Works (4)
2020 journal article
Enhanced mid-wavelength infrared refractive index of organically modified chalcogenide (ORMOCHALC) polymer nanocomposites with thermomechanical stability

2007 journal article
In situ tribometry of solid lubricant nanocomposite coatings
WEAR, 262(9-10), 1239–1252.
2007 journal article
Preparation of chameleon coatings for space and ambient environments
THIN SOLID FILMS, 515(17), 6737–6743.
2006 article
Preparation of Al2O3/DLC/Au/MoS2 chameleon coatings for space and ambient environments
Baker, C. C., Hu, J. J., & Voevodin, A. A. (2006, December 20). SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 201, pp. 4224–4229.