Belinda Sena Akpa
Works (39)
2024 journal article
Model-based inference of a dual role for HOPS in regulating guard cell vacuole fusion
Ed(s): X. Zhu
2022 article
A roadmap towards equitable hiring to diversify biomedical engineering faculty
Cosgriff-Hernandez, E., Aguado, B. A., Akpa, B. S., Fleming, G. C., Moore, E., Porras, A. M., … Bowden, A. (2022, June 16). (Vol. 6). Vol. 6.
2022 journal article
Cholesterol-induced suppression of Kir2 channels is mediated by decoupling at the inter-subunit interfaces
ISCIENCE, 25(5).
2021 article
Predicting Inter-individual Variability During Lipid Resuscitation of Bupivacaine Cardiotoxicity in Rats: A Virtual Population Modeling Study
McDaniel, M., Flores, K. B., & Akpa, B. S. (2021, July 19). DRUGS IN R&D, Vol. 7.
2021 review
Solving the puzzle of Fe homeostasis by integrating molecular, mathematical, and societal models
2020 chapter
Utility of stable isotope ratios of tap water and human hair in determining region of origin in Central and Southern Mexico
In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action.
2019 journal article
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Kir2.2 and Cholesterol Reveal State- and Concentration-Dependent Binding Sites
Biophysical Journal, 116(3), 41a.
2018 journal article
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Kir2.2 Interactions with an Ensemble of Cholesterol Molecules
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 115(7), 1264–1280.
Contributors: N. Barbera *, M. Ayee *, n & I. Levitan *
2018 journal article
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in human hair and tap water: Modeling relationships in a modern Mexican population
Human Biology, 90(3), 197–211.
Contributors: C. Juarez *, R. Ramey*, D. Flaherty n & n
2017 article
Differential Effects of Sterols on Ion Channels: Stereospecific Binding vs Stereospecific Response
Contributors: N. Barbera *, M. Ayee *, n & I. Levitan *
2017 journal article
Molecular-Scale Biophysical Modulation of an Endothelial Membrane by Oxidized Phospholipids
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 112(2), 325–338.
Contributors: M. Ayee *, E. LeMaster*, T. Shentu *, D. Singh*, N. Barbera *, D. Soni *, C. Tiruppathi *, P. Subbaiah *
2017 journal article
Using spectral and cumulative spectral entropy to classify anomalous diffusion in Sephadex (TM) gels
Contributors: Y. Liang *, W. Chen *, n , T. Neuberger *, A. Webb * & R. Magin *
2016 journal article
Endothelial Membrane Modulation by OxLDL: Molecular-Scale Effects of Oxidation Products on Model Membranes
Biophysical Journal, 110(3), 81a.
2016 journal article
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Kir2.2-Cholesterol Interactions
Biophysical Journal, 110(3), 186a.
2016 journal article
Structural perturbation of a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer by warfarin and its bolaamphiphilic analogue: A molecular dynamics study
Contributors: M. Ayee *, C. Roth* & n
2016 article
The emerging threat of superwarfarins: history, detection, mechanisms, and countermeasures
Contributors: D. Feinstein *, n , M. Ayee *, A. Boullerne *, D. Braun *, S. Brodsky *, D. Gidalevitz *, Z. Hauck*
2015 journal article
Confusion About Infusion: Rational Volume Limits for Intravenous Lipid Emulsion During Treatment of Oral Overdoses.
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 66(2), 185–188.
Contributors: M. Fettiplace *, * , I. Rubinstein * & G. Weinberg*
2014 journal article
Multi-modal contributions to detoxification of acute pharmacotoxicity by a triglyceride micro-emulsion
Journal of Controlled Release, 198, 62–70.
Contributors: M. Fettiplace *, K. Lis *, R. Ripper*, K. Kowal *, A. Pichurko*, D. Vitello *, I. Rubinstein *, D. Schwartz *, * , G. Weinberg*
2014 journal article
Resuscitation with lipid emulsion: dose-dependent recovery from cardiac pharmacotoxicity requires a cardiotonic effect.
Anesthesiology, 120(4), 915–925.
Contributors: M. Fettiplace *, * , R. Ripper*, B. Zider*, J. Lang*, I. Rubinstein *, G. Weinberg*
2013 conference paper
Positive inotropy - A likely mechanism for lipid reversal of local anesthetic toxicity
Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future, 535.
2013 conference paper
Sequestering of toxins for the reversal of drug toxicity: A coarse grained molecular dynamics study
Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future, 248.
2013 journal article
Validity of the lipid sink as a mechanism for the reversal of local anesthetic systemic toxicity: a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model study.
Anesthesiology, 118(6), 1350–1361.
2012 journal article
Solvent effects in the hydrogenation of 2-butanone
Journal of Catalysis, 289, 30–41.
Contributors: , . C. D'Agostino, L. Gladden *, K. Hindle*, H. Manyar *, J. McGregor *, R. Li *, M. Neurock * *
2011 journal article
Fractional Order Analysis of Sephadex Gel Structures: NMR Measurements Reflecting Anomalous Diffusion.
Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 16(12), 4581–4587.
Contributors: R. Magin *, * , T. Neuberger * & A. Webb *
2011 journal article
Lipid resuscitation: a life-saving antidote for local anesthetic toxicity.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(2), 313–319.
2009 conference paper
Fractional order NMR reflects anomalous diffusion
ETFA 2009 - 2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
Contributors: R. Magin *, * , Q. Gao *, X. Zhou *, T. Neuberger * & A. Webb *
2008 conference paper
A computational and experimental investigation of mechanisms for caveolae-mediated endocytosis
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
2008 journal article
Non-invasive mass transfer measurements in complex biofilm-coated structures.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 101(3), 602–608.
Contributors: D. Graf Von Der Schulenburg*, * , L. Gladden * & M. Johns *
2008 conference paper
Quantitative, multinuclear magnetic resonance microscopy methods for the study of multiphase systems
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
2008 conference paper
Study of miscible and immiscible flows in a microchannel using magnetic resonance imaging
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
2008 journal article
Vesicle formation and endocytosis: function, machinery, mechanisms, and modeling.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 11(6), 1301–1312.
Contributors: N. Parkar*, * , L. Nitsche *, L. Wedgewood*, A. Place *, M. Sverdlov *, O. Chaga*, R. Minshall *
2007 chapter
Chapter 26. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A New Window on the Catalyst Operating in the Reactor Environment
In Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials and Surface Science (pp. 457–478).
2007 journal article
Enhanced (13)C PFG NMR for the study of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous media.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 186(1), 160–165.
Contributors: , D. Holland *, A. Sederman *, M. Johns * & L. Gladden * *
2007 journal article
Study of miscible and immiscible flows in a microchannel using magnetic resonance imaging.
Analytical Chemistry, 79(16), 6128–6134.
Contributors: , S. Matthews*, A. Sederman *, K. Yunus *, A. Fisher*, M. Johns *, L. Gladden * *
2006 journal article
Distribution of surfactants in latex films: a Rutherford Backscattering study.
Langmuir : the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids, 22(12), 5314–5320.
Contributors: W. Lee*, V. Gundabala*, * , M. Johns *, C. Jeynes * & A. Routh *
2006 journal article
Dynamic Mr Imaging of Single- and Two-Phase Flows
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84(4), 272–281.
Contributors: L. Gladden *, * , L. Anadon *, J. Heras*, D. Holland *, M. Mantle*, S. Matthews*, C. Mueller*, M. Sains*, A. Sederman *
2006 journal article
Simulation of miscible diffusive mixing in microchannels
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 123(2), 1142–1152.
Contributors: S. Sullivan*, * , S. Matthews*, A. Fisher*, L. Gladden * & M. Johns *
2005 journal article
In situ 13C DEPT-MRI as a tool to spatially resolve chemical conversion and selectivity of a heterogeneous catalytic reaction occurring in a fixed-bed reactor.
Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England), (21), 2741–2743.
Contributors: , M. Mantle*, A. Sederman * & L. Gladden * *
2005 chapter
Reactors and Reactions: In Situ Reaction Imaging in Fixed-bed Reactors Using MRI
In NMR Imaging in Chemical Engineering (pp. 590–608).
Contributors: L. Gladden *, * , M. Mantle* & A. Sederman *
Updated: October 10th, 2024 13:15
2024 - present
2020 - present
2020 - 2023
2015 - 2020
2009 - 2015
2007 - 2009
Updated: April 6th, 2020 15:09
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: May 8th, 2022 20:58