Works (5)
2021 article
Local Plants, Not Soils, Are the Primary Source of Foliar Fungal Community Assembly in a C4 Grass
Whitaker, B. K., Giauque, H., Timmerman, C., Birk, N., & Hawkes, C. V. (2021, August 18). MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 8.

2021 review
The Switchgrass Microbiome: A Review of Structure, Function, and Taxonomic Distribution
[Review of ]. PHYTOBIOMES JOURNAL, 5(1), 14–28.

2019 journal article
Bacterial endophyte antagonism toward a fungal pathogen in vitro does not predict protection in live plant tissue

2019 article
Decrypting the phyllosphere microbiota: progress and challenges
Laforest-Lapointe, I., & Whitaker, B. K. (2019, February). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Vol. 106, pp. 171–173.

2018 journal article
Foliar fungal endophyte communities are structured by environment but not host ecotype in Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)
ECOLOGY, 99(12), 2703–2711.