@article{betancur_singh_rapp_wendel_marks_roberts_haigler_2010, title={Phylogenetically Distinct Cellulose Synthase Genes Support Secondary Wall Thickening in Arabidopsis Shoot Trichomes and Cotton Fiber}, volume={52}, ISSN={1672-9072 1744-7909}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7909.2010.00934.x}, DOI={10.1111/j.1744-7909.2010.00934.x}, abstractNote={Abstract Through exploring potential analogies between cotton seed trichomes (or cotton fiber) and arabidopsis shoot trichomes we discovered that CesAs from either the primary or secondary wall phylogenetic clades can support secondary wall thickening. CesA genes that typically support primary wall synthesis, AtCesA1,2,3,5, and 6, underpin expansion and secondary wall thickening of arabidopsis shoot trichomes. In contrast, apparent orthologs of CesA genes that support secondary wall synthesis in arabidopsis xylem, AtCesA4,7, and 8, are up‐regulated for cotton fiber secondary wall deposition. These conclusions arose from: (a) analyzing the expression of CesA genes in arabidopsis shoot trichomes; (b) observing birefringent secondary walls in arabidopsis shoot trichomes with mutations in AtCesA4, 7, or 8; (c) assaying up‐regulated genes during different stages of cotton fiber development; and (d) comparing genes that were co‐expressed with primary or secondary wall CesAs in arabidopsis with genes up‐regulated in arabidopsis trichomes, arabidopsis secondary xylem, or cotton fiber during primary or secondary wall deposition. Cumulatively, the data show that: (a) the xylem of arabidopsis provides the best model for secondary wall cellulose synthesis in cotton fiber; and (b) CesA genes within a “cell wall toolbox” are used in diverse ways for the construction of particular specialized cell walls. }, number={2}, journal={Journal of Integrative Plant Biology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Betancur, Lissete and Singh, Bir and Rapp, Ryan A. and Wendel, Jonathan F. and Marks, M. David and Roberts, Alison W. and Haigler, Candace H.}, year={2010}, month={Feb}, pages={205–220} } @article{singh_avci_eichler inwood_grimson_landgraf_mohnen_sørensen_wilkerson_willats_haigler_2009, title={A Specialized Outer Layer of the Primary Cell Wall Joins Elongating Cotton Fibers into Tissue-Like Bundles}, volume={150}, ISSN={0032-0889 1532-2548}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.109.135459}, DOI={10.1104/pp.109.135459}, abstractNote={Abstract Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) provides the world's dominant renewable textile fiber, and cotton fiber is valued as a research model because of its extensive elongation and secondary wall thickening. Previously, it was assumed that fibers elongated as individual cells. In contrast, observation by cryo-field emission-scanning electron microscopy of cotton fibers developing in situ within the boll demonstrated that fibers elongate within tissue-like bundles. These bundles were entrained by twisting fiber tips and consolidated by adhesion of a cotton fiber middle lamella (CFML). The fiber bundles consolidated via the CFML ultimately formed a packet of fiber around each seed, which helps explain how thousands of cotton fibers achieve their great length within a confined space. The cell wall nature of the CFML was characterized using transmission electron microscopy, including polymer epitope labeling. Toward the end of elongation, up-regulation occurred in gene expression and enzyme activities related to cell wall hydrolysis, and targeted breakdown of the CFML restored fiber individuality. At the same time, losses occurred in certain cell wall polymer epitopes (as revealed by comprehensive microarray polymer profiling) and sugars within noncellulosic matrix components (as revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of derivatized neutral and acidic glycosyl residues). Broadly, these data show that adhesion modulated by an outer layer of the primary wall can coordinate the extensive growth of a large group of cells and illustrate dynamic changes in primary wall structure and composition occurring during the differentiation of one cell type that spends only part of its life as a tissue.}, number={2}, journal={Plant Physiology}, publisher={American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)}, author={Singh, Bir and Avci, Utku and Eichler Inwood, Sarah E. and Grimson, Mark J. and Landgraf, Jeff and Mohnen, Debra and Sørensen, Iben and Wilkerson, Curtis G. and Willats, William G.T. and Haigler, Candace H.}, year={2009}, month={Apr}, pages={684–699} } @article{singh_cheek_haigler_2009, title={A synthetic auxin (NAA) suppresses secondary wall cellulose synthesis and enhances elongation in cultured cotton fiber}, volume={28}, ISSN={0721-7714 1432-203X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00299-009-0714-2}, DOI={10.1007/s00299-009-0714-2}, abstractNote={Use of a synthetic auxin (naphthalene-1-acetic acid, NAA) to start (Gossypium hirsutum) ovule/fiber cultures hindered fiber secondary wall cellulose synthesis compared with natural auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA). In contrast, NAA promoted fiber elongation and ovule weight gain, which resulted in larger ovule/fiber units. To reach these conclusions, fiber and ovule growth parameters were measured and cell wall characteristics were examined microscopically. The differences in fiber from NAA and IAA culture were underpinned by changes in the expression patterns of marker genes for three fiber developmental stages (elongation, the transition stage, and secondary wall deposition), and these gene expression patterns were also analyzed quantitatively in plant-grown fiber. The results demonstrate that secondary wall cellulose synthesis: (1) is under strong transcriptional control that is influenced by auxin; and (2) must be specifically characterized in the cotton ovule/fiber culture system given the many protocol variables employed in different laboratories.}, number={7}, journal={Plant Cell Reports}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Singh, Bir and Cheek, Hannah D. and Haigler, Candace H.}, year={2009}, month={May}, pages={1023–1032} } @inbook{haigler_singh_wang_zhang_2009, title={Genomics of cotton fiber secondary wall deposition and cellulose biogenesis}, ISBN={9780387708096}, DOI={10.1007/978-0-387-70810-2_16}, abstractNote={The deposition of > 90% cellulose in the cotton fiber secondary wall makes this unique cell powerful for understanding cellulose biogenesis, a process with great importance in nature and industry. This chapter provides an overview of cellulose biogenesis, summarizes how cotton fiber has previously facilitated unique insights in this field, and explains how cellulose is important in terms of cotton fiber physical properties. The nature of the cotton fiber secondary wall transcriptome is discussed, including comparisons to primary-wall-stage fiber and the Arabidopsis proteome. Microarray data, including validation by quantitative reverse transcription PCR, are described to show that transcriptomes for secondary wall deposition in cotton fiber and xylem are similar. The functional context of selected genes that are up-regulated for secondary wall deposition is discussed.}, booktitle={Genetics and genomics of cotton}, publisher={New York: Springer Science & Business Media}, author={Haigler, Candace H. and Singh, B. and Wang, G.-R. and Zhang, D.}, year={2009}, pages={385–417} } @article{haigler_singh_zhang_hwang_wu_cai_hozain_kang_kiedaisch_strauss_et al._2007, title={Transgenic cotton over-producing spinach sucrose phosphate synthase showed enhanced leaf sucrose synthesis and improved fiber quality under controlled environmental conditions}, volume={63}, ISSN={["1573-5028"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11103-006-9127-6}, abstractNote={Prior data indicated that enhanced availability of sucrose, a major product of photosynthesis in source leaves and the carbon source for secondary wall cellulose synthesis in fiber sinks, might improve fiber quality under abiotic stress conditions. To test this hypothesis, a family of transgenic cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum cv. Coker 312 elite) was produced that over-expressed spinach sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) because of its role in regulation of sucrose synthesis in photosynthetic and heterotrophic tissues. A family of 12 independent transgenic lines was characterized in terms of foreign gene insertion, expression of spinach SPS, production of spinach SPS protein, and development of enhanced extractable V (max) SPS activity in leaf and fiber. Lines with the highest V (max) SPS activity were further characterized in terms of carbon partitioning and fiber quality compared to wild-type and transgenic null controls. Leaves of transgenic SPS over-expressing lines showed higher sucrose:starch ratio and partitioning of (14)C to sucrose in preference to starch. In two growth chamber experiments with cool nights, ambient CO(2) concentration, and limited light below the canopy, the transgenic line with the highest SPS activity in leaf and fiber had higher fiber micronaire and maturity ratio associated with greater thickness of the cellulosic secondary wall.}, number={6}, journal={PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={Haigler, Candace H. and Singh, Bir and Zhang, Deshui and Hwang, Sangjoon and Wu, Chunfa and Cai, Wendy X. and Hozain, Mohamed and Kang, Wonhee and Kiedaisch, Brett and Strauss, Richard E. and et al.}, year={2007}, month={Apr}, pages={815–832} } @article{singh_haley_nightengale_kang_haigler_holaday_2005, title={Long-term night chilling of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) does not result in reduced CO2 assimilation}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1445-4416"]}, DOI={10.1071/FP05018}, abstractNote={ The aim of this study was to characterise the response of CO2 assimilation (A) of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to short- and long-term exposures to night chilling. We hypothesised that short-term exposures to night chilling would induce reductions in gs and, therefore, A during the following days, while growth of cotton plants for several weeks in cool night conditions would cause elevated leaf carbohydrate content, leading to the down-regulation of the capacity for A. Transferring warm-grown seedlings of wild type cotton, transgenic cotton with elevated sucrose-phosphate synthase activity (SPS+) that might produce and export more sucrose from the leaf, and a segregating null to cool nights (9°C minimum) for 1 or 2 d caused a small reduction in A (12%) and gs (21–50%) measured at 28°C. Internal CO2 did not change, suggesting some biochemical restriction of A along with a gs restriction. After 30 d, new leaves that developed in cool nights exhibited acclimation of A and partial acclimation of gs. Despite the elevated leaf carbohydrate content when plants were grown to maturity with night chilling, no reduction in A, gs, carboxylation capacity, electron transport capacity, or triose-phosphate utilisation capacity occurred. Instead, growth in cool nights tended to retard the diminishing of photosynthetic parameters and gs for aging stem and subtending leaves. However, elevated SPS activity did not affect any photosynthetic parameters. Therefore, when cotton that is well fertilised with nitrogen is grown with continuous night chilling, photosynthesis should not be negatively affected. However, an occasional exposure to cool nights could result in a small reduction in A and gs for leaves that have developed in warm night conditions. }, number={7}, journal={FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY}, author={Singh, B and Haley, L and Nightengale, J and Kang, WH and Haigler, CH and Holaday, AS}, year={2005}, pages={655–666} }