Benjamin Keith Hollering

College of Sciences

Works (3)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 14:32

2022 article

Exchangeable and sampling-consistent distributions on rooted binary trees

Hollering, B., & Sullivant, S. (2022, January 14). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, Vol. 59.

By: B. Hollering n & S. Sullivant n

Contributors: B. Hollering n & S. Sullivant n

author keywords: Beta-splitting model; multinomial model; random trees
TL;DR: A notion of finite sampling consistency for phylogenetic trees is introduced and it is shown that the set of finitely sampling-consistent and exchangeable distributions on n-leaf phylogenetics trees is a polytope. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 24, 2022

2021 journal article

Identifiability in phylogenetics using algebraic matroids


By: B. Hollering n & S. Sullivant n

Contributors: B. Hollering n & S. Sullivant n

author keywords: Identifiability; Algebraic matroids; Phylogenetics; Group-based models; Mixture models
TL;DR: A new computational strategy for proving the identifiability of discrete parameters in algebraic statistical models that uses algebraic matroids naturally associated to the models to prove that the tree parameters are generically identifiable for 2-tree CFN and K3P mixtures. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 19, 2021

2020 journal article

Algebraic optimization degree


By: M. Harkonen*, B. Hollering n, F. Kashani & J. Rodriguez

TL;DR: The Macaulay2 package AlgebraicOptimization implements methods for determining the algebraic degree of an optimization problem and is the first comprehensive software package combining different methods in algebraic optimization. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: October 26, 2020

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