Boris Goenaga
Pavement engineering, Transit, Traffic, Value of time, Pavement Management, Infrastructure Resilience, Climate Change, Skid Resistance and Pavement Friction Management Program
Works (17)
2024 article
Longevity of Shotblasting: Friction and Texture Improvements
2023 journal article
Early Friction and Texture Evolution After an Asphalt Overlay
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(6), 573–593.
2023 journal article
Effect of soil amendments on the compaction characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, and tire sinkage potential of roadside soils
Transportation Geotechnics, 41, 101019.

2023 journal article
Quantifying Uncertainty with Pavement Performance Models: Comparing Bayesian and Non-Parametric Methods
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(7), 661–679.
2022 journal article
Method to Reduce Uncertainty in the Prediction of Pavement Condition With a Lower Sample Frequency
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676(9), 289–308.
2022 journal article
Novel Index for Vulnerability Assessment of Flexible Pavement Infrastructure to Temperature Rise: Case Study of Developing Countries
Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(1).
Contributors: S. Gulzar n , n & B. Shane Underwood n
2021 journal article
Disruption and Recovery: Initial Assessment of COVID-19 Traffic Impacts in North Carolina and Virginia
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147(4).

2020 journal article
Effect of Speed Bumps on Pavement Condition
Transportation Research Record, 2674(9), 66–82.
2020 chapter
Incentivar el aprendizaje significativo con el uso de tutores virtuales
In A. C. Diaz & L. A. Gonzalez Araujo (Eds.), Buenas prácticas de assessment en programas de ingeniería. Bogota D.C., Colombia: Asociacion Colobiana de Facultades de Ingenieria / Universidad del Norte.
Ed(s): A. Diaz & L. Gonzalez Araujo
2020 journal article
Willingness to pay for freight travel time savings: contrasting random utility versus random valuation
Transportation, 47(2), 705–736.
2019 journal article
A practical approach to incorporate roughness-induced dynamic loads in pavement design and performance prediction
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44(5), 4339–4348.
2019 conference paper
Meaningful learning through virtual tutors: a case study
2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 276–279.
Event: IEEE
2017 conference paper
Effect of Road Roughness and Vehicle Speed on Dynamic Load Prediction and Pavement Performance Reduction
Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting at Washington, DC on January 8-12, 2017
2017 journal article
Evaluation of the methodologies used to generate random pavement profiles based on the power spectral density: An approach based on the international roughness index | Análisis de las metodologías utilizadas para generar perfiles aleatorios de pavimento con base en la densidad espectral de potencia (DEP): Un enfoque ajuste basado en el índice de rugosidad internacional
Ingenieria e Investigacion, 37(1), 49–57.
2014 conference paper
Development of pavement performance prediction models for the Colombian Highway Network
Geotechnical Special Publication, (246 GSP), 155–162.
Contributors: L. Fuentes *, * , O. Reyes* & A. Alvarez *

2014 chapter
Development of pavement performance prediction models for the Colombian Highway Network
In Design, Analysis, and Asphalt Material Characterization for Road and Airfield Pavements (pp. 155–162).
2014 journal article
Geotechnical Special Publication
Updated: August 26th, 2024 11:54
2023 - present
2015 - 2022
Updated: September 5th, 2024 09:44
2018 - 2023
2010 - 2013
2006 - 2011