@book{brewer_2005, title={By birth or consent: Children, law, and the Anglo-American revolution in authority}, ISBN={0807829501}, publisher={Chapel Hill: Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press}, author={Brewer, H.}, year={2005} } @misc{brewer_2004, title={Brabbling women: Disorderly speech and the law in early Virginia.}, volume={91}, number={3}, journal={Journal of American History (Bloomington, Ind.)}, author={Brewer, H.}, year={2004}, pages={991} } @misc{brewer_2003, title={The consent of the governed: The Lockean legacy in early American culture}, volume={60}, number={1}, journal={William and Mary Quarterly}, author={Brewer, H.}, year={2003}, pages={235–238} } @misc{brewer_1997, title={Entailing aristocracy in colonial Virginia: ''Ancient feudal restraints'' and revolutionary reform}, volume={54}, ISSN={["1933-7698"]}, DOI={10.2307/2953276}, number={2}, journal={WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY}, author={Brewer, H}, year={1997}, month={Apr}, pages={307–346} }