@article{laramee_hawari_2023, title={Evaluation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Law and Cross Sections for Calcium Hydride}, volume={284}, ISBN={["*****************"]}, ISSN={["2100-014X"]}, DOI={10.1051/epjconf/202328417014}, abstractNote={Presented here are the calculated thermal scattering law (TSL) and thermal neutron scattering cross sections for Calcium Hydride, hereafter referred to by its chemical symbol CaH2. The only other such data prior to this evaluation are thermal neutron scattering libraries in the JEFF database, which do not fully capture the scattering physics of the CaH2 system. The data in this evaluation are calculated from first principles; Density Functional Theory (DFT) is used to calculate the phonon density of states (DOS), which is the primary input required to derive the TSL. The TSL and cross sections have been evaluated for the three non-equivalent atom cites in the CaH2: Ca, H1, and H2. Each evaluation has been submitted to the NNDC for consideration in the next ENDF/B database release.}, journal={15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ND2022}, author={Laramee, Briana K. and Hawari, Ayman I.}, year={2023} } @article{fleming_manring_laramee_crozier_lee_hawari_2023, title={FLASSH 1.0: Thermal Scattering Law Evaluation and Cross Section Generation}, volume={284}, ISBN={["*****************"]}, ISSN={["2100-014X"]}, DOI={10.1051/epjconf/202328417007}, abstractNote={The Full Law Analysis Scattering System Hub (FLASSH) is an advanced code which evaluates the thermal scattering law (i.e. TSL, S(α,β)) for thermal scattering cross sections and resonance Doppler broadening. The ability to accurately capture these two key cross section features is dependent on accurate, high fidelity TSL evaluations. FLASSH 1.0 provides advanced physics capabilities resulting in an improved, generalized TSL to most accurately represent the lattice dynamics within any material. This improved TSL will allow for consistent analysis in both the thermal and epithermal energy ranges. The features for TSL analysis are packaged within the FLASSH GUI for easy user interface along with data output in many file formats including ENDF File 7 and ACE files.}, journal={15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ND2022}, author={Fleming, N. Colby and Manring, Cole A. and Laramee, Benjamin K. and Crozier, Jonathan P. W. and Lee, Eunji and Hawari, Ayman I.}, year={2023} } @article{fleming_manring_laramee_crozier_lee_hawari_2023, title={FLASSH 1.0: Thermal Scattering Law Evaluation and Cross-Section Generation for Reactor Physics Applications}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1943-748X"]}, DOI={10.1080/00295639.2023.2194195}, abstractNote={Abstract The Full Law Analysis Scattering System Hub (FLASSH) is a modern, advanced code that evaluates the thermal scattering law (TSL) along with accompanying cross sections. FLASSH features generalized methods that accommodate any material structure. Historical approximations including incoherent and cubic approximations have been removed. Instead, the latest release of FLASSH features advanced physics options including distinct effect corrections (one-phonon contributions) and noncubic formulations. Noncubic elastic and inelastic contributions are necessary to accurately evaluate one-phonon contributions. Both noncubic and one-phonon calculations require high-density sampling of the various scattering directions. Optimization and parallelization of these routines were therefore necessary to produce results in a reasonable computational time frame. With these notable improvements to the generalized TSL, FLASSH 1.0 can meet benchmark requirements by permitting realistic comparisons with experiments for both TSLs and the resulting integrated cross sections. Within FLASSH, these high-fidelity TSLs can be applied also to the resonance region to evaluate accurate, material structure-dependent Doppler broadening that captures the observed experimental behavior. Additional features including a graphical user interface (GUI), plotting diagnostics, and formatted output options including ACE files allow users to complete a TSL evaluation with minimal input and maximum flexibility. The user GUI creates input files for FLASSH, reducing user error and also providing built-in error checks. Autofill options and suggested input values help make TSL evaluation accessible to novice users. The FLASSH code is compiled to run on both Windows and Linux platforms with automatic parallelization.}, journal={NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING}, author={Fleming, N. Colby and Manring, Cole A. and Laramee, Briana K. and Crozier, Jonathan P. W. and Lee, Eunji and Hawari, Ayman I.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} }