Shell Precipitates in a Cu-Containing High Entropy Alloy
JOM, 70(9), 1771–1775.
Contributors: T. Alam*, * , G. Viswanathan*, H. Fraser * & R. Banerjee *
2018 journal article
Enhancing strength and strain hardenability via deformation twinning in fcc-based high entropy alloys reinforced with intermetallic compounds
Acta Materialia, 165, 420–430.
2018 journal article
Fatigue behavior of ultrafine grained triplex Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Scripta Materialia, 158, 116–120.
2018 journal article
Grain size dependence of strain rate sensitivity in a single phase FCC high entropy alloy Al0.3CoCrFeNi
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 736, 344–348.
2018 journal article
Hierarchical features infused heterogeneous grain structure for extraordinary strength-ductility synergy
Materials Research Letters, 6(12), 676–682.
2018 journal article
High Strain Rate Response of Al0.7CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy: Dynamic Strength Over 2 GPa from Thermomechanical Processing and Hierarchical Microstructure
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 5(1), 1–7.
2018 journal article
High-entropy alloy strengthened by in situ formation of entropy-stabilized nano-dispersoids
Scientific Reports, 8, 14085.
2018 journal article
Influence of Cr Substitution and Temperature on Hierarchical Phase Decomposition in the AlCoFeNi High Entropy Alloy
Scientific Reports, 8, 15578.
2018 journal article
Microstructural Design for Improving Ductility of An Initially Brittle Refractory High Entropy Alloy
Scientific Reports, 8(1).
Contributors: V. Soni *, O. Senkov *, * , D. Miracle * & R. Banerjee *
2018 journal article
Microstructural dependence of strain rate sensitivity in thermomechanically processed Al<inf>0.1</inf>CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering A, 727, 148–159.
Contributors: S. Gangireddy*, L. Kaimiao*, * & R. Mishra *
2018 journal article
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of an additive manufactured (AM) WE43-Mg alloy
Additive Manufacturing, 26, 53–64.
2018 journal article
Microstructures with extraordinary dynamic work hardening and strain rate sensitivity in Al<inf>0.3</inf>CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering A, 734, 42–50.
Contributors: S. Gangireddy*, * , K. Liu*, R. Banerjee * & R. Mishra *
2018 journal article
Modifying transformation pathways in high entropy alloys or complex concentrated alloys via thermo-mechanical processing
Acta Materialia, 153, 169–185.
Contributors: , S. Gorsse *, D. Choudhuri *, M. Styles *, Y. Zheng *, R. Mishra *, R. Banerjee * *
2018 journal article
Phase stability as a function of temperature in a refractory high-entropy alloy
Journal of Materials Research, 1–12.
Contributors: V. Soni *, * , O. Senkov *, B. Viswanathan, T. Alam*, D. Miracle *, R. Banerjee *
2018 journal article
Strengthening of Al0. 3CoCrFeMnNi-based ODS high entropy alloys with incremental changes in the concentration of Y2O3
Scripta Materialia, 162, 477–481.
2018 journal article
Surface degradation mechanisms in precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys
Npj Materials Degradation, 2, 33.
2018 journal article
Tensile yield strength of a single bulk Al0. 3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy can be tuned from 160 MPa to 1800 MPa
Scripta Materialia, 162, 18–23.
2017 journal article
A Combinatorial Approach for Assessing the Magnetic Properties of High Entropy Alloys: Role of Cr in AlCo<inf>x</inf>Cr<inf>1?x</inf>FeNi
Advanced Engineering Materials, 19(8).
Contributors: T. Borkar*, V. Chaudhary *, * , D. Choudhuri *, C. Mikler*, V. Soni *, T. Alam*, R. V. Ramanujan *, R. Banerjee *
2017 journal article
Cu assisted stabilization and nucleation of L1<inf>2</inf>precipitates in Al<inf>0.3</inf>CuFeCrNi<inf>2</inf>fcc-based high entropy alloy
Acta Materialia, 129, 170–182.
Contributors: , D. Choudhuri *, V. Soni *, Y. Ren *, M. Styles *, J. Hwang *, S. Nam *, H. Ryu *, S. Hong *, R. Banerjee * *
2017 journal article
High performance rechargeable Li-S batteries using binder-free large sulfur-loaded three-dimensional carbon nanotubes
Carbon, 118, 120–126.
2017 journal article
Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed cast Eglin steel (ES-1)
Materials Science and Engineering A, 709, 105–114.
Contributors: V. Tungala*, A. Arora *, * , R. Mishra *, R. Brennan * & K. Cho *
2017 journal article
Microstructure and wear resistance of an intermetallic-based Al0.25Ti0.75CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 210, 197–206.
Contributors: , A. Ayyagari *, D. Choudhuri *, T. Scharf *, S. Mukherjee *, M. Gibson *, R. Banerjee * *
2017 journal article
Microstructures and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed and spark plasma sintered Al<inf>0.3</inf>CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 210, 62–70.
Contributors: R. Pohan*, * , J. Lee *, T. Alam*, J. Hwang *, H. Ryu *, R. Banerjee *, S. Hong *
2017 journal article
Optimizing the coupled effects of Hall-Petch and precipitation strengthening in a Al<inf>0.3</inf>CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Materials and Design, 121, 254–260.
Contributors: , V. Soni *, M. Lee *, S. Mantri*, Y. Ren * & R. Banerjee * *
2017 journal article
Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high entropy alloys in dry and marine environments
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 210, 162–169.
Contributors: A. Ayyagari *, C. Barthelemy*, * , R. Banerjee *, T. Scharf * & S. Mukherjee*
2017 journal article
The effect of cold rolling on grain boundary structure and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of twins in alloy 690 in simulated PWR primary water environment
Corrosion Science, 130, 126–137.
Contributors: W. Kuang *, G. Was *, C. Miller *, M. Kaufman*, T. Alam*, * , R. Banerjee*
2017 journal article
Tuning the phase stability and magnetic properties of laser additively processed Fe-30at%Ni soft magnetic alloys
Materials Letters, 199, 88–92.
Contributors: C. Mikler*, V. Chaudhary *, V. Soni *, * , R. Ramanujan * & R. Banerjee*
2016 journal article
A combinatorial assessment of Al<inf>x</inf>CrCuFeNi<inf>2</inf>(0 < x < 1.5) complex concentrated alloys: Microstructure, microhardness, and magnetic properties
Acta Materialia, 116, 63–76.
Contributors: T. Borkar*, * , D. Choudhuri *, C. Mikler*, C. Yannetta*, X. Chen *, R. Ramanujan *, M. Styles *, M. Gibson *, R. Banerjee *
2016 journal article
Change in the primary solidification phase from fcc to bcc-based B2 in high entropy or complex concentrated alloys
Scripta Materialia, 127, 186–190.
Contributors: D. Choudhuri *, * , S. Gorsse *, C. Mikler*, R. Ramanujan *, M. Gibson *, R. Banerjee *
2016 journal article
Experimental investigation of the ordering pathway in a Ni-33 at.%Cr alloy
Acta Materialia, 115, 372–384.
Contributors: , T. Alam*, C. Miller *, T. Rojhirunsakool *, Y. Kim*, S. Kim*, M. Kaufman*, Y. Ren *, R. Banerjee * *
2016 journal article
Hierarchical multi-scale microstructural evolution in an as-cast Al<inf>2</inf>CuCrFeNi<inf>2</inf>complex concentrated alloy
Intermetallics, 71, 31–42.
Contributors: T. Borkar*, * , D. Choudhuri *, T. Alam*, A. Mantri*, M. Gibson *, R. Banerjee *
2016 journal article
On the role of Ag in enhanced age hardening kinetics of Mg?Gd?Ag?Zr alloys
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 96(6), 212–219.
Contributors: Y. Zhang *, T. Alam*, * , W. Rong *, R. Banerjee*, L. Peng *, J. Nie *, N. Birbilis *
2016 journal article
Pine Wood Extracted Activated Carbon through Self-Activation Process for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery
ChemistrySelect, 1(13), 4000–4007.
2016 journal article
Stability of ordered L1<inf>2</inf>and B<inf>2</inf>precipitates in face centered cubic based high entropy alloys - Al<inf>0.3</inf>CoFeCrNi and Al<inf>0.3</inf>CuFeCrNi<inf>2</inf>
Scripta Materialia, 123, 130–134.
Contributors: , V. Soni *, D. Choudhuri *, M. Lee*, J. Hwang *, S. Nam *, H. Ryu *, S. Hong *, R. Banerjee * *
2016 journal article
The evolution of microstructure and microhardness in a biomedical Ti?35Nb?7Zr?5Ta alloy
Journal of Materials Science, 52(6), 3062–3073.
Contributors: M. Hendrickson*, S. Mantri*, Y. Ren *, T. Alam*, V. Soni *, * , M. Styles *, D. Choudhuri *, R. Banerjee *
2015 conference paper
Effects of cold work and aging treatments on the microstructure and stress corrosion cracking initiation behavior of solution annealed alloy 690
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems—Water Reactors.
2015 journal article
Formation of a Huesler-like L2<inf>1</inf>phase in a CoCrCuFeNiAlTi high-entropy alloy
Scripta Materialia, 100, 36–39.
Contributors: D. Choudhuri *, T. Alam*, T. Borkar*, * , A. Mantri*, S. Srinivasan *, M. Gibson *, R. Banerjee *
Updated: October 16th, 2022 23:29
2022 - present
2019 - 2022
2017 - 2019
Updated: August 3rd, 2018 13:36
2013 - 2017