@article{countryman_2015, title={The educational impact of smartphone implementation in introductory mechanics laboratories}, ISSN={["2377-2379"]}, DOI={10.1119/perc.2015.pr.019}, abstractNote={The internal sensors within students’ smartphones are capable of collecting the data required of a traditional introductory mechanics laboratory curriculum. Some instructors have begun to implement these data collection devices into their labs. This report describes a project—entitled “MyTech,” or “Measurements using everydaY TECHnologies”—that constitutes one such implementation. MyTech includes the development of a curriculum; the creation of a mobile app; and the determination of the impact of students’ smartphones on their kinematics graphing skills and their attitudes regarding their laboratory. A battery of preand post-semester testing as well as video recordings allow for determination of these impacts. Administration of the CLASS, for example, indicates greater positive shifts in “real-world connections” for the section using smartphones. The project also involved development of a new tool for video analysis that aids in determining the nature of the student-equipment interactions during the labs. PACS: 01.50.Lc, 01.50.Pa}, journal={2015 PHYSICS EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE}, author={Countryman, Colleen L.}, year={2015}, pages={95–98} }