Caren Cooper
participatory research, citizen science, ornithology, geography
Works (205)
2025 journal article
Public detection of lead plumbing and perceptions of municipal and well drinking water safety in the United States
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.
2024 journal article
A Positionality Tool to Support Ethical Research and Inclusion in the Participatory Sciences
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
2024 article
A framework for contextualizing social-ecological biases in contributory science data
Carlen, E. J., Estien, C. O., Caspi, T., Perkins, D., Goldstein, B. R., Kreling, S. E. S., … Schell, C. J. (2024, March 3). PEOPLE AND NATURE, Vol. 3.

2024 journal article
Exploring Project Connections Across the Citizen Science Landscape: A Social Network Analysis of Shared Volunteers
SAGE OPEN, 14(4).
2024 journal article
The Dual Nature of Trust in Participatory Sciences: An Investigation into Data Quality and Household Privacy Preferences
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
2023 journal article
Diversifying Large-Scale Participatory Science: The Efficacy of Engagement through Facilitator Organizations
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
2023 journal article
Equitable Data Governance Models for the Participatory Sciences
Community Science.
2023 article
Facilitator organizations enhance learning and action through citizen science: a case study of Girl Scouts' Think Like a Citizen Scientist journey on SciStarter
Facilitator organizations enhance learning and action through citizen science: a case study of Girl Scouts’ Think Like a Citizen Scientist journey on SciStarter. Environmental Education Research.

2023 journal article
Mapping the Landscape of Citizen Science in Africa: Assessing its Potential Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 11 on Access to Clean Water and Sanitation and Sustainable Cities
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
2023 article
Using citizen science data to investigate annual survival rates of resident birds in relation to noise and light pollution
Pharr, L. D., Cooper, C. B., Evans, B., Moorman, C. E., Voss, M. A., Vukomanovic, J., & Marra, P. P. (2023, July 27). URBAN ECOSYSTEMS, Vol. 7.

2022 journal article
Citizen Science as an Ecosystem of Engagement: Implications for Learning and Broadening Participation
BioScience, 72(7), 651–663.

2022 journal article
Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps
BIOSCIENCE, 72(3), 276–288.

2022 article
Taking the Pulse of the Planet
Cooper, C. (2022, June 22).

2022 article
Testing the Waters: Locally, Regionally, Globally
Cooper, C., & Malow, B. (2022, January 15). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.
2022 journal article
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Restrictions on Participation in Community and Citizen Science
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
2022 article
What is community-level environmental literacy, and how can we measure it? A report of a convening to conceptualize and operationalize CLEL
Gibson, L. M., Busch, K. C., Stevenson, K. T., Cutts, B. B., DeMattia, E. A., Aguilar, O. M., … Wheaton, M. (2022, April 19). ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, Vol. 5.

2021 journal article
Deconstructing incubation behaviour in response to ambient temperature over different timescales
Journal of Avian Biology.

2021 journal article
Do We Impact Neighboring Nests When Managing for House Sparrows on Nest- Box Trails?

2021 journal article
Inclusion in citizen science: The conundrum of rebranding
Science, 372(6549), 1386–1388.

2021 journal article
Perspective: The power (dynamics) of open data in citizen science
Frontiers in Climate, 3, 57.

2021 conference paper
Public Science Scholars Flock Together: Nesting Anti-Racism Principles across the Participatory Sciences
Cooper, C. (2021, May). Keynote presented at the Virtual Spring Research Symposium, University of Texas at San Antonio.
2021 conference paper
The Past, Present, and Future of Citizen Science
Cooper, C., & Caplan, A. (2021, March). Keynote presented at the American Philosophical Society Symposium.
2020 journal article
Advice for collaborations among natural and social scientists
BioScience, 70(5), 373–373.

2020 journal article
How can citizen science advance environmental justice? Exploring the noise paradox through sense of place
Cities & Health, 5(1-2), 33–45.
2020 journal article
Night conditions affect morning incubation behaviour differently across a latitudinal gradient
IBIS, 162(3), 827–835.

2020 conference paper
Scales of Participation: Citizen Science to Address Social Roots of Environmental Issues in the United States
Cooper, C. (2020, September). Keynote presented at the National Conference on Citizen Science for Biodiversity, India.
2020 journal article
Sensory pollutants alter bird phenology and fitness across a continent
NATURE, 587(7835), 605-+.

2020 journal article
Still in Need of Norms: The State of the Data in Citizen Science
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1).

2020 book
The Field Guide to Citizen Science: How You Can Contribute to Scientific Research and Make a Difference
Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
2020 journal article
The diverse motivations of citizen scientists: Does conservation emphasis grow as volunteer participation progresses?
Biological Conservation, 242, 108428.

2019 journal article
Citizen Science Ethics
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1).
2019 conference paper
Citizen Science as a common space for scientific research and civil society
Cooper, C. (2019, October). Keynote presented at the Citizen Science Symposium, University of Southern Denmark.
2019 conference paper
Cooper, C. (2019, March). Presented at the Citizen Science Conference, Spain.
2019 journal article
Project Categories to Guide Institutional Oversight of Responsible Conduct of Scientists Leading Citizen Science in the United States
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 7.
2019 journal article
The problem with delineating narrow criteria for citizen science
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(31), 15336–15337.

2018 journal article
Bridging the nature gap: can citizen science reverse the extinction of experience?

2018 journal article
Do birdwatchers buy the duck stamp?
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24(1), 61–70.

2018 conference paper
Cooper, C. (2018, February). Keynote presented at the Australian Citizen Science Association, Adelaide, South Australia.
2018 chapter
Pathways in Ornithology
In M. L. Morrison, A. D. Rodewald, G. Voelker, J. Prather, & M. R. Colón (Eds.), Ornithology : foundation, analysis, and application. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Ed(s): M. Morrison, A. Rodewald, G. Voelker, J. Prather & M. Colón
2018 conference paper
Paul F-Brandwein Lecture
Cooper, C. (2018, March). Keynote presented at the National Science Teachers Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
2018 journal article
Place-Based Pathways to Proenvironmental Behavior: Empirical Evidence for a Conservation–Recreation Model
Society & Natural Resources, 31(8), 871–891.

2018 journal article
The role of citizen science in addressing grand challenges in food and agriculture research
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1891), 20181977.
Contributors: S. Ryan *, N. Adamson*, A. Aktipis *, L. Andersen *, R. Austin* , L. Barnes, M. Beasley, K. Bedell *

2018 journal article
‘Green incubation': avian offspring benefit from aromatic nest herbs through improved parental incubation behaviour
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1880), 20180376.

2017 review
Acoustic environments matter: Synergistic benefits to humans and ecological communities

2017 journal article
Citizen Science Terminology Matters: Exploring Key Terms
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 2(1), 1.
2017 speech
Citizen Science: Everybody Counts
Cooper, C. (2017, April). Presented at the TEDxGreensboro, Greensboro, NC.
2017 book
Citizen Science: How Ordinary People Are Changing the Face of Discovery
London: Gerald & Duckworth Co.
2017 journal article
Contrasting the Views and Actions of Data Collectors and Data Consumers in a Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project: Implications for Project Design and Management
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 2(1), 8.
2017 journal article
Does the house sparrowPasser domesticusrepresent a global model species for egg rejection behavior?
Journal of Avian Biology, 48(3), 346–352.

2017 conference paper
Cooper, C. (2017, November). Presented at the XXIII Spanish Congress of Ornithology, Badajoz, Spain.
2017 conference paper
Cooper, C. (2017, August). Presented at the National Environmental Monitoring Conference, Washington, DC.
2017 conference paper
Cooper, C. (2017, March). Presented at the Southeast Asian Citizen Science Conference, Singapore.
2017 conference paper
Keynote: Bridging the Gap
Cooper, C. (2017, October). Presented at the NC Community Foundation, Raleigh, NC.
2017 newspaper article
Op-Ed: How tagging butterflies can help you tell what’s real and what’s fake
Cooper, C. (2017, March 16). Los Angeles Times.
2017 article
SciStarter 2.0
Analyzing the Role of Citizen Science in Modern Research, pp. 50–61.
2017 speech
Science of Citizen Science
Cooper, C. B. (2017, February). Panel and workshop presented at the Portland, OR.
2016 weblog post
Augmented reality in citizen science to connect with reality
Cooper, C. B. (2016, August 1).
2016 book
Citizen Science: How Ordinary People Are Changing the Face of Discovery
NY: The Overlook Press.
2016 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Citizen science practitioners walk the walk with open science on the next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2016, May 17).
2016 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Genetic literacy and citizen science for reading DNA
Cooper, C. B. (2016, January 19).
2016 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Opening access with citizen science in a word
Cooper, C. (2016, February 23).
2016 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Quality and quantity with citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2016, December 21).
2016 weblog post
How “Responsible” is citizen science? Discuss on the next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C., Serrano, F., & Göbel, C. (2016, July 26).
2016 speech
Cooper, C. B. (2016, February). Presented at the Aquarium of the Pacific, San Diego, CA.
2016 weblog post
Scientists should talk to the public, but also listen
Cooper, C. B. (2016, February 5).
2016 journal article
The Theory and Practice of Citizen Science: Launching a New Journal
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 1(1), 1.
2016 journal article
The Tragedy of the Unexamined Cat: Why K–12 and University Education Are Still in the Dark Ages and How Citizen Science Allows for a Renaissance
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 17(1), 4–6.

2016 chapter
Why citizen science matters
In D. Cavalier & E. Kennedy (Eds.), The Rightful Place of Science: Citizen Science. Tempe, AZ: Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University Press.
Ed(s): D. Cavalier & E. Kennedy
2015 journal article
A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(9), 550–560.

2015 chapter
Advances in techniques to study incubation
In C. Deeming & J. Reynolds (Eds.), Nests, Eggs, and Incubation: New Ideas about Avian Reproduction (pp. 179–195). Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): C. Deeming & J. Reynolds
2015 journal article
Are wildlife recreationists conservationists? Linking hunting, birdwatching, and pro-environmental behavior
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 79(3), 446–457.

2015 journal article
Biparental nest-attendance in Chilean Swallows (Tachycineta meyeni) breeding in Ushuaia, Argentina
Emu - Austral Ornithology, 115(1), 76–79.

2015 weblog post
Birdwatchers, hunters train their scopes on conservation
Cooper, C. B. (2015, March 9).
2015 weblog post
Citizen science of the deep blue sea
Cooper, C. (2015, June 23).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Crowdsourced Hopes for the 1st Citizen Science Association Conference
Cooper, C. B. (2015, February 6).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Hash out citizen science in Twitter chat sessions
Cooper, C. B. (2015, January 18).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Recap of Jan 28 #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, January 31).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Try it, you might like it
Cooper, C. B. (2015, January 12).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Amphibian and reptile citizen science on the next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, August 3).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Citizen science at the White House
Cooper, C. B. (2015, September 30).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Citizen science in schools
Cooper, C. (2015, September 8).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Citizen science to study your dog, because your dog studies you
Cooper, C. (2015, August 23).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Connecting with citizen science apps
Cooper, C. B. (2015, September 21).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Do-It-Yourself, Together
Cooper, C. (2015, June 5).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Federal Citizen Science Tool Kit on next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, October 5).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Mind over mainframe – next #CitSciChat discusses citizen science games
Cooper, C. (2015, February 23).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Shark citizen science, on the next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, July 6).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Speak for the bees on next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, May 26).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Speak for the trees on next #CitSciChat
Cooper, C. (2015, April 27).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: Tweeting about spring citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2015, March 23).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: What’s not counted when we count “Citizen Science”?
Cooper, C. (2015, December 7).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop: the STEAM of citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2015, February 18).
2015 weblog post
Coop’s Scoop:2015 year in Review Quiz
Cooper, C. B. (2015, December 24). [Quiz].
2015 journal article
Emotions as Drivers of Wildlife Stewardship Behavior: Examining Citizen Science Nest Monitors’ Responses to Invasive House Sparrows
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 21(1), 18–33.

2015 newspaper article
Good for Something House Sparrows
Cooper, C. B. (2015, June). Bluebird Notes, pp. 10–11.
2015 newspaper article
Inside NC Science: Cowbirds are feathered freeloaders
Cooper, C. B. (2015, June 14). The News & Observer.
2015 magazine article
Neighborhood Nestwatch
Cooper, C. B. (2015, May). NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ Magazine.
2015 weblog post
Science of the people, by the people, and for the people
Cooper, C. B. (2015, September 30).
2015 chapter
The role of citizen science in studies of avian reproduction
In C. Deeming & J. Reynolds (Eds.), Nests, Eggs, and Incubation: New Ideas about Avian Reproduction (pp. 208–220). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): C. Deeming & J. Reynolds
2015 journal article
Understanding the multi-dimensional structure of pro-environmental behavior
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 43, 112–124.

2014 journal article
Citizen Science: A Tool for Integrating Studies of Human and Natural Systems
Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 39(1), 641–665.
2014 weblog post
Citizen science at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Cooper, C. B. (2014, December 16).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: A tide of citizen science history revisited
Cooper, C. B. (2014, August 28).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Birdwatchers have themselves that thank (and here is why you should thank them too)
Cooper, C. B. (2014, September 4).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Does citizen science get lost in translation?
Cooper, C. B. (2014, July 11).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Fisherman, sailor, beachcomber, diver - the seas of research helpers
Cooper, C. B. (2014, August 26).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Jefferson’s legacy cultivates a nation of amateurs
Cooper, C. B. (2014, July 4).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Patients who were research subjects and the doctors who listened – the citizen science of HIV/AIDS research
Cooper, C. B. (2014, July 20).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Roundup of recent discoveries
Cooper, C. B. (2014, June 27).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Shake it up with the fast pace of citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2014, May 31).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: The key to unlocking collaborative conservation for birds
Cooper, C. B. (2014, September 12).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: Weekly Roundup
Cooper, C. B. (2014, May 23).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: What Citizen Science Tells Us
Cooper, C. B. (2014, May 16).
2014 weblog post
Coop’s Citizen Sci Scoop: What would Thoreau do?
Cooper, C. B. (2014, June 13).
2014 journal article
Elevational trends in life histories: revising the pace-of-life framework
Biological Reviews, 90(1), 204–213.
2014 magazine article
Expert Amateurs: local dive guides report sharks for citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2014, May 9). Discover.
2014 weblog post
Expert Amateurs: local dive guides report sharks for citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2014, April 26).
2014 weblog post
First-ever Bluebird Twins Highlight Citizen Science’s value in studying rare events
Cooper, C. B. (2014, March 26).
2014 journal article
Is there a weekend bias in clutch-initiation dates from citizen science? Implications for studies of avian breeding phenology
International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(7), 1415–1419.
2014 weblog post
New Association Wants You! Calling All Supporters of Citizen Science
Cooper, C. B. (2014, March 10).
2014 journal article
The Invisible Prevalence of Citizen Science in Global Research: Migratory Birds and Climate Change
PLoS ONE, 9(9), e106508.
Ed(s): R. Guralnick

2014 journal article
The eBird enterprise: An integrated approach to development and application of citizen science
Biological Conservation, 169, 31–40.
2014 weblog post
The nine simultaneous lives of cats: cat tracker
Cooper, C. B. (2014, July 25).
2013 weblog post
Animal care ethics in citizen science: My conundrum
Cooper, C. B. (2013, March 5).
2013 journal article
Avian Incubation Patterns Reflect Temporal Changes in Developing Clutches
PLoS ONE, 8(6), e65521.
Ed(s): G. Sorci
2013 weblog post
Citizen Science Champions of Change!
Cooper, C. B. (2013, June 25).
2013 chapter
Citizen Science Perspectives on E-Participation in Urban Planning
In Advances in Electronic Government, Digital Divide, and Regional Development (pp. 172–197).

2013 weblog post
Got Bacon? Communities leverage citizen science because environmental racism is not kosher
Cooper, C. B. (2013, March 18).
2013 journal article
Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration: Integrating Science, Nature, and Culture
Ecological Restoration, 31(4), 426–427.

2013 weblog post
Lessons from Ants to Starts: An Egalitarian Scientific World, One Name at a Time
Cooper, C. B. (2013, April 22).
2013 weblog post
Media is Unreal: Bringing Media Literacy into Science Literacy
Cooper, C. B. (2013, April 16).
2013 weblog post
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards All Birds
Cooper, C. B. (2013, December 24).
2013 weblog post
Pearls Across the Zooniverse: When crowdsourcing becomes citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2013, February 28).
2013 speech
Science in the Streets: Public Engagement Then and Now
Cooper, C. B. (2013, November). Presented at the History of Science Society & Boston University, Boston, MA.
2013 journal article
Solar noon and tactile cues synergistically regulate clutch size: a new approach to investigations of avian life-history theory
Ibis, 155(4), 709–713.
2013 weblog post
Supersized study: citizen science finds grebe that some feared losing
Cooper, C. B. (2013, August 6).
2013 speech
Technology in Citizen Science
Cooper, C. B. (2013, August). Workshop presented at the British Ecological Society Meeting, London, UK.
2013 weblog post
That moment when you realize how little you actually know
Cooper, C. B. (2013, July 15).
2013 weblog post
The Citizen Science of Climate Change: We are not bystanders
Cooper, C. B. (2013, January 22).
2013 weblog post
The Most Stressful Science Problem
Cooper, C. B. (2013, January 10).
2013 journal article
Tribute to Tinbergen: Public Engagement in Ethology
Ethology, 120(3), 207–214.
Ed(s): M. Hauber
2013 weblog post
Victorian-era citizen science: reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated
Cooper, C. B. (2013, August 30).
2013 weblog post
Zen in the Art of Citizen Science: Apps for Collective Discovery and the 1-Percent Rule of the Web
Cooper, C. B. (2013, September 11).
2012 journal article
Clock gene variation in Tachycineta swallows
Ecology and Evolution, 2(1), 95–105.
2012 journal article
Clutch Investment in the Chilean Swallow (Tachycineta meyeni) Shifts with Time of Breeding and Position in the Sequence of Laying
The Condor, 114(2), 377–384.

2012 journal article
Data validation in citizen science: a case study from Project FeederWatch
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(6), 305–307.
2012 weblog post
Ho: Ho: Ho:, Merry Hypotheses! The gift of creativity in citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2012, December 24).
2012 weblog post
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Data
Cooper, C. B. (2012, July 3).
2012 journal article
Links and Distinctions Among Citizenship, Science, and Citizen Science. A Reponse to "The Future of Citizen Science."
Democracy & Education, 20(2), 13.
2012 journal article
Natural History Traits Associated with Detecting Mortality Within Residential Bird Communities: Can Citizen Science Provide Insights?
Environmental Management, 50(1), 11–20.
2012 journal article
Reproductive biology of a narrowly endemic swallow, Tachycineta swallow in dry, seasonal forest in coastal Peru
Ornitologia Neotropical, 23, 95–112.
2012 weblog post
Researcher’s Perspective: A Citizen Science fix for data junkies
Cooper, C. B. (2012, December 12).
2012 weblog post
Retro Science, part 1
Cooper, C. B. (2012, August 23).
2012 weblog post
Stone Soup for Thanksgiving: Understanding bird disease through citizen science
Cooper, C. B. (2012, November 21).
2012 chapter
The Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Science as a Tool for Ecological Research
In Citizen Science (pp. 99–113).
2011 newspaper article
I Say "Bird Walk," You Say "Big Day": What do gender patterns mean for the future of bird watching?
Cooper, C. B. (2011, March). Birdscope.
2011 journal article
Light increases the rate of embryonic development: implications for latitudinal trends in incubation period
Functional Ecology, 25(4), 769–776.

2011 journal article
Low Variation in the Polymorphic Clock Gene Poly-Q Region Despite Population Genetic Structure across Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Populations
PLoS ONE, 6(12), e28843.
Ed(s): R. Fleischer
2011 journal article
Media Literacy as a Key Strategy toward Improving Public Acceptance of Climate Change Science
BioScience, 61(3), 231–237.
2011 newspaper article
The Sunny Side of Life: does sunlight affect chicks still in the eggs?
Voss, M. V., & Cooper, C. B. (2011, June). Birdscope.
2010 journal article
Gender Patterns in Bird-related Recreation in the USA and UK
Ecology and Society, 15(4).
2010 journal article
The Design of Artificial Nestboxes for the Study of Secondary Hole-Nesting Birds: A Review of Methodological Inconsistencies and Potential Biases
Acta Ornithologica, 45(1), 1–26.
2010 journal article
Using a Free Online Citizen-Science Project to Teach Observation & Quantification of Animal Behavior
Using a Free Online Citizen-Science Project to Teach Observation & Quantification of Animal Behavior. The American Biology Teacher, 72(7), 437–443.

2009 weblog post
AOU Thursday: Hope for Solving Bird Collisions
Cooper, C. B. (2009, August 14).
2009 journal article
Citizen Science: A Developing Tool for Expanding Science Knowledge and Scientific Literacy
BioScience, 59(11), 977–984.

2009 journal article
Extended Laying Interval of Ultimate Eggs of the Eastern Bluebird
The Condor, 111(4), 752–755.
2009 journal article
Extinction debt or habitat change? – Ongoing losses of woodland birds in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia
Biological Conservation, 142(12), 3182–3190.
2009 speech
Misconceptions about Climate Change and the Importance of Public Science Literacy
Cooper, C. B. (2009, October). Presented at the 59th Annual Cortland Recreation Conference, State University of New York at Cortland.
2008 journal article
Artificial nest site preferences of Black-capped Chickadees
Journal of Field Ornithology, 79(2), 193–197.
2008 journal article
Ecology, 89(12), 3349–3361.
2008 speech
Is this Climate Change Story True?
Cooper, C. B. (2008, November). Presented at the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council.
2008 newspaper article
Looking for the perfect fixer-upper: Chickadees prefer nest tubes filled with wood shavings more than boxes
Cooper, C. B., Bonter, D., & Erikson, L. (2008, June). Birdscope.
2008 speech
Media Bytes: Is this Climate Change Story True?
Cooper, C. B. (2008, April). Presented at the Warrington Symposium, Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA.
2008 journal article
Science Explicitly for Nonscientists
Ecology and Society, 13(2).
2007 journal article
Ecology, 88(4), 864–870.

2007 journal article
Citizen Science as a Tool for Conservation in Residential Ecosystems
Ecology and Society, 12(2).

2007 newspaper article
How many glaciers does it take to change a light bulb?
Cooper, C. B. (2007, June). Birdscope.
2007 newspaper article
Insights from 60,000 nests: A decade of results from The Birdhouse Network
Phillips, T., Cooper, C. B., & Whitman, M. (2007, March). Birdscope.
2007 newspaper article
Why did house sparrow numbers rise, then fall? Citizen-science data point to competition with house finches
Cooper, C. B., Hochachka, W. M., & Dhondt, A. A. (2007, March). Birdscope.
2007 newspaper article
Yard cats and birds
Cooper, C. B. (2007, September). Birdscope.
2006 journal article
Cautious or Courageous: How bold are your Birds?
Birdscope, 20(2).
2006 journal article
Geographical and seasonal gradients in hatching failure in Eastern Bluebirds Sialia sialis reinforce clutch size trends
Ibis, 148(2), 221–230.
2006 chapter
La Ciencia ciudadana como herramienta para el monitoreo de la biodiversidad [Citizen Science as a Tool for Biodiversity Monitoring].
In I. Pisanty & M. Caso (Eds.), Especies, espacios y riesgos [Species, Spaces and Risks] (pp. 17–32). Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Ecologa: Semarnat.
Ed(s): I. Pisanty & M. Caso
2006 journal article
Warm temperatures lead to early onset of incubation, shorter incubation periods and greater hatching asynchrony in tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor at the extremes of their range
Journal of Avian Biology, 37(2), 137–142.

2005 journal article
Beyond the Call
Birdscope, 19(1).
2005 journal article
Latitudinal trends in within-year reoccupation of nest boxes and their implications
Journal of Avian Biology, 36(1), 31–39.
2005 journal article
New software for quantifying incubation behavior from time-series recordings
Journal of Field Ornithology, 76(4), 352–356.
2005 journal article
Par for the course: pesticides on golf courses
Birdscope, 19(3).
2005 journal article
Seasonal and Latitudinal Trends in Clutch Size: Thermal Constraints During Laying and Incubation
Ecology, 86(8), 2018–2031.
2004 journal article
Bluebirds put their eggs into more than one basket
Birdscope, 18(3).
2004 chapter
Conservation biology
In W. D. Koenig & J. L. Dickinson (Eds.), Ecology and Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Birds (pp. 197–209).
Ed(s): W. Koenig & J. Dickinson

2004 speech
Cooper, C. B. (2004, March). Featured presentation presented at the Pennsylvania Bluebird Society Annual Meeting, Gettysburg, PA.
2003 journal article
Incubation Matters
Birdscope, 17(1).
2002 journal article
Effects of remnant size and connectivity on the response of Brown Treecreepers to habitat fragmentation
Emu - Austral Ornithology, 102(3), 249–256.

2002 journal article
Experimental Evidence of Disrupted Dispersal Causing Decline of an Australian Passerine in Fragmented Habitat
Conservation Biology, 16(2), 471–478.

2002 journal article
Independent effects of woodland loss and fragmentation on Brown Treecreeper distribution
Biological Conservation, 105(1), 1–10.

2002 journal article
Ecological Applications, 12(6), 1576–1587.

2002 journal article
Measuring your success: a look at nest-box occupancy
Birdscope, 16(1).
2002 journal article
Rhythm and Bluebirds: new devices track temperature and incubation rhythms at the nest
Birdscope, 16(3).
2002 journal article
The strategy of sitting on eggs
Birdscope, 16(3).
2000 journal article
Movements of Two Experimentally Displaced Brown Treecreepers Ctimacteris picumnus in a Matrix of Woodland and Pasture
Corella, 26(4), 110–113.
1999 journal article
The ecological basis of sensitivity of brown treecreepers to habitat fragmentation: a preliminary assessment
Biological Conservation, 90(1), 13–20.

1996 journal article
Significance of invertebrate abundance to dabbling duck brood use of created wetlands
Wetlands, 16(4), 557–563.
1995 report
Cumulative Impact Assessment in Michigan's Wetland Permit Program: Definitions, Literature Review, and Recommendations
Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
1994 report
Preliminary analysis of Tundra swan habitat use associated with Northern Idaho mining and techniques for minimizing exposure to environmental toxicity
Moscow, ID: Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho.
Updated: January 9th, 2024 16:47
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Updated: October 6th, 2022 14:14
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