Works (15)
2020 journal article
The Network Coordination Office of NHERI (Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure)

2019 journal article
Modeling of wave energy converters by GPUSPH and Project Chrono
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 183, 332–349.
2014 journal article
Flood Risk Management: The Need for Sound Policies and Practices
Civil Engineering Magazine Archive, 84(4), 48–57.
2014 journal article
Hydrodynamic characterization of Corpus Christi Bay through modeling and observation

2012 journal article
Evaluation of the Structure of Levee Transitions on Wave Run-Up and Overtopping by Physical Modeling
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 138(1), 53–62.

2011 journal article
Global warming and hurricanes: the potential impact of hurricane intensification and sea level rise on coastal flooding
Climatic Change, 104(3-4), 575–597.
2011 conference paper
Investigation of the Damage to Areas of Coastal Chile Due to the Maule MW 8.8 Earthquake of February 27, 2010
Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2011. Presented at the Solutions to Coastal Disasters Conference 2011.

2011 conference paper
Renewable Ocean Energy
Coastal Engineering Practice (2011). Presented at the Conference on Coastal Engineering Practice 2011.
2010 journal article
Erosional equivalences of levees: Steady and intermittent wave overtopping
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 37(1), 104–113.

2010 journal article
Potential implications of global warming and barrier island degradation on future hurricane inundation, property damages, and population impacted
Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(10), 645–657.
2009 journal article
Large-scale laboratory experiment on erosion of sand beds by moving circular vertical jets
Ocean Engineering, 36(3-4), 248–255.
2007 conference paper
Experimental Study of Overwash
Coastal Sediments '07. Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Process.

2007 journal article
Investigation of unrestrained cylinders rolling in steady uniform flows
Ocean Engineering, 34(10), 1431–1448.
2007 conference paper
Sediment and Shoaling Processes: Bolivar Ferry Terminal, Galveston, Texas
Ports 2007. Presented at the 11th Triennial International Conference on Ports.

2004 journal article
Cohesive sediment transport in the 3D-hydrodynamic-baroclinic circulation model,
Ocean Engineering, 31(17-18), 2227–2252.