Works (36)
2025 journal article
Combining ability and gene action for resistance to Fusarium ear rot in tropical maize hybrids
Frontiers in Plant Science, 16.
2024 conference paper
Advances in Potato and Sweetpotato Breeding at NC State
LSU Plant Science Symposium. Presented at the LSU Plant Science Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
Event: LSU Plant Science Symposium at Baton Rouge, LA, USA
2024 chapter
Genomic-Assisted Nutritional and Quality Breeding Efforts in Sweetpotato
In G. C. Yencho, B. A. Olukolu, & S. Isobe (Eds.), Compendium of Plant Genomes.
Ed(s): G. Yencho, B. Olukolu & S. Isobe
2024 chapter
The Future of Crop Improvement in Sweetpotato: Merging Traditional and Genomic-Assisted Breeding Methods
In G. C. Yencho, B. A. Olukolu, & S. Isobe (Eds.), Compendium of Plant Genomes (pp. 147–164).
Ed(s): G. Yencho, B. Olukolu & S. Isobe
2023 journal article
Breeding Cultivars for Resistance to the African Sweetpotato Weevils, Cylas puncticollis and Cylas brunneus, in Uganda: A Review of the Current Progress
Insects, 14(11), 837.

2023 journal article
Genome-wide association study and pathway analysis to decipher loci associated with Fusarium ear rot resistance in tropical maize germplasm
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(6), 2435–2448.

2023 report
Guidelines for construction and management of mini screenhouse for sweetpotato seed production

2023 book
Guidelines for construction and management of mini screenhouse for sweetpotato seed production
2023 journal article
Heterotic gains, transgressive segregation and fitness cost of sweetpotato weevil resistance expression in a partial diallel cross of sweetpotato
Euphytica, 219(10).

2023 journal article
Identification of the key morphological sweetpotato weevil resistance predictors in Ugandan sweetpotato genotypes using correlation and path‐coefficient analysis
Crop Science, 63(3), 1126–1138.

2023 conference paper
Progress in the Implementation of Genomic Selection and Marker-Assisted Breeding in Sweetpotato
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII. Presented at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII, San Diego, CA, USA.
Event: Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII at San Diego, CA, USA
2023 chapter
Sweetpotato: Nutritional Constituents and Genetic Composition
In C. Kole (Ed.), Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals.
Ed(s): C. Kole
2023 chapter book
Sweetpotato: Nutritional Constituents and Genetic Composition
2023 journal article
Targeting market segment needs with public-good crop breeding investments: A case study with potato and sweetpotato focused on poverty alleviation, nutrition and gender
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14.

2022 journal article
Combining ability and heritability analysis of sweetpotato weevil resistance, root yield, and dry matter content in sweetpotato
Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

2022 journal article
Genetic Variation Among Tropical Maize Inbred Lines from NARS and CGIAR Breeding Programs
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 41(2), 209–217.
2021 journal article
Breeding Progress for Vitamin A, Iron and Zinc Biofortification, Drought Tolerance, and Sweetpotato Virus Disease Resistance in Sweetpotato
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.

2021 journal article
Discovery of a major QTL for root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance in cultivated sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134(7), 1945–1955.
Contributors: , G. Silva Pereira *, V. Amankwaah n, M. Mollinari n , K. Pecota n , B. Yada *, B. Olukolu*, Z. Zeng n, G. Craig Yencho n n

2021 report
Rapid assessment of sweetpotato seed and root production and markets in Kamuli and Iganga districts, near Eastern Uganda

2020 report
Growing Jerusalem Artichokes
2019 conference paper
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci of Storage Root Micronutrients (Iron and Zinc) in Cultivated Sweetpotato
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII. Presented at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII, San Diego, CA, USA.
Event: Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII at San Diego, CA, USA
2019 conference paper
Linkage and QTL Analysis for Sweetpotato Virus Disease Resistance in a bi-parental Sweetpotato Population
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII. Presented at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII, San Diego, CA, USA.
Event: Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII at San Diego, CA, USA
2018 conference paper
Genetic Linkage and QTL Analysis in two bi-parental Sweetpotato Mapping Populations
17th Annual Sweetpotato Speedbreeders Meeting. Presented at the 17th Annual Sweetpotato Speedbreeders Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya.
Event: 17th Annual Sweetpotato Speedbreeders Meeting at Nairobi, Kenya on June 5-8, 2018
2018 conference paper
Linkage and QTL Analysis in a Hexaploid Sweetpotato Mapping Population
Plant Science Symposium. Presented at the Plant Science Symposium, University of Florida.
Event: Plant Science Symposium at University of Florida on January 25-26, 2018
2018 conference paper
Linkage and QTL Analysis in the Hexaploid New Kawogo X Beauregard Mapping Population
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVI. Presented at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVI, San Diego, CA, USA.
Event: Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVI at San Diego, CA, USA on January 16, 2018
2017 conference paper
Genetic Mapping of Nematode Resistance in a Bi-parental Sweetpotato Population
Annual meeting: Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science. Presented at the Annual meeting: Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science, Mobile, Alabama, USA.
Event: Annual meeting: Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science at Mobile, Alabama, USA
2017 conference paper
Genetic Mapping of Sweetpotato Virus Disease and Root Knot Nematode Resistance in Sweetpotato
3rd Annual GT4SP meeting. Presented at the 3rd Annual GT4SP meeting, Kampala, Uganda.
Event: 3rd Annual GT4SP meeting at Kampala, Uganda
2016 conference paper
Genetic Mapping of Sweetpotato Virus Disease and Root Knot Nematode Resistance in Sweetpotato
NC State Horticultural Science Departmental Seminar. Presented at the NC State Horticultural Science Departmental Seminar., Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Event: NC State Horticultural Science Departmental Seminar. at Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
2016 conference paper
QTL Mapping of Sweetpotato Weevil and Sweetpotato Virus Disease Resistance in Sweetpotato
2nd Annual GT4SP meeting. Presented at the 2nd Annual GT4SP meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
Event: 2nd Annual GT4SP meeting at San Diego, California, USA
2016 journal article
Response to cold stress at reproductive stage of introduced and adapted rice genotypes in Uganda
RUFORUM Working Document Series, 14(2), 633–638.
2015 journal article
Developing Lowland Rice Germplasm with Resistance to Multiple Biotic Stresses through Anther Culture in Uganda
Journal of the Korean Society of International Agricultue, 27(4), 415–420.
2015 journal article
The use of multiplexed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for analysis of genetic diversity in African rice genotypes
African Journal of Biotechnology, 14(18), 1533–1542.
2014 conference paper
Developing Lowland Rice Varieties with Resistance to Multiple Biotic Stresses
2nd Biennial NARO Scientific Conference. Presented at the 2nd Biennial NARO Scientific Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Event: 2nd Biennial NARO Scientific Conference at Kampala, Uganda
2014 conference paper
Molecular Characterization of Rice Genotypes in Uganda Using Multiplex SSR Method
4th International Rice Congress. Presented at the 4th International Rice Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
Event: 4th International Rice Congress at Bangkok, Thailand on October 27 - November 1, 2014
2014 conference paper
Rice (Oryza sp) Germplasm Diversity and breeding for resistance to rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) in Uganda
Rice Regional Centre of Excellence 1st Scientific Conference. Presented at the Rice Regional Centre of Excellence 1st Scientific Conference, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Event: Rice Regional Centre of Excellence 1st Scientific Conference at Morogoro, Tanzania
Updated: August 5th, 2022 10:00
2022 - present
Updated: August 5th, 2022 10:02
2015 - 2018