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Works (65)
2023 journal article
The role of hands in cross-contamination of kitchen surfaces during meal preparation
American Journal of Infection Control.
2022 journal article
Cross-Contamination to Surfaces in Consumer Kitchens with MS2 as a Tracer Organism in Ground Turkey Patties
JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 85(11), 1594–1603.

2022 journal article
Factors that predict Listeria prevalence in distribution centers handling fresh produce

2022 journal article
Observational Study of the Impact of a Food Safety Intervention on Consumer Poultry Washing

2021 review
A Systematic Review of Listeria Species and Listeria monocytogenes Prevalence, Persistence, and Diversity throughout the Fresh Produce Supply Chain
[Review of ]. FOODS, 10(6).

2021 journal article
A survey of United States consumer awareness, purchasing, and handling of mechanically tenderized beef products

2021 review
Alternative approaches to the risk management of Listeria monocytogenes in low risk foods
[Review of ]. FOOD CONTROL, 123.

2021 review
Cross-Contamination on Atypical Surfaces and Venues in Food Service Environments
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 84(8), 1239–1251.

2021 journal article
Recovery Rate of Cells of the Seven Regulated Serogroups of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli from Raw Veal Cutlets, Ground Veal, and Ground Beef from Retail Stores in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States

2020 journal article
An Observational Study of Thermometer Use by Consumers When Preparing Ground Turkey Patties

2020 journal article
Establishing a Lot through Sanitation Clean Breaks in Produce Packing Facilities
EDIS, 2020(5).
2019 review
Antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections from foods of animal origin: understanding and effectively communicating to consumers
[Review of ]. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 1441(1), 40–49.
Contributors: G. Ritter, G. Acuff*, G. Bergeron*, M. Bourassa *, n , J. Dickson*, K. Opengart, M. Salois*, R. Singer *, C. Storrs*

2019 journal article
Consumer Response to Mechanically Tenderized Beef (MTB) and MTB Labels: An Exploratory Focus Group Study
Contributors: L. Yang, M. Khalid, M. Duong, J. Kessinger, B. Ong, T. Drape *, R. Williams, T. Archibald *, n , R. Boyer

2019 journal article
Meat Bars: A Survey To Assess Consumer Familiarity and Preparation Parameters and a Challenge Study To Quantify Viability of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Cells during Processing and Storage
Contributors: J. Luchansky *, M. Mayhew*, Y. Jung *, A. Klinedinst*, L. Harkins, L. Shane*, M. Osoria*, L. Mcgeary*

2018 journal article
Assessing the usage of food thermometers at American University football tailgates
Food Protection Trends, 38(1), 8–17.
2018 journal article
Assessment of Microbiological Safety and Quality of Marinades Used To Treat Beef and That Were Collected over a 12-Month Period from Specialty Retailers Near Raleigh, North Carolina
Contributors: Y. Jung *, C. Rupert n, n , A. Porto-Fett* & J. Luchansky *

2018 journal article

2018 journal article
The role of citizen science in addressing grand challenges in food and agriculture research
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1891), 20181977.
Contributors: S. Ryan *, N. Adamson*, A. Aktipis *, L. Andersen *, R. Austin* , L. Barnes, M. Beasley, K. Bedell *

2017 review
A Systematic Review of the Use of Social Media for Food Safety Risk Communication
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 80(9), 1537–1549.
Contributors: K. Overbey n, L. Jaykus n & n

2017 journal article
A shopper's eye view of food safety at retail stores: Lessons from photographs taken while grocery shopping
Food Protection Trends, 37(1), 30–42.
2017 journal article
Consumer perceptions of the safety of ready-to-eat foods in retail food store settings
Journal of Food Protection, 80(8), 1364–1377.
Contributors: K. Levine n, M. Yavelak n, J. Luchansky *, A. Porto-Fett * & n

2017 journal article
Evaluating food safety risk messages in popular cookbooks
BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL, 119(5), 1116–1129.
Contributors: K. Levine n, A. Chaifetz* & n

2017 journal article
Going Public: Early Disclosure of Food Risks for the Benefit of Public Health
Journal of Environmental Health, 79(7), 8–14.
2017 journal article
The go noroviral experiment: An interactive citizen science teaching tool for modeling norovirus transmission
Food Protection Trends, 37(4), 240–246.
2016 journal article
Assessment of Risk Communication about Undercooked Hamburgers by Restaurant Servers
Journal of Food Protection, 79(12), 2113–2118.
Contributors: E. Thomas*, A. Binder n , A. McLaughlin n , L. Jaykus n, D. Hanson n , D. Powell, n

2016 chapter
Food safety and the emergency food supply chain: Lessons from North Carolina food pantries
In Feeding Cities: Improving Local Food Access, Security, and Resilience (pp. 151–166).
2016 journal article
Identification of risky food safety practices at Southwest Virginia farmers' markets
Food Protection Trends, 36(3), 168–175.
2016 journal article
Measurement of food safety culture using survey and maturity profiling tools
Food Control, 66, 174–182.
Contributors: L. Jespersen *, M. Griffiths *, T. Maclaurin*, n & C. Wallace *

2016 journal article
North Carolina chefs who cultivate restaurant gardens: A population with a hunger for extension information
Journal of Extension, 54(6).
2016 chapter
Risk communication during foodborne disease outbreaks the four Rs
In Foodborne Diseases: Case Studies of Outbreaks in the Agri-Food Industries (pp. 383–403).
2015 journal article
An observational study of frequency of provider hand contacts in child care facilities in North Carolina and South Carolina
Contributors: A. Fraser *, K. Wohlgenant*, S. Cates *, X. Chen *, L. Jaykus n, Y. Li n, n

2015 chapter
Approaches to food safety education among critical groups
In Food Safety: Emerging Issues, Technologies and Systems (pp. 347–364).
2015 journal article
Best Practices for Planning Events Encouraging Human-Animal Interactions
Zoonoses and Public Health, 62(2), 90–99.
Contributors: G. Erdozain*, K. Kukanich *, n & D. Powell

2015 journal article
Evaluating North Carolina food pantry food safety-related operating procedures
Journal of Food Protection, 78(11), 2033–2042.

2015 journal article
Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in school and community gardens
Food Protection Trends, 35(3), 167–175.
2014 chapter
Conclusions and recommendations
In The Produce Contamination Problem: Causes and Solutions: Second Edition (pp. 451–456).
2014 journal article
Corrigendum to “Educational needs assessment and practices of grocery store food handlers through survey and observational data collection” [Food Control 34 (2013) 707–713]
Food Control, 44, 284.
Contributors: L. Robertson*, R. Boyer *, n , J. Eifert *, A. Villalba* & N. Franz *

2014 journal article
Evaluation of Food Safety Risk Messages in Popular Cookbooks
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(9), A58.

2014 chapter
Lessons Learned from Distance Workforce Training Applications
In Remote Workforce Training (pp. 150–168).
Contributors: , S. Kirby n & K. Levine n n
2014 journal article
Potential of social media as a tool to combat foodborne illness
Perspectives in Public Health, 134(4), 225–230.

2014 journal article
Sanitation in classroom and food preparation areas in child-care facilities in North Carolina and South Carolina
Journal of Environmental Health, 77(4), 20–27.
2014 journal article
Tracing Temperature Patterns of Cut Leafy Greens during Service in North Carolina School Food Service
Contributors: E. Thomas*, n , L. Jaykus* & T. Phister*

2013 journal article
Audits and inspections are never enough: A critique to enhance food safety
Food Control, 30(2), 686–691.

2013 journal article
Educational needs assessment and practices of grocery store food handlers through survey and observational data collection
Food Control, 34(2), 707–713.
Contributors: L. Robertson*, R. Boyer *, n , J. Eifert * & N. Franz *

2013 journal article
Observation of public health risk behaviours, risk communication and hand hygiene at Kansas and Missouri Petting Zoos - 2010-2011
Zoonoses and Public Health, 60(4), 304–310.
Contributors: G. Erdozain*, K. Kukanich *, n & D. Powell*

2013 journal article
Using role-play to enhance foodborne illness crisis management capacity in the produce industry
Journal of Extension, 51(5).
2013 journal article
Video observation and data goding methods to assess food handling practices at food service
Food Protection Trends, 33(3), 146–156.
2012 journal article
Using a training video to improve agricultural workers' knowledge of on-farm food safety
Journal of Extension, 50(1).
2011 journal article
Enhancing food safety culture to reduce rates of foodborne illness
Food Control, 22(6), 817–822.

2011 journal article
Food safety infosheets
British Food Journal, 113(2), 160–186.

2011 journal article
Observation-based evaluation of hand hygiene practices and the effects of an intervention at a public hospital cafeteria
American Journal of Infection Control, 39(6), 464–470.
Contributors: K. Filion*, K. KuKanich *, n , M. Hardigree* & D. Powell*

2011 journal article
Understanding food safety information needs: Using a national information service as a research tool
Food Protection Trends, 31(7), 437–445.
2011 journal article
Using Blogs and New Media in Academic Practice: Potential Roles in Research, Teaching, Learning, and Extension
Innovative Higher Education, 37(4), 271–282.

2010 journal article
Assessment of food safety practices of food service food handlers (risk assessment data): Testing a communication intervention (evaluation of tools)
Journal of Food Protection, 73(6), 1101–1107.

2009 chapter
Conclusions and Recommendations
In The Produce Contamination Problem (pp. 445–451).
2009 article
Newmedia for communicating food safety
Food Technology, Vol. 63, pp. 38–43.
2009 chapter
Produce in Public: Spinach, Safety, and Public Policy
In Microbial Safety of Fresh Produce (pp. 369–384).
2009 journal article
Self-reported and observed behavior of primary meal preparers and adolescents during preparation of frozen, uncooked, breaded chicken products
British Food Journal, 111(9), 915–929.
Contributors: S. DeDonder*, C. Jacob*, B. Surgeoner*, * , R. Phebus * & D. Powell*
2009 journal article
University students' hand hygiene practice during a gastrointestinal outbreak in residence: What they say they do and what they actually do
Journal of Environmental Health, 72(2), 24–28.
2008 journal article
Communicating Food Safety Information Using Internet-Based Media
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(9), A72.
2007 journal article
Fresh threat: What's lurking in your salad bowl?
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(10), 1799–1801.

2007 conference paper
The media and the message: Risk analysis and compelling food safety information from farm-to-fork
International Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit, WDS 2007, 55–59.
2007 journal article
The media and the message: Risk analysis and compelling food safety information from farm-to-fork
Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 62(2), 55–59.
2005 chapter
Implementing on-farm food safety programs in fruit and vegetable cultivation
In Improving the Safety of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (pp. 268–292).
2003 journal article
Implementation and analysis of an on-farm food safety program for the production of Greenhouse Vegetables
Journal of Food Protection, 66(3), 485–489.
Updated: January 28th, 2020 10:08
2009 - present