Works (33)
2024 journal article
Messing with the Master Narrative: The Challenges of Challenging Meritocracy in Undergraduate Education "Diversity" Coursework
SAGE OPEN, 14(2).

2024 article
Squeezed in: Writing Instruction Over Time
Alston, C. L., & Eagle, J. L. (2024, August 1). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH.

2022 article
Why is it so hard to reconcile disciplinary literacy and antiracism? Informational texts and middle grades English language arts
Alston, C. L., & Bausell, S. B. (2022, February 1). ENGLISH TEACHING-PRACTICE AND CRITIQUE, Vol. 2.

2021 speech
Anti-Racist Teaching Session
Falter, M. M., Lee, C. C., & Alston, C. L. (2021, January). Presented at the Duke Anti-Racist Pedagogy Group, Duke English PhD program.
Event: Duke Anti-Racist Pedagogy Group, Duke English PhD program on January 15, 2021
2021 journal article
Antiracist Teaching in English Language Arts: Toward a Full Humanity for All Students
Language Arts, 99(1), 56–59.
2021 journal article
Teaching models of disciplinary argumentation in middle school social studies: A framework for supporting writing development
Journal of Writing Research, 13(2), 285–321.

2020 speech
Becoming Anti-Racist English Teachers: Taking Action Steps
Falter, M. M., Alston, C. L., & Lee, C. C. (2020, August). Presented at the National Writing Project Radio Podcast.
Event: National Writing Project Radio Podcast on August 13, 2020
2020 speech
Becoming an Anti-Racist ELA Teacher
Falter, M. M., Alston, C. L., & Lee, C. C. (2020, September). Presented at the Issues Now! Conversations about Equity Podcast.
Event: Issues Now! Conversations about Equity Podcast on September 29, 2020
2020 report
Becoming anti-racist English teachers: Ways to actively move forward
[White paper].
2020 journal article
Enacting Thinking: Supporting Teacher Candidates in Modeling Writing Strategies
Literacy Research and Instruction, 60(3), 1–21.

2020 journal article
Expanding Conceptions of Modeling Writing to Leverage Student Voices
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(1), 89–93.
Ed(s): C. Monte‐Sano

2020 conference paper
The Challenges of Challenging Meritocracy in Undergraduate "Diversity" Coursework
Challenging Normative Discourses About Learning and Development in Postsecondary Education. Presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: AERA Annual Meeting at San Francisco, CA on April 17-21, 2020
2019 conference paper
Coaching and Collaboration: Thinking across approaches to supporting In-service literacy teachers
Danielson, K. A., & Alston, C. L. (2019, December). Presented at the 69th Literacy Research Association Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Event: 69th Literacy Research Association Annual Conference at Tampa, FL on December 4-7, 2019
2019 conference paper
Enacting Thinking: Teacher candidates modeling writing strategies
Alston, C. L., & Danielson, K. A. (2019, November). Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Baltimore, MD.
Event: Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English at Baltimore, MD on November 21-24, 2019
2019 conference paper
It depends: Nurturing nuance in an English methods course
Alston, C. L. (2019, November). Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Baltimore, MD.
Event: Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English at Baltimore, MD on November 21-24, 2019
2018 journal article
Does a discussion by any other name sound the same? teaching discussion in three ELA methods courses
Journal of Teacher Education, 69(3), 225–238.
2018 chapter
Modeling as an example of representation
In P. Grossman (Ed.), Teaching Core Practices in Teacher Education (pp. 35–55). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Ed(s): P. Grossman
2016 conference paper
Does a discussion by any other name sound the same?: Teaching discussion in three ELA methods courses
Alston, C. L., Danielson, K., Dutro, E., & Cartun, A. (2016, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Washington, DC on April 8-12, 2016
2016 report
Moving toward coherence: The danger of dichotomies and nurturing nuance in teacher education
[White paper].
2016 speech
Moving towards coherence: The danger of dichotomies and nurturing nuance
Alston, C. L. (2016, March). Presented at the TeachingWorks 2015-2016 Seminar Series, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Event: TeachingWorks 2015-2016 Seminar Series at Ann Arbor, Michigan
2015 conference paper
Decisions, decisions, decisions: Developing a performance-based assessment of a high-leverage practice
Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, Georgia.
Event: Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education at Atlanta, Georgia on February 17 - March 1, 2015
2015 journal article
Differences in Intellectual Challenge of Writing Tasks among Higher and Lower Value-Added English Language Arts Teachers.
Teachers College Record, 117(5), n5.
2014 conference paper
Helping prospective teachers read for teaching
Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Washington, DC.
Event: Annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English at Washington, DC on November 20-25, 2014
2014 journal article
Reading for teaching: What we notice when we look at literature
English Journal, 103(4), 62.
2012 conference paper
Balancing strategy instruction and writing with African-American middle school students
Alston, C. L. (2012, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Vancouver, British Columbia on April 13-17, 2012
2012 journal article
Examining Instructional Practices, Intellectual Challenge, and Supports for African American Student Writers
Research in the Teaching of English, 47(2), 112–144.
2012 conference paper
Higher value-added instruction and writing development with African-American middle school students
Alston, C. L. (2012, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Vancouver, British Columbia on April 13-17, 2012
2012 conference paper
Showing, not telling: Using video records of practice to support pre-service English teachers’ learning
Alston, C. L. (2012, February). Presented at the AACTE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: AACTE Annual Conference at Chicago, IL
2012 speech
Using Cycles of Practice and Performance Assessments in Secondary English
Alston, C. L. (2012, July). Presented at the Teachers College, Columbia University Graduate School of Education, New York, NY.
Event: Teachers College, Columbia University Graduate School of Education at New York, NY
2011 speech
Higher value-added writing instruction with African-American students: What observational data tells us
Alston, C. L. (2011, October). Presented at the Educational Studies Colloquium, University of Michigan School of Education, Ann Arbor, MI.
Event: Educational Studies Colloquium, University of Michigan School of Education at Ann Arbor, MI
2011 conference paper
What’s VAM got to do with it? Exploring high-VAM teachers’ practice & whether it’s ‘better quality’?
Alston, C. L., Dieckmann, J., & Lewis, J. (2011, April). What’s VAM got to do with it? Exploring high-VAM teachers’ practice & whether it’s ‘better quality’? Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at New Orleans, LA on April 7-12, 2011
2009 conference paper
Development of the protocol for language arts teaching observation (PLATO)
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
2009 conference paper
Measure for Measure: A study of classroom practices that distinguish effective teachers of middle school English Language Arts
Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., Alston, C. L., Brown, M. T., & Cohen, J. (2009, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA
Updated: June 8th, 2023 10:41
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Updated: August 29th, 2019 14:47
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