Works (10)
2023 article
Electro-thermal actuation in percolative ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites
Liu, Y., Zhou, Y., Qin, H., Yang, T., Chen, X., Li, L., … Wang, Q. (2023, May 25). NATURE MATERIALS, Vol. 5.

2023 journal article
Interfacial origin of dielectric constant enhancement in high-temperature polymer dilute nanocomposites

2022 journal article
Curly-Packed Structure Polymers for High-Temperature Capacitive Energy Storage
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 34(5), 2333–2341.

2022 journal article
Relaxor ferroelectric polymer exhibits ultrahigh electromechanical coupling at low electric field
SCIENCE, 375(6587), 1418-+.

2021 journal article
High-temperature polymers with record-high breakdown strength enabled by rationally designed chain-packing behavior in blends
MATTER, 4(7), 2448–2459.

2021 article
Morphology-induced dielectric enhancement in polymer nanocomposites
Zhang, B., Chen, X., Lu, W., Zhang, Q. M., & Bernholc, J. (2021, June 10). NANOSCALE, Vol. 13.

2020 journal article
Structural Insight in the Interfacial Effect in Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites

2019 journal article
Insights into the Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Ferroelectric Polymers from the Molecular Perspective
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(14), 8727–8730.

2018 journal article
Ferroelectric polymers exhibiting behaviour reminiscent of a morphotropic phase boundary
Nature, 562(7725), 96–100.

2017 journal article
Generating high dielectric constant blends from lower dielectric constant dipolar polymers using nanostructure engineering
Nano Energy, 32, 73–79.