Works (45)

Updated: August 8th, 2024 05:00

2024 journal article

Water use and radiation balance of miscanthus and corn on marginal land in the coastal plain region of North Carolina


By: H. Carvalho*, A. Howard n, C. Crozier n, A. Johnson n, C. Sayde n, M. Chinn*, E. Godfrey III, J. Heitman n

author keywords: bioenergy; Bowen ratio; evapotranspiration; perennial grasses; radiation-use efficiency; surface energy balance; water-use efficiency
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 5, 2024

2023 journal article

Agronomic performance and the effect of genotype-by-environment interaction for Brassica carinata in the southeastern US


By: B. Campbell*, R. Seepaul*, J. Iboyi*, W. Anderson, B. Baldwin*, R. Bennett, C. Crozier*, S. George* ...

author keywords: Winter carinata; Winter oilseed; Jet-fuel; Genotype stability; Yield; Genotype x environment interaction
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 5, 2023

2023 article

Water vapor transport through bioenergy grass residues and its effects on soil water evaporation

Carvalho, H. D. R., Howard, A. M., Amoozegar, A., Crozier, C. R., Johnson, A. M., & Heitman, J. L. (2023, October 12). VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, Vol. 10.

By: H. Carvalho*, A. Howard n, A. Amoozegar n, C. Crozier n, A. Johnson n & J. Heitman n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: November 20, 2023

2022 article

Brassica carinata nutrient accumulation and partitioning across maturity types and latitude

Bashyal, M., Mulvaney, M. J., Crozier, C. R., Iboyi, J. E., Perondi, D., Post, A., … Devkota, P. (2023, February 15). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 2.

By: M. Bashyal*, M. Mulvaney*, C. Crozier n, J. Iboyi*, D. Perondi*, A. Post n, K. Iskandar*, R. Leon n ...

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 16, 2023

2022 article

Critical soil test values of phosphorus and potassium for soybean and corn in three long-term trials in North Carolina

Morales, N. A., Gatiboni, L., Osmond, D., Vann, R., Kulesza, S., Crozier, C., & Hardy, D. (2023, January 26). SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, Vol. 1.

By: N. Morales n, L. Gatiboni n, D. Osmond n, R. Vann n, S. Kulesza n, C. Crozier n, D. Hardy*

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 29, 2022

2021 journal article

A survey of twin-row cropping systems in North Carolina


By: M. Tilley*, D. Jordan n, R. Heiniger n, R. Vann n, C. Crozier n & L. Gatiboni n

Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: July 19, 2021

2021 article

Appropriate "marginal" farmlands for second-generation biofuel crops in North Carolina


By: C. Crozier n, H. Carvalho n, A. Johnson n, M. Chinn n & J. Heitman n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: April 26, 2021

2021 journal article

The Impacts of Micronutrient Fertility on the Mineral Uptake and Growth of Brassica carinata


By: P. Cockson n, P. Veazie n, M. Davis n, G. Barajas n, A. Post n, C. Crozier n, R. Leon n, R. Patterson n, B. Whipker n

TL;DR: It is demonstrated that Brassica carinata has different fertility demands and will accumulate differing leaf tissue concentrations during its life stages, and serves as a baseline for further uptake and portioning work for BrassicaCarinata. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 9, 2021

2021 journal article

Water use and biomass yield of bioenergy crops in the North Carolina Piedmont

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 113(3), 2463–2473.

By: T. Stephenson n, H. Carvalho n, M. Castillo n, C. Crozier n, T. Smyth n & J. Heitman n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: April 26, 2021

2019 journal article

Tiller Initiation and its Effects on Yield and Yield Components in Winter Wheat

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 111(3), 1323–1332.

By: M. Tilley*, R. Heiniger n & C. Crozier n

TL;DR: The timing and rate of leaf initiation impacts yield and yield components shows earlier tillers have an advantage in that they have shorter periods of leaf development that result in more leaf area which in turn supports more kernel spike–¹ and heavier kernels, thus more grain weight per spike. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 20, 2019

2018 article


TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE, Vol. 61, pp. 233–244.

By: C. Poole*, R. Skaggs*, M. Youssef*, G. Chescheir* & C. Crozier*

author keywords: Controlled drainage (CD); Corn; Drainage water; Drainage water management (DWM); Nitrate; Nitrogen; Soybean; Water quality; Wheat
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2018 journal article

Effect of Soybean Maturity, Crimson Clover Seeding Method, and Seeding Rate on Clover Biomass and Nitrogen Content

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(5), 1829–1835.

By: R. Vann n, S. Reberg-Horton n, C. Crozier n & G. Place n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 19, 2018

2018 journal article

Soil-Test Biological Activity with the Flush of CO2: I.C and N Characteristics of Soils in Corn Production


By: A. Franzluebbers n, M. Pershing n, C. Crozier n, D. Osmond n & M. Schroeder-Moreno n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 19, 2018

2018 journal article

Stem, Leaf, and Panicle Yield and Nutrient Content of Biomass and Sweet Sorghum

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(5), 1659–1665.

By: A. Heitman n, M. Castillo n, T. Smyth n & C. Crozier n

Contributors: A. Heitman n, M. Castillo n, T. Smyth n & C. Crozier n

TL;DR: Compared with previous reports from grain-type sorghum cultivars, far less has been reported regarding the relative partition of biomass yield and nutrient among the stem, leaf, and panicle components for dedicated bioenergy Sorghum. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 19, 2018

2017 journal article

Evaluation of Nitrogen-Loss Prevention Amendments in Maize and Wheat in North Carolina

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 109(5), 1811–1824.

By: S. Rajkovich n, D. Osmond n, R. Weisz n, C. Crozier n, D. Israel n & R. Austin n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 journal article

Soil Responses to Bioenergy Crop Production in the North Carolina Piedmont

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 109(4), 1368–1378.

By: Z. Wang n, J. Heitman n, T. Smyth n, C. Crozier n, A. Franzluebbers n, S. Lee*, R. Gehl

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 journal article

Yield and Nitrogen Removal of Bioenergy Grasses as Influenced by Nitrogen Rate and Harvest Management in the Coastal Plain Region of North Carolina

BioEnergy Research, 11(1), 44–53.

By: Z. Wang n, T. Jot Smyth, C. Crozier*, R. Gehl* & A. Heitman n

author keywords: Biomass yield; Harvest frequency; Switchgrass; Miscanthus
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Crossref, Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 journal article

Yield and Nutrient Removal by Bioenergy Grasses on Swine Effluent Spray Fields in the Coastal Plain Region of North Carolina

BioEnergy Research, 10(4), 979–991.

By: Z. Wang n, T. Smyth n, C. Crozier*, R. Gehl* & A. Heitman n

author keywords: Bioenergy; Biomass yield; Harvest frequency; Miscanthus; Switchgrass; Spray field
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Crossref, Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

Poultry Manure Nitrogen Availability Influences Winter Wheat Yield and Yield Components

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 108(2), 864–872.

By: C. Savala, C. Crozier n & T. Smyth n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2015 journal article

Assessment of trace element impacts on agricultural use of water from the Dan River following the Eden coal ash release


By: D. Hesterberg n, M. Polizzotto n, C. Crozier n & R. Austin n

Contributors: D. Hesterberg n, M. Polizzotto n, C. Crozier n & R. Austin n

author keywords: Coal ash; Trace elements; Soil contamination; Rapid assessment; Water quality; Mass-balance calculation
MeSH headings : Agricultural Irrigation; Coal Ash / analysis; Environmental Monitoring; North Carolina; Petroleum Pollution; Soil Pollutants / analysis; Trace Elements / analysis; Virginia
TL;DR: Advice is presented for safe usage of Dan River water to diminish negative impacts of trace elements on soils and crop production and the approach described here may serve as a basis for rapid assessment of environmental and agricultural risks associated with any similar types of releases that arise in the future. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: August 6, 2018

2014 journal article

Roller-Crimper Termination for Legume Cover Crops in North Carolina: Impacts on Nutrient Availability to a Succeeding Corn Crop


author keywords: Vicia villosa; nutrient cycling; N synchrony; N mineralization; Trifolium incarnatum; Legume cover crops; organic cropping systems
TL;DR: Nitrogen (N) release from roll-killed legume cover crops was determined for hairy vetch, crimson clover, and a hairy Vetch + rye biculture in an organic corn production system in North Carolina, USA, suggesting net immobilization. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Effects of drainage water management on crop yields in North Carolina


By: C. Poole*, R. Skaggs*, G. Cheschier, M. Youssef* & C. Crozier*

author keywords: controlled drainage; corn; drainage water management; soybean; wheat; yield
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Nitrogen Management for High Population Corn Production in Wide and Narrow Rows

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 106(1), 66–72.

By: C. Crozier n, R. Gehl n, D. Hardy* & R. Heiniger

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2011 journal article

Nitrogen Delivery from Legume Cover Crops in No-Till Organic Corn Production

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 103(6), 1578–1590.

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2010 journal article

Variability of the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test across Time and Sampling Depth


By: D. Wall*, R. Weisz n, C. Crozier n, R. Heiniger n & J. White n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

Three Experimental Systems to Evaluate Phosphorus Supply from Enhanced Granulated Manure Ash

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 101(4), 880–888.

By: C. Crozier*, J. Havlin n, G. Hoyt*, J. Rideout* & R. McDaniel n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

Evaluating inorganic nitrogen and rye-crimson clover mixture fertilization of spring broccoli and lettuce by (15)Nitrogen tracing and mass balance


By: R. Holness*, M. Reddy*, C. Crozier n & C. Niedziela n

author keywords: N-15 recovery; Brassica oleracea var. italica; broccoli; covers crops; crimson clover; fertilizer N erecovery; Latuca sativa; lettuce; rye; N uptake; Secale cereale; spring vegetables; Trifolium incarnatum
TL;DR: Brassica oleracea yield could not be assessed due to lack of floret development, but dry matter accumulation was maximized at 224 kg·ha− 1N, and fertilizer N recovery efficiency (by mass balance) was maximization at 140 g·ha − 1 N. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2007 journal article

Comparison of soil nitrogen tests for corn fertilizer recommendations in the humid southeastern USA


By: J. Williams*, C. Crozier*, J. White n, R. Sripada n & D. Crouse n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2007 journal article

Illinois soil nitrogen test predicts southeastern US corn economic optimum nitrogen rates


By: J. Williams*, C. Crozier*, J. White n, R. Heiniger*, R. Sripada n & D. Crouse n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2007 journal article

Winter wheat and maize response to urea ammonium nitrate and a new urea formaldehyde polymer fertilizer

Agronomy Journal, 99(6), 1645–1653.

By: S. Cahill, D. Osmond, C. Crozier, D. Israel & R. Weisz

Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Attempt to validate a remote sensing-based late-season corn nitrogen requirement prediction system

Crop Management, 1.

By: R. Sripada, R. Heiniger, J. White, C. Crozier & A. Meijer

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Remote Sensing-Informed Variable-Rate Nitrogen Management of Wheat and Corn

Agronomy Journal, 98(2), 327–338.

By: N. Hong*, J. White n, R. Weisz n, C. Crozier n, M. Gumpertz n & D. Cassel n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Influence of cultural practices and crop rotation on kenaf yield in North Carolina

Crop Management, 1.

By: D. Jordan n, J. Barnes*, C. Bogle*, T. Marshall, T. Corbett, C. Crozier*, B. McLawhorn, L. Fisher n

TL;DR: Kenaf is a relatively new crop to North Carolina and its impact on cropping systems has not been clearly determined, but yield was higher when planted May 15 rather than June 15 and when kenaf was planted in rows spaced 8 inches apart compared to rows spaced 36 inches apart. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

In-season optimization and site-specific nitrogen management for soft red winter wheat

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 96(1), 124–134.

By: M. Flowers*, R. Weisz n, R. Heiniger n, D. Osmond n & C. Crozier n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Tracking phosphorus response of cotton

Better Crops With Plant Food, 87(4), 20.

By: C. Crozier, B. Walls, D. Hardy & J. Barnes

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Sulfate reduction in Louisiana marsh soils of varying salinities

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33(1-2), 79–94.

By: R. DeLaune*, I. Devai*, C. Crozier* & P. Kelle*

Source: Crossref
Added: February 24, 2020

2001 article

Optimizing nitrogen application timing in no-till soft red winter wheat

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 93, pp. 435–442.

By: R. Weisz n, C. Crozier* & R. Heiniger*

Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Fertilizer management impacts on stand establishment, disease, and yield of Irish potato

POTATO RESEARCH, 43(1), 49–59.

By: C. Crozier*, N. Creamer n & M. Cubeta*

author keywords: Solanum tuberosum L.; soil fertility; soluble salts; plant spacing; Rhizoctonia
TL;DR: Greenhouse results suggest that potato growth and emergence, but not shoot initation, are reduced by high salinity, and on a Portsmouth fine sandy loam, high fertilizer rates did not reduce stands of cv. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Influence of soil calcium, potassium, and pH on development of leaf tipburn of cabbage in eastern North Carolina


By: M. Cubeta n, B. Cody n, R. Sugg* & C. Crozier n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Evaluating soil compaction with a portable electronic cone penetrometer

HortTechnology, 9(3), 440.

By: C. Crozier, R. Heiniger & M. Bishop

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Influence of seedpiece spacing and population on yield, internal quality, and economic performance of Atlantic, Superior, and Snowden potato varieties in eastern North Carolina


By: N. Creamer n, C. Crozier n & M. Cubeta n

author keywords: stand establishment; heat necrosis; hollow heart; Solanum tuberosum
TL;DR: Economic analyses of data suggest that growers can significantly increase profit/hectare by optimizing spacing and populations with Atlantic and seedpiece populations in Superior. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Nutrient and pH stratification with conventional and no-till management


By: C. Crozier n, G. Naderman n, M. Tucker* & R. Sugg*

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Potato production on wide beds: Impact on held and selected soil physical characteristics


By: C. Mundy n, N. Creamer n, C. Crozier n & L. Wilson n

author keywords: Solanum tuberosum; soil moisture; soil temperature; yield; compaction; Atlantic; North Carolina; cone index
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1998 journal article

Tracing nitrogen movement in corn production systems in the North Carolina Piedmont: A nitrogen-15 study

AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 90(2), 171–177.

By: C. Crozier*, L. King n & R. Volk n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1993 journal article



By: C. Crozier* & L. King n

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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