2007 journal article
Cross-Professional Partnerships: Innovation in Continuing Education for Social Workers and Extension Educators
Educational Gerontology, 33(10), 833–853.
2006 journal article
Infusing aging content across the curriculum: Innovations in baccalaureate social work education
2004 journal article
Increasing the cultural responsiveness of family group conferencing
SOCIAL WORK, 49(2), 291–300.
2002 journal article
A case of program assessment and renewal: Building partnerships with social work advisory councils
Arete, 26(2), 72–83.
2000 conference paper
Family group conferencing: Building partnerships with African American, Latino/Hispa?os, and Native American families and communities
1999 Family Group Decision Making National Roundtable and International Evaluation Conference: Summary proceedings, Seattle, WA, May 12, 13 & 14, 1999, 49–54. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association, Children's Division.
2000 conference paper
Partnership-building evaluation in Newfoundland/Labrador and North Carolina
1999 Family Group Decision Making Roundtable and International Conference on Evaluating Family Group Decision Making: Summary of the Proceedings, 129–132. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association, Children's Division.
1997 journal article
Social work roles in Barbados, increased responsibilities, decreased rewards: Two U.S. social workers
Black Caucus, (1997 Fall).
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